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Who downvotes the MediaBiasFactCheck bot?

Who would do such a thing? And why? The poor little fella is just doing it's job...

Is there a webplatform for searching the items of local shops?
  • It's not perfect but eBay lets you sort your search results by distance.

  • Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
  • The mods sure are on the insanity spectrum.

  • Spider identification
  • Cheiracanthium mildei would be my guess. But those usually don't jump. (Hard to tell/ not an expert)

  • I'm a recent darktable convert
  • I'm seriously doubting the image quality bit

  • Removed
    I Just Don’t See Trans Women As Women
  • Hi, sex is not gender. Best regards

  • Now that ChatGPT is being trained using Reddit posts
  • ChatGPT trained used Reddit posts -> ChatGPT goes temporarily “insane”

    Coincidence? I don't think so.

  • Kein Hacker-Angriff, sondern einfach mit am Tisch sitzen: So hörte Russland die Taurus-Gespräche ab
  • "Das Internet ist für uns alle Neuland." Angela Merkel 2013

  • Odysseus has less than a day left on the Moon before it freezes to death
  • Actually they reinvented the wheel a little bit by being the first spacecraft that used cryogenic propellant for a multi day mission/moon landing. When you look into it, what they've achieved is still very impressive, even if NASA did much of the heavy lifting.

  • Odysseus has less than a day left on the Moon before it freezes to death
  • And it's doing it for around 0,05% of the price. (~$250 billion adjusted for inflation for Apollo 1 vs ~$120 million for IM-1)

  • Nach 18 Jahren: „Vice Deutschland“ wird eingestellt
  • Vice war mal großartig.

  • French military has determined that Ukraine used a US-made Patriot missile on plane carrying Ukrainian POWs – AP
  • Media outlets confirmed that Saddam Hussein was definitely building nuclear missiles? I'm not sure that's what actually happend. But regardless: There's no reason to believe in anything without conclusive evidence or proof.

  • French military has determined that Ukraine used a US-made Patriot missile on plane carrying Ukrainian POWs – AP
  • I'm just not very interested in partaking in you gish gallop about what Russia does, knows and thinks, Polish farmers, or screenshots with red boxes that when you read the actual thing refute your argument in the first paragraph.

    You're so damn sure about your narrative and you don't have any reason to be, except a statement from the Russian govt.

    Instead of applying a tiny bit of logic, try some critical thinking.

  • French military has determined that Ukraine used a US-made Patriot missile on plane carrying Ukrainian POWs – AP
  • You should research where the plane was shot down and in which direction it was flying.

  • O/Y - Achromasie [minimal-electro-edm]
    China's War on Maps (Johnny Harris)

    Why Everyone’s Mad About China’s New Map

    RIP Luna-25 Russia's first lunar mission in 47 years smashes into the moon in failure

    Russia's first moon mission in 47 years failed when its Luna-25 space craft spun out of control and crashed into the moon after a problem preparing for pre-landing orbit, underscoring the post-Soviet decline of a once mighty space programme.

    Russia's first lunar mission in 47 years smashes into the moon in failure

    Nice try tho. Better luck next time

    All Creatures Welcome (2018) hacker culture documentary movie CCC [01:26:51] All Creatures Welcome

    <p>All Creatures Welcome sketches a utopian image of society in the digital era. Accompanied by the appeal to “use hacking as a min...</p>

    All Creatures Welcome

    All Creatures Welcome sketches a utopian image of society in the digital era. Accompanied by the appeal to “use hacking as a mindset,” the viewers immerse themselves, together with the filmmaker, in a documentary adventure game and explore the world of digital communities at the events held by the Chaos Computer Club; a real-world reflection of the virtual spectrum.

    read more

    Together with the filmmaker and the slogan"use hacking as a mindset" we immerse in a documentary adventure game and explore the world of Komputerfrieks, as they used to call themselves at the inaugural meeting of the Chaos Computer Club in 1981. We come upon an open, free-spirited society. The events of the CCC are a kind of utopian real-world reflection of the virtual spectrum. We encounter angels, activists, robots, coders and makers. We learn what a hack is, why lockpicking can be important, how a cellular system works. We dive into the game and become part of the community that is as inclusive as it is sophisticated. Still outside of this collective the challenges are immense in an era, in which political certainties and institutions increasingly erode. Models of governance, economics, social order, technology and science are being put into question 24/7. With the internet’s rules of conduct, national laws are being repealed and transformed into global structures. While the worldwide web would structurally actually allow a radical renewal of democracy, changing it from representation to participation, more and more states are drifting towards authoritarian societies in political reality. In the course of that process, en passant the largest surveillance machinery of human history has been created. We see how the hacker culture meets these challenges and what inner contradictions it encounters. We learn that our lives are not determined by general, given truths but actually through the way we work, develop ourselves, suffer or dream. The events of the CCC become a possible blueprint of social upheaval. Self-organization, freedom of expression and critical discussion merge in a colorful, polyphonic chorus apart from social norms and capitalist constraints: "Be excellent to each other!“

    raunz raunz

    Damn it's cozy here.\ I wear Lemmygrad downvotes as a badge of honor.

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