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1 yr. ago

  • Plus 1 for GrapheneOS, has been pretty solid so far. Also, it seems that police imaging software doesn't work on it yet!

  • I'll tell you this for free, we gotta do something about all these trenches!

  • I can kind of understand how the out-in-the-open fascist monsters are created. Hell, they all seem to be made in the same factory.

    What I can't get my headmeat around is what makes men like Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Keir Starmer tick. What the fuck drives these hollow lukewarm maniacs to spend an entire career struggling to get to the top of the system, only to promptly wither in the heat of a real crisis?

  • What if we used AI to do De-Ba'athificaiton, but for CIA agents?

    I'm sure it will be fine.

  • Thank you for the belly laugh!

  • But the llm is like 7 bipartite graphs in a trench coat.

  • Keeps the stank in, also shaping (I.e. spanx for dudes).

  • I'm Oscar Wilde, and I approve this message

    --Oscar Wilde

  • At the risk of sounding hyperbolic, if he wanted to transcend geography then he would have used heptagons!

  • Footnote 1: As a consequence of this approach to thinking and life, rationalists are, as a rule, unbelievably prolix, wall-eyed, and