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  • Wenn sich im Rehkadaver Bakterien vermehren, weitergeschwemmt werden und von anderen Tieren getrunken werden. Für Menschen natürlich Gott sei Dank weniger relevant, wenn man Wasser direkt aus Bächen trinkt muss man sich sowieso des Risikos bewusst sein.

    Die 2 cm Unterschreitung an einer Stelle sind alles was ich weiß. Natürlich könnte der Bauer mir Informationen unterschlagen haben, was ich allerdings bezweifle.

  • Weird geen rule
  • When I was in France, Cannes people were unironically not blinking at all. Like, none. Parking happened by driving until you hit the other car, every car had demolished bumpers and in the main streets there were three car repairers within like a hundred meters, all full.

    If you ever wondered why French cars are deemed so unreliable: The French really are skewing the statistics.

  • ich🐺🏹iel
  • Also für ein Reh ist besser wenn's sofort getötet wird als wenn es zuerst gebissen wird damit es erkrankt und dann später getötet wird. Aber ja, die Natur ist brutal, kann man also von mir aus noch rechtfertigen. Man sollte trotzdem nicht vergessen, dass für die Rehe ein "unnatürlicher" Tod durch einen Jäger in der Regel angenehmer ist - Tierwohl ist ein Argument gegen den Wolf.

    Bzgl Zäune: Dann muss man den Bauern gegebenenfalls (mit finanzieller und tatkräftiger Hilfe) dabei helfen. Aber so ein Fall wie zB wie vorhin erwähnt mein Bekannter nichts bekommen hat weil eine kleine Stelle beim Zaun um 2 cm unter der Richtlinie war führt natürlich zu Widerstand der Bauern gegen Wölfe.

    Wobei ein Wolf auch über hohe Zäune kommt (bzw durch die Zäune) wenn er will, letztendlich schafft nur ein Hütehund wirklich Abhilfe. Diese sind aber sehr teuer, müssten also definitiv vom Staat subventioniert werden, wenn man mehr Wölfe haben möchte.

    Und auch wenn es zu einem gewissen Grad irrational ist fühle ich mich wenn ich irgendwo im nirgendwo wandern bin vA nachts trotzdem sicherer, wenn ich weiß, dass kein Wolf in der Nähe ist. Auch ein halbgefressenes Reh (hab ich grad vor ca einem Monat gefunden) ist kein schöner Fund und kann zu Seuchen führen, wenn es in einen Bach hineinrutscht.

  • How many Germans do you need to change a lightbulb?
  • I'm not saying I agree with Germany's reasoning, just wanted to explain it.

    Alle Muslime und Araber werden zur Befreiung von Palästina und zur Unterstützung der Hamas im Kampf gegen eine postulierte „zionistische Invasion“ aufgerufen. Dabei wird auf ein traditionelles Hadith hingewiesen, das zum Töten aller Juden aufruft

    Paraphrasing: All Muslims and Arabs are called for the liberation of Palestine and the support of Hamas in the fight against the "Zionist Invasion". A traditional Hadith is being referred to that calls for killing all Jews.

    It's not a "could be shot" it's a "will be shot" at the front or "will be put in a KZ" when being against the regime at home. Only very few people dared to unite in underground organisations to do something against the regime, without success. That's how fascism works: Rule through fear.

    Fleeing needs money and a friendly country (for example people, especially Jews, who fled to Switzerland were sent right back, typically directly to a KZ or to the front).

    Hurting yourself has a high probability of getting you killed 1. because you aren't worth much anymore to the fascist regime and 2. to prevent others from doing the same.

    Defecting when the own side is winning is suicide (after losing the battle with the other site your previous allies won't be happy to see you). Defecting when the own side is losing has a high chance of getting you killed by the other side for revenge.

    Yes, the people who did it all voluntarily are fascists.

    If someone was brought to Vietnam against his own will and only is fighting there to survive himself I really wouldn't call him a criminal. More like a victim of the system, but there's not much else he could do in that situation. And by that logic every soldier in every war unless they're defending their own country is a criminal, including the Allies when they invaded Germany at the end of WW2 which obviously isn't the case.

  • Removing Windows. Choosing a new daily driver for a gaming PC
  • Realistically one option: Java edition (why would I play bedrock)

    (But I was asking for a distro recommendation, not a Minecraft recommendations. Ty though.)

    I'm assuming when my only game is Minecraft I don't need bleeding edge support, right? Just any stable linux distro should work fine?

  • To Americans: How far apart is everything in the US?
  • Damn

    Rothbard opposed egalitarianism and the civil rights movement, and blamed women's voting and activism for the growth of the welfare state.[24][25][10][11] He promoted historical revisionism and befriended the Holocaust denier Harry Elmer Barnes.[26][27][28] Later in his career, Rothbard advocated a libertarian alliance with paleoconservatism (which he called paleolibertarianism), favoring right-wing populism and describing David Duke and Joseph McCarthy as models for political strategy.[29][30][24][31] In the 2010s, he received renewed attention as an influence on the alt-right.[32][10][33][34]

    Oh and bicycling also wasn't popular in Europe when my grandfather was young (50s/60s), when you were cycling people thought you were too poor to buy a motorcycle. But mindsets can change, now bicycling is hugely popular both for moving around (especially in cities) and for sports.

