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Deutschland schiebt Hunderte Asylbewerber in die Türkei ab
  • Die meines wissens größte kurdische politische Partei in der Türkei, die HDP wird allgemein als PKK nah bzw. sogar als der politische Arm der PKK bezeichnet.

    Es ist ein gewaltiger Unterschied ob jemand "PKK nah" oder ein aktives Mitglied ist. Reine PKK nähe ist meines Wissens nach kein automatischer Asyl Ablehnungsgrund, aber sicher wird das nun bei der Abschiebung gerne als Grund genannt werden.

    Ich finde es erlich gesagt sehr anmaßend von dir was du hier über mich annimmst basierend auf wenigen und noch dazu völlig fehlinterpretierten Sätzen.

  • Hives
  • Drywall is pretty much the same, so yes, you can, and the typical US McMasion is pretty menacing in its environmental impact (and looks shit as well).

  • Deutschland schiebt Hunderte Asylbewerber in die Türkei ab
  • Gehts noch? Was interpretierst du bitte hier in meine Nachricht hinein was ich weder geschrieben noch gemeint habe?

    Um Asyl zu bekommen muss man nachweisen das man konkret im Herkunftsland aus politischen oder ähnlichen Gründen verfolgt wird. Das trifft bei der Türkei vor allem bei politisch aktiven Kurden zu.

  • static website generator
  • Maybe

    But Hugo is fine, no need to use all the advanced features.

  • America’s Hurricane Luck Is Running Out
  • You have not read the article, right?

    This is explicitly referring to this hurricane season that has all the ingredients to be especially bad, but due to shere luck hasn't so far.

  • Deutschland schiebt Hunderte Asylbewerber in die Türkei ab
  • Naja, möglicherweise überwiegend PKK nahe Kurden, denn wer sonst hat chance auf Asyl?

  • An Eco-Socialist Education Agenda
  • Some good ideas, and most of it wouldn't even be expensive. It's a bit sad how education bureaucracy kills most of such initiatives in my experience.

  • Creative use for damaged solar panels with micro-fractures JoD (

    Attached: 2 images One of the #solar panels for the awning arrived with microfractures. It can’t be returned, resold or recycled because of manufacturing constraints. I asked if we could keep it because I had “an idea”. I love my idea. We’re using a resin to solidify the cracks and now we have a ...

    JoD (
    Forscher über den Blog „Nachdenkseiten“: „Ein Propaganda-Instrument des BSW“
  • Leider ähnlich wie Telepolis in den letzten Jahren merkwürdig abgedriftet. Aber einfach nur die "Putin-narrativ" Keule zu schwingen finde ich dann doch etwas platt... und überhaupt sollte die Taz was ideologische Einfärbung und Parteinähe angeht vielleicht erstmal bei sich selbst schauen.

  • Phanpy - A minimalistic opinionated Mastodon web client.
  • Works great with Akkoma as well.

  • After a year of operation, Switzerland's government closes its Mastodon instance
  • It has pretty much stagnated in the English speaking part of the internet, and only saw a huge boost in popularity in Brazil recently (due to Twitter being newly banned there).

  • Habeck im Interview: "Wir sind noch lange nicht zu Ende"
  • Diese Grafik ist leider sehr irreführend da sie die Nichtwähler nicht anbildet. Einige der "neuen" Parteien mobilisieren zu nicht unerheblichem Maße ein Nichtwählerpotenzial was natürlich starken Einfluss auf die relativen Prozente der anderen Parteien hat.

  • Habeck im Interview: "Wir sind noch lange nicht zu Ende"
  • Die sind nicht erst jetzt abgesprungen, das ist ja schon seit der Schröderregierung klar das die Grünen keine pazifistische Partei mehr sind. Mag sein das sich die Erkenntnis bei einigen Älteren nur langsam und wiederwillig durchsetzt, aber wegen Pazifismus haben die Grünen sicher keine neuen Wähler in den letzten 20 Jahren bekommen.

