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  • there is already a similar paid tool for this, not very popular, not as advanced because it doesn't use AI:

  • technology Technology

    Ask HN: Can we create a new internet where search engines are irrelevant?

    poetry Poetry

    a limerick by Eugene Umberger

    jokes Jokes

    Some funny quotes from the game series Tropico

    artificial_intel AI

    Turing Talk 2019 - Engineering a fair future: Why we need to train unbiased AI

    unixporn unixporn

    The old Acme editor of plan9 OS

    gaming Gaming

    Blizzard Is Worse Than You Thought

    linux Linux

    Partitioning Your Linux Drives: Does It Provide Any Benefits?

    dankmemes Dank Memes

    Eye and the brain

    jokes Jokes


    • I was walking past a prison the other day, and I saw a dwarf in an orange jumpsuit shimmying down the side of the building.🏢
    • I thought to myself, “now that’s a little con descending.”