  • ich🐺🏹iel
  • Größere Beutetiere werden zunächst an den Hinterläufen angegriffen und versucht niederzuziehen. Gelingt es in der Folge nicht, das Stück unmittelbar zu töten, kann es vorkommen, dass die Wölfe es krank werden lassen. Nach einer Wartezeit wird das betreffende Stück erneut angegriffen. Ist die Beute dann ausreichend geschwächt, wird sie schließlich getötet.


    Rehe, die in Deutschland die Hauptnahrung des Wolfes darstellen, werden ebenfalls zumeist durch Anschleichen oder lauernd gejagt. In einer skandinavischen Untersuchung wurde bei Rehen eine durchschnittliche Fluchtdistanz von 237 m ermittelt. In 47 % der Fälle waren die Versuche der Wölfe erfolgreich (WIKENROS et al. 2009). Die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Erbeutung steigt im Winter mit der Höhe des Schnees (JEDRZEJEWSKI et al 2002).


    Unnatürlich hohe Dichten von Beute auf kleiner Fläche führen bei Füchsen, Mardern oder auch Wölfen zum „Blutrausch“.


    Diese Dichten können auch sehr selten bei wildlebenden Tieren zustande kommen und auch dann kommt es zum Überschusstöten.


    Denn tierische Prädatoren jagen, um zu überleben. Der menschliche Jäger indes soll und muss sich davon unterscheiden. Denn er hat im Gegensatz dazu die Wahl. Unser diesbezügliches Verhalten sollte unabhängig von sachlichen Zwängen, also von eigenen Wertevorstellungen gelenkt sein. Das tierschutzgerechte Nachstellen und Töten von Wildtieren muss sich an diesen zweifellos hohen Normen messen lassen. Jagd ist ethisch gesehen nur dann vertretbar, wenn es gelingt diese Standards zu erfüllen.ürlich hohe Dichten von Beute,später auch genutzt werden kann.

    Recht sachlicher Ansatz aus Jägerssicht

  • ich🐺🏹iel
  • Wobei ein Jäger gezielt die Tiere, die zu viel sind mit einem schnellen Tod rausschießt während ein Wolf im Blutrausch teilweise fünf oder noch mehr abbeißt, wobei bis auf eines von dem er frisst alle anderen langsam ausbluten. Fürs Tierwohl ist ein Jäger besser als ein Wolf, das Gegenargument ist natürlich dass es schön ist, wenn man eine Spezies (Wölfe) erhalten kann.

  • Europe weakens wolf protection in "major blow to science and biodiversity after vote by EU member states", environmental advocacy says
  • I assume you're hinting mass producing farms, those aren't affected by wolves anyway (and cattle isn't, it's more about smaller animals like sheep). The ones who are affected are the ones who don't have as many animals but let them be outside.

    To prevent being affected by wolves they could of course keep their sheep indoors, but then they aren't getting organic meat certificates anymore leading to less money, requiring them to keep much more sheep. Which is not what should be encouraged.

  • Europe weakens wolf protection in "major blow to science and biodiversity after vote by EU member states", environmental advocacy says
  • This isn't about humans but about farmers. Someone I know just recently told me that they lost a few sheep to a wolf attack. Of course they wanted to be refunded, but the officials who checked if he's eligible for a refund found one short area where his fence was 2 cm too low, therefore he didn't get anything. He sold his remaining animals and stopped, just like a few of his colleagues who'd stopped before already.

    This decision isn't because of wolves but because the system didn't work.

  • How many Germans do you need to change a lightbulb?
  • Name me one country that spends more effort than Germany on critically reviewing its history. Austria doesn't count since it's basically the same in that context.

    I won't get into an Israel discussion now, not enough time. I'll just say both sides are doing horrible things (I'm not defending Israel but I'm absolutely not supporting the Hamas either - the IDF declared their goal as wiping out the Hamas while the Hamas declared their goal as wiping out all Jews on earth - do you see why Germany has a hard time not condemning that? By no longer supporting Israel they'd basically be saying "sure, go ahead, wipe out the Jews").

    About the Wehrmacht: There were enough people who didn't want to fight but knew they'd be shot if they refused. Who tried to stay ethical, to avoid civilians etc. There also were enough people who were so radicalised that they really thought killing civilians in foreign countries was fine. Usually massacres were done by the SS though, and even there you could be forcefully drafted near the end of the war (I think 1944?). And yet many people joined voluntarily because they somehow believed it was the right thing to do.

    Now of course when you go to Germany many people's grandfather or grandgrandfather will have fought in the second world war. The ones who knew or at least assume that theirs was in the group I mentioned first (forcefully drafted, choosing between fighting and dying) are vocal about it when this matter is being discussed, while the ones who knew or assume that theirs was in the latter group obviously aren't as vocal about it. That's how the clean Wehrmacht myth appeared, but of course all schools in Germany make sure to tell everyone that it absolutely wasn't clean, so apart from some far far right groups you won't meet anyone who says that the Wehrmacht did nothing wrong (but you will find people who - rightfully - say that not everyone in it was a war criminal and Nazi).

  • How many Germans do you need to change a lightbulb?
  • Germany is one of the few countries that actually very critically review their own history and spend a lot of effort on teaching younger generations the horrors of war (and of national socialism obviously).

    (Meanwhile Japan just recently wanted Germany to remove a memorial statue for the women in Japanese prostitution camps, and made a contract with China to remove one there)

    „Nie wieder“ - "never again"

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