  • „Es ist besser, wenn sich unsere Wege jetzt trennen“: Vorstand der Grünen Jugend tritt geschlossen zurück und verlässt die Partei

    Mal schauen wie sich das weiter entwickelt.

    Bei der rest Linke gibt es ja auch genug Frustpotential eventuell was Neues zu probieren jetzt wo der rechte Rand in das BSW abgewandert ist.

  • „Es ist besser, wenn sich unsere Wege jetzt trennen“: Vorstand der Grünen Jugend tritt geschlossen zurück und verlässt die Partei
  • Als nicht mehr Grünenwähler seit 2 Jahrzehnten kann ich nur sagen: bei der Partei ist es eh hoffnungslos.

  • MSI laptop fan control
  • CoreCtrl might also work.

  • Acid? On wooden shelves in shed - how to fix?
  • Hmm, this kind of stuff is usually a result of water acting as a solvent pulling salts and similar substances from a substrate and later evaporating, leaving the powder behind.

    It is probably something that was used to treat the plywood or a combination of that with the zinc coating of the metal (zinc-sulfate?).

    Edit: probably sodium-borate, as that seems to be prone to leaching from wood treated with it.

  • Mirror Hall: peer-to-peer screen sharing between Linux devices
  • If I remember correctly, it needs KDE 6.x to offer the option to create a new fake screen as an output.

  • The Insurance Apocalypse Is Upon Us The Insurance Apocalypse Is Upon Us

    As climate change intensifies extreme weather and claims pile up, insurance companies are raising their rates and limiting their coverage. This leaves those who can least afford insurance unprotected as climate disasters grow more frequent and severe.

    The Insurance Apocalypse Is Upon Us
    Mirror Hall: peer-to-peer screen sharing between Linux devices Mirror Hall: peer-to-peer screen sharing between Linux devices

    Tinkering with Linux on mobile devices quite a bit, the growing pile of Linux tablets and phones on my desk often looks underutilized. I wish I could wire some of those lonely black slabs together and extend my monitor, or why not, use them as controllers for my desktop windows in a half PARC Tab, h...

    Breathe New Life into Your Old Home Router Breathe New Life into Your Old Home Router

    If you have an old router lying around, you can put it to good use with a few easy projects and learn something along the way.

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    Ein Wettlauf der Schäbigkeit ist in vollem Gange, der Orientierungsverlust der Regierung evident – nicht nur beim „Sicherheitspaket“. Wo sind die Stimmen der SPD, der Grünen und der „Bürgerrechtspartei“ FDP, wenn es um ihre politischen Überzeugungen geht? Stefan Brink liest der Ampel-Regierung die L...

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    Verhindere, dass die AfD den Landtag in Brandenburg blockiert. Wähle dafür strategisch. Checke jetzt deine PLZ für deine Landtagswahl-Empfehlung!

    Das Schlimmste verhindern – jetzt taktisch wählen!

    Für die Brandenburgwahl.

    An Anti-fascist Guide to the US 2024 Election An Anti-fascist Guide to the US 2024 Election

    An analysis from Atlanta Antifascists on the upcoming US election and how it might influence and accelerate state repression and far-Right violence. As a militant anti-fascist group, we have never endorsed any electoral candidate, and that will not change with this election. However, elections can i...

    An Anti-fascist Guide to the US 2024 Election
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    Interview mit dem Politikpsychologen Thomas Kliche über "politische Ängste", die AfD und das schwindende Vertrauen in Demokratie und Staat

    "Politische Angst": Politikpsychologe Kliche kritisiert die Ampel-Koalition | MDR.DE
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    Buy/Stream ’Miracle (Acoustic Mix)': Buy Limited Edition 'OceanLab: The Anthology' Vinyl Box Set:

    OceanLab - Miracle (Acoustic Mix)
    Solar will get too cheap to connect to the power grid. Solar will get too cheap to connect to the power grid.

