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Israeli diaspora minister says Lebanon, Syria and Iraq are not a real countries.
  • If they're not a country you'd have to say that Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Myanmar, Yemen and so on are also not coutcries. Country is a country if it's internationally recognized as a country which is why Somaliland and Western Sahara are generally not considered countries but Lebanon is.

    Just because a country doesn't think another is not does not justify an invasion.

  • Working on a FOSS tool to convert raw work time data into a clean report for your boss or client. Any interest?
  • Don't know why you would jump to that conclusion straight away. Mín billable hours and time spent thinking on the problem is a thing. Taking regular 5m breaks (pomodoro technique) also helps with getting things done and so on and people should be paid for it.

    I mean, you should technically stop the clock if the wife calls to ask if there's pasta at home but nobody really cares.

    Adding significant amount of hours to a report would not be ethical but adjusting 10% to get paid for time laying in bed thinking about problems is still ethical from my point of view. It's way more value than most meetings.

    Your cultural context way vary.

  • Raise Wages? No Need — McDonald’s Is Hiring Inmates Instead
  • I want to take up his point. It's much more like medieval serfdom than slavery. Such as:

    • Shit salary instead of no salary.
    • Can't me sold.
    • Has rights (more than a slave, less than a free man)

    Although serfs were bound to the land unlike US prisoners where they can be transferred from location to location.

  • Exposing The Flaw In Our Phone System - YouTube
  • SS7 protocol for 2G and 3G is vulnerable to man in the middle attack, easy to spy on people with. They use a walled garden approach al the primary defence mechanism and you can gain access through in for the low low price of couple of thousands of USD.

    Couple of exploits are intercepting or monitoring calls and texts and triangulating position by checking what cell towers are in range.

  • Whats an unethical or dangerous experiment that you would like to see performed or perform (if it werent for the ethics/danger)
  • Tons of drug tests on children to know the exact effect they have on development. Also anti-aging research to see how much you can potentially slow down aging and how the self repair mechanism of children works with respect to aging. The results could really give us a great insight into aging well and being healthy later in life.

    To clarify, I don't want to see them done, performed, do them myself or anything adjacent because they're deeply wrong and dangerous.

  • Suffering
  • I think the point he's making is that anarchism is one big power vacuum and those are usually filled with warlords and power brokers. Anarchism can still exist within a state such as Christiania in Denmark and from what I've heard it works pretty well.

  • Sleeping tricks

    I'm looking for sleeping tricks and thought some other people here might have similar issues or good tricks. Can be anything from getting the motivation to go to sleep to actually tricks to falling asleep.

    My current trickbook is basically this:

    Podcasts, but it has to be in some goldilocks zone of interesting to enough to keep attention but not too good so it gets exciting.

    I've also done meditation in bed when falling asleep that tends to work.

    Consistent routine is good. Shower, brush teeth, lights off, episode, sleep.

    I'm curious to see what other autistic people are working with here.

    Chrono Trigger (SNES 1995)

    I'm born in 1992 so this game is a bit before my time. I started playing it and got completely hooked. It's an absolutely fantastic game that would still hold up as a quality indie game today.

    Music is amazing. Characters and character development is amazing. Story is very good. Combat is genuinely fun instead of feeling like a chore that cuts you off from the game. Art style is amazing.

    I was surprised how much quality they could fit onto the SNES back it the day, it's a really good game and everyone with a potato can ploy it.

    Pro tip: Remasters have some UI unpleasantness so it's best to stick to SNES emu version. I tried the Android and they used some native android font that ruined the immersion a bit. There's also a tight running section that's particularly unsuited for the mobile version. SNES is best, as originally intended.

    Help wanted: Girlfriend said she was feeling Khorne-y

    So I of course screamed BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD and SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE like any reasonable human being. Then maimed some people with a knife, drank their blood etc.

    She won't talk to me now and I don't understand why. Do you guys think the knife was to small?

    Any help very much appreciated.

    Activities destroyed when swapping apps HyperOS

    Does anybody else experience that Android activities get destroyed and rebuilt all the time when switching between apps?

    Browser page gets reloaded and form values disappear.

    Authorising a payment in different app can make the payment fail.

    General bad experience when multitasking 3 apps and swapping between.

    (I'm on Redmi Note 12 with HyperOS)

    Who of you guys are on an "Unknown" OS?

    I've been wondering how many Linux users are being listed as unknown by statcounter out of curiosity. There has been a big global bump "Unknown".

    Obvious ones are UserAgent spoofers Vpn users but I feel like that's pretty niche. I'm wondering if SteamOS, Endeavour and BSD show up as Unknown. Furthermore, will just all non-Ubuntu based OS?

    Distro for a local "cloud gaming" no monitor desktop

    I'm looking for a specific distro to handle some tasks.

    I got a second hand rig with Nvidia GTX 1050 that I want to use as a home server. I wanted to use HoloISO but it doesn't support nvidia. If someone says "do it anyway, it's fine" I'll install it though.

    The idea is to support a Jellyfin server and Steam Link gaming but steam is not big on Nvidia so it's hard to narrow down "black screen" issues etc. I'm also planning to manage it via VNC and SSH.

    I'm familiar with Ubuntu based systems since I develop software on Ubuntu based KDE distro but never had a graphics card.

    So it boils down to:

    • Ease of setup including nvidia drivers
    • Ease of update via command line (I'm not going to download nvidia drivers from their website to update proprietary drivers)
    • Graphics performance
    • Prefer Ubuntu based

    I'm up for Gnome, Xface, Cinnamon, KDE or whatever DE.

    Edit: Changed title to better reflect requirements and not have misleading "headless" and "server" in it

    Shoutout to this guy on github GitHub - navilg/media-stack: A stack of self-hosted tools to manage and stream media. Sonarr + Radarr + qBitTorrent + Prowlarr + Jellyfin + VPN

    A stack of self-hosted tools to manage and stream media. Sonarr + Radarr + qBitTorrent + Prowlarr + Jellyfin + VPN - GitHub - navilg/media-stack: A stack of self-hosted tools to manage and stream m...

    GitHub - navilg/media-stack: A stack of self-hosted tools to manage and stream media. Sonarr + Radarr + qBitTorrent + Prowlarr + Jellyfin + VPN

    The setup and instructions helped a lot with setting up. My library is small and local now but the future is bright. Thank you all for writing info answers and docs.

    Special thanks for all the devs of Sonarr, Radarr, Prowlarr, Torrent clients and nzb360.

    Extra special thanks to the devs at Jellyfin. Honestly this whole set blew my mind.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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