It is a program that allows you to torrent stream live sport events… I use it to watch UFC PPVs for example.
A lot of people use it to watch football/soccer
I had not heard of this one yet, just gave it a try and I like it. Thank you!
Will be very interested in trying this out, I like using Orion on my phone...
I tried this but it looked too strange on KDE since it is a gnome app. My cursor becomes 10x the size
There is also a magnify feature you can try to have it zoom in, you can find this under Controller settings> bind some button > System > toggle magnifier
I did this for a diff app. And did a back paddle that I have to hold for 3 seconds
You can change how far you zoom in or out under the regular steamdeck settings > display > Advanced > magnifier scale
I admit I have not tried this at all, but maybe check if there is a key combination to go full screen for FreeTube and map that key combination to a button! That's what I would do
Hopefully this will drive even more users to switch over. I find myself finding Reddit less useful as time passes by
Trying out to linux app but it is quite buggy. Try to type a search then a video just starts loading for no reason
This doesn't quite answer your question but I really like my Framework 13”. But that is not the kind of device you are looking for.
But I am just throwing out there - there is new products being announced by Framework 2-25 and there is speculation of possibly a yoga type laptop. Maybe it would fit what you are looking for!
If it is a new chassis that will still fit my 13 board/parts, I will be 'upgrading'. Also new improved speakers will be welcomed. I have a first gen and the dents in my chassis are starting to become an eye sore.
I also hope they bring a new bezel color that I would like. Still kicking myself for not pulling the trigger on the transparent one back in the day