    The cost of solar panels is plummeting, and this will flood the power grid with cheap electricity. But that’s just Act 1. We won’t stop building solar at the limits of the grid - we’ll build a lot more. This post explains why we'll keep building more,

    Solar will get too cheap to connect to the power grid.
    They're Making Solar Panels... Work at Night.

    Only evening hours actually, but pretty cool idea.

    For the first time, humans were exposed to a deadly combination of heat and humidity. For the first time, humans were exposed to a deadly combination of heat and humidity. Here's how long they lasted

    Heatwaves loom as a growing threat to humanity in a warming climate. This summer alone, in the northern hemisphere, thousands have died during extreme heat events. It's driving researchers to find out more about the point when heat turns deadly.

    For the first time, humans were exposed to a deadly combination of heat and humidity. Here's how long they lasted
    For the first time, humans were exposed to a deadly combination of heat and humidity. For the first time, humans were exposed to a deadly combination of heat and humidity. Here's how long they lasted

    Heatwaves loom as a growing threat to humanity in a warming climate. This summer alone, in the northern hemisphere, thousands have died during extreme heat events. It's driving researchers to find out more about the point when heat turns deadly.

    For the first time, humans were exposed to a deadly combination of heat and humidity. Here's how long they lasted
    Kampfgefährtinnen - Die ganze Doku Kampfgefährtinnen - Die ganze Doku | ARTE

    Mit gerade einmal Anfang 20 haben sie sich einer Sache verschrieben, die größer ist als sie selbst: dem Schutz unseres Planeten und seiner Ökosysteme. Sechs junge Aktivistinnen aus verschiedenen Ländern, die sich an vorderster Front für den Umweltschutz einsetzen: Luisa Neubauer, Léna Lazare, Anuna ...

    Kampfgefährtinnen - Die ganze Doku | ARTE
    SLRPNK Community Discussion - September 2024

    New Communities

    This month two new communities sprouted from the SLRPNK soil: ! by first time moderator, and ! by veteran contributor

    We're excited for both of these communities. Hydroponics allows solarpunks to practice cultivation even in urban environments. It also appears Hydro's close relative Aquaponics (a closer to closed loop system that involves aquatic life) is also welcome there. This technology may be the key to reducing food transportation pollution, and allow our civilization to rewild much of the land that is now dominated by industrial agriculture.

    Fungus has always been part of the solarpunk/lunarpunk aesthetic, and the related aesthetic ! The ! community takes this in a much more practical direction, with a focus on how technologies that incorporate fungus can provide an alternative to plastic, leather, and other problematic materials, as well as provide fuel and clean our air and water. Thanks for your regular posts and comment contributions.

    We look forward to the verdant growth of both of these communities.

    Solidarity with Lemmy.World Vegans

    Administration and moderation is necessary, but difficult and underappreciated. SLRPNK has strict guidelines on behavior we don't tolerate on this instance, such as fascism, racism or genocide denial, but we avoid broadening those limits so that we can encourage people with a wide variety of ideas, ideologies, and beliefs to discuss their differences in good faith. We delegate most of the responsibility for keeping a community healthy to the moderators of each community. We have consistently supported the moderators when their decisions have been challenged, even if we don't personally agree with the decision. As admins, we could not keep an instance this large so full of productive conversation without the bond of trust we've built with SLRPNK moderators to consistently respect their agency and judgement.

    Federation means that each instance can have its own rules and culture, and we don't seek to impose our rules and culture on the instances of others. We typically don't comment on the behavior of admins and moderators on remote instances.

    Lemmy.World is a special case, as it is the largest and best known threaded discussion forum in the Fediverse. It is the default instance for mobile apps like Voyager, and it is the instance that outsiders tend to think of when they characterize the Threadiverse. This puts an unenviable burden of responsibility on the admins of this central instance.

    For a more detailed account, you can follow this post in !, but to summarize, a Lemmy.World moderator reversed the actions of !vegan@LW mods, and then de-modded them. They were re-moded after the admin apologized once he realized the vegan comments he removed were supported by science. LW is now changing their TOS and Site Bylaws, and Threadiverse vegans are justifiably concerned with the implications of these changes.

