I get why you would feel like a bad person. You stole and that's easily considered wrong. Feeling bad about that is natural.
I think you are allowed room for mistakes. And if something is a habit it is good to be kind to yourself. Cleaning up a long held bad habit can take longer than we expect.
My advice is that sometimes we realize we want to live differently, and that's awesome. You obviously want to give back and be kind to people. You are also very young and impulse control is a bitch. It doesn't finish developing till late 20s.
You'll make more mistakes in the future. You'll realize you've hurt people and that's okay, that's life. Just keep adjusting and don't be too hard on yourself.
Yeah at the end of the day I can agree. You need to be in a pretty remote alcove to not get trolled. It can end up as a big waste of time.
I agree that misinformation gets platformed. And that the information landscape we navigate naturally supports those who own it and have the most powerful megaphones.
I also don't believe that there is a perfect ideology. We would all have to be identical to make a perfect world. Though I do think that by making thoughtful connections we can process the world differently. And that how we see the world is how we navigate it.
Therefore, to be a healthy memeber of society you cannot protect your beliefs from criticism. To navigate a collective world you have to try and see others' maps. Otherwise you'll be baffled by the decisions of others, and you won't be able to communicate about important topics.
So direct, calm and curious conversations with those who disagree are vital to living in harmony. At least in my opinion. I don't think we can guess good enough, I'd rather ask directly.
How do you fight fascism without understanding why it's supporters do what they do?
Not OP, but personally I think diverse discussion is some of the more important work a person can participate in.
There is too much potential energy in our networks when we don't understand each other, and I support a calm controlled release of that energy. I am scared of how people will leverage that energy at the expense of many.
So I want to exist in a place of diverse thoughts so I can help the world calmy understand itself.
We doin wall sized screens now? No monitor that would fit on my desk needs 8k. I swear you gotta take a microscope to 4k to see the pixels.
Edit: can't we just do VR instead of building bigger screens? Seems cheaper.
That was interesting to read up on. Homie has some absolutely wild ideas. I saw a diagram that mentioned Socrates, the Clinton's, Einstein, and Jesus. Doesn't read like he was trying to control folks but I got no clue how he got there lmao.
I can't really tell if they are inside or on top of the sand grains. The sand is from a reservoir near me, so all the little guys are in water. Water apparently feels more viscous the smaller you are.
Are you trying to say that people being fired from Nvidia is more important than egg prices? Maybe let me check how many employees they have. Seems to be about 30k. Idk man comparing human experiences at this scale gets pretty sticky. Maybe it's just confirmation bias, but egg prices and by extension grocery prices are probably more important to the average person. Infact they even affect Nvidia employees that are fired.
I appreciate the support.
Well since 50% of Americans don't own stocks and 93% is owned by the top 10%, eggs definitely affect the average person more.
Just the dirt and water near me. Lots of fellas in there. You can check out some of my previous posts I've posted some videos.
My newest video uses the new camera.
I think ya went a little wide there homie. I'm sorry if you have had bad experiences but like I feel a little offended. Chan Zen is pretty anti indoctrination. Many Zen masters refused students and needed to be begged to teach.
Ooo if you are actually interested, the tradition of Chan Zen definitely has more to say than that. I see how Soto Zen may be seen that way with its intense focus on meditation. Also Soto Zen is way more known in the west than Chan.
I got a new camera for my microscope!!! More detail on all the little fellas.
What would make you happy?
Heck yeah, this is great
I accidentally suffocated a sample, then used it as food for another sample. Hope y'all like!
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This would change everything.
I've never looked that close, but now that I have I'm on your side.
Hey y'all, here's some very quick moving bacteria I found in a Reservoir near me.
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Hey friends, heres a diatom moving some dirt up and down it's body. This time we have a tounge drum and bongos in the background.
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Hey y'all, pretty sure this is a ciliate. I found him in a dirt sample I added a rice grain to.
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Heyo friends here's a video of a rotifer from some house plant water. I play my synth in the background.
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Thanks for the support last time. Idk how quick I'll make these, so if ya feel I'm clogging your feed tell me. I'll post less.
Edit: also does anyone know if the rotifer is pooping or laying an egg or what at 5:51 in the video?
Heres some fun synth noodles I did on the Deep Mind 12.
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cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/30802473
Heres a video of soil fellas from my back yard while I play my synth in the background.
Heres a video of soil fellas from my back yard while I play my synth in the background.
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