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Goodbye SASS, welcome back native CSS
  • It‘s used in Facebooks css. Remembered it from a nice article from Ahmad Shadeed. And while this limbo sure has some usefulness, it‘s way too obscure to use for the fun of it.

    To add to this: CSS really has come a long way. This border-radius example can be done with Container Queries by now, which has quite good support already.

  • Elon Musk backs AfD party in German newspaper opinion piece
  • I‘m wondering a bit to see so few mentions of the AfDs anti-EU stance in this context. Since a lot of EU legislations pose a considerable threat to the tech-oligopolies, a push for deregulation sure can be inferred as financially motivated.

  • What successful or popular movie that many loved you just HATE?
  • Into the Wild. So much potential in this story and general theme, but cinematically so overloaded with pathos and clichés. Overly scattered storytelling, restlessly leaping through space and time leaving no pause to connect with nature. The film has its strengths but a lot of people I know mentioned it as one of their favorites and couldn’t accept that I found it rather mediocre. (Didn’t hate it though. So sorry for being off-topic)

  • Cloud Free Smart Home
  • I would go with Jellyfin as a server and Mopidy client as outputs. Like an rpi with an audio hat or class d amp hat. Planning to add Snapcast to the mix for multiroom audio but didn’t find the time yet.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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