    The Fediverse is a progressive social movement. People who practice veganism play an essential role in all progressive social movements, and are a valued part of what makes the Fediverse great. This is non-negotiable and should be obvious, even if one doesn't agree with some of their beliefs.

    We federate with VeganTheoryClub and and federate with World while VeganTheoryClub does not. We welcome vegan refugees and host a ! community actively moderated by SLRPNK member Joining SLRPNK means sharing a space with non-vegans, and the potential friction that entails. If you justifiably want less of that, we recommend having a look at the two above mentioned instances.

    Federation with Mastodon issues

    With a recent change in Lemmy v.0.19.4/5 Lemmy started to add a (hidden in the Lemmy interface) hashtag of the community name to each post. The results is much better visibility of Lemmy posts from ActivityPub Microblogging software like Mastodon that use hashtags for discoverability.

    This has various implications for us here on Lemmy. First of all when creating a new community, you should consider the choosing the community name according to the hashtag you would like to have associated with it.

    This higher visibility across the Fediverse also comes with downsides, especially when the community name happens to be a popular hashtag. A new community post will appear to Mastodon users (that have subscribed to the specific hashtag) completely out of context as they can not easily see other posts in the same community, nor have visibility of the details outlined in the sidebar, sticky threads etc. Other comments on the same posts are also often invisible to Mastodon users due to the lack of back-filling support on that software. So let's try to be a bit understanding with remote users handicapped that way.

    Of course, this wider reach also has attracted some unwanted trolling from microblogging instances that previously didn't really bother to interact with Lemmy communities. As a result, we already identified an instance that we decided to defederate from due to repeated trolling from their members, and we will likely have to be on the lookout for further ones.

    Photon as primary frontend for SLRPNK?

    You might be aware of the alternative Photon frontend we have been running for a while now. It recently surpassed the default web-UI from Lemmy in regards to available features and general usability. It is also significantly better maintained than the official Lemmy frontend, which has been languishing for a while now, with work on a full rewrite being prioritized.

    We are therefore considering to make Photon our primary frontend that people will reach when navigating to the root domain. The transition should be seamless and we would likely continue running the original frontend as an alternative on a subdomain. Of course, other apps will continue working as usual.

    We would therefore like you to try out the current version and give us feedback on this general plan. No final decision has been made yet, so get your voice heard. And if you are interested in making a custom color theme for us, you can do so right inside the Photon theme settings easily. Please don't hesitate to post the results here!

    Technical Updates

    There are currently some technical issues with our database NVMe drives. This will likely entail some shorter down-times as we need to install additional heat sinks and probably replace one of these SSDs. After monitoring the drive utilisation and talking to other Lemmy admins, we are a bit worried about the long-term sustainability of running Lemmy. Very little effort seems to have gone into optimizing database writes, resulting in an excessively high load compared to other fediverse software. SSDs by their technical design only have a limited quantity of writes they can do during their lifetime, so optimizing this is quite essential to avoid having to replace them regularly.

    There is also a login issue with our wiki, that we need to get around fixing. Sorry for the delay in tackling that issue, but various other things came up unexpectedly in recent weeks, so that had to be put on the back-burner.

    We also started blocking common bots from large tech companies known for AI scraping. For now it is a rather simple block based on the user-agent they report themselves, so the bad actors can easily get around it. We are still investigating further means to improve this, although for now it isn't that high of a priority.

    Open Discussion

    It’s now your turn to tell us what’s new! Any topic related to this community, our infrastructure, or the Fediverse at large is fair game. If you’ve created a new community, this is a great thread to tell us about it. All comments will get extra visibility up until the beginning of next month. Got questions? Ask’em!

    poVoq poVoq

    Admin on the Lemmy instance.

    He/Him or what ever you feel like.


    Avatar is an image of a baby octopus.

    Posts 799
    Comments 2.5K