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3 wk. ago
  • No doubt it will be abused, but I will find ways around it. Receiving news from state-sponsored media isn't interference - I actively subscribe to it. A lot of Chinese people watch satellite channels, and I don't think the government is going to start jamming them any time soon. State media gives people the knowledge of what those governments think, and people can act on that information independently.

  • NZ Politics

    Why we must oppose the Foreign Interference Legislation

    This legislation is all about forcing a U.S. centric foreign policy on New Zealand, making it illegal to sympathise with anything other than the BBC or CNN official narrative. They will start harassing people at the airports and it will continue to get worse. Support for Palestine and Donbass are the targets here, but in the future SIS will go full McCarthyism over China. Once the government bans foreign media outlets, the next logical step is to ban anyone who operates independently as a journalist or activist, then the only views you will hear will be Israeli, Ukrainian or Taiwanese. Free speech, but only if you support the U.S. narrative. I look forward to battling SIS and defending free speech.

    NZ Politics

    New Zealand's commitment to opposing multi-polarity, in support of continued U.S. dominance

    I recently watched Guyon Espiner's interview with China's ambassador to New Zealand, Dr. Wang Xiaolong, and in the interview Wang Xiaolong didn't have anything good to say about America's role as the global policeman. In fact he went as far as calling them "the great interferer" and accused the United States of using "colour revolutions". A term which, in New Zealand, is usually considered a Russian propaganda term.

    Given the tremendous combined economic power of the BRICS nations I think that New Zealand should consider having equal relationships with countries, instead of taking sides as if we were still in the last century. There is absolutely no reason to sign onto crap like the AUKUS pillar two, which may involve getting involved in drone and missile production.

    On Reddit a while ago, people thought AUKUS was a great idea. In the newspaper, they whine that we are only getting pillar two. We won't even be getting nuclear subs, or deploying our navy in the next big war. How sad lo

  • Yo! It's all good if I necro-post? I think in general it isn't a bad idea to let people rent out a room and then advertise an event at their own expense?

    When Lord Monckton came to New Zealand and spoke at a private venue I went to that event. Climate change is an area of government policy which affects the economy and our lives. I oppose the crazy ideas that they have in Europe, like wanting to phase out petrol cars by 2035, and allowing EVs into some central city areas but banning petrol cars. These ideas must be challenged, because not everybody is a rich political elite, living in Wellington, who drives a car worth $20,000 - $120,000. I can't afford to buy a Nissan Leaf, and I don't want crazy climate change fanatics to go unchallenged. It isn't about "denial". Usually it's the case that we simply don't like certain policies because they are sometimes more of an ideological goal, a benchmark, rather than a certain reality.

    I disagree with your opinion that some views don't deserve a platform, or that some views deserve less time, or perhaps less reach. There's no reason to reduce the amount of speaking time, I mean are universities just short on time these days or something? In the worst scenario, I think that less popular speakers should be allowed a platform and access to a live stream. That way, even if they had a limited time slot, they could still talk for much longer via a stream, or something like that. Then people can follow the full speech and watch a replay, and not miss anything.

    We are reaching ridiculous levels of paranoia over free speech and foreign influence. I personally don't care about any debate about maori language or the treaty, it always attracts the same crowds of people. Instead of bickering over co-governance, why don't we just do something simple, like build houses that people can actually afford, so we don't have maori people living in poverty? Instead of bickering over power politics, do something useful. If people want to argue over stuff, let them, but I'm not interested in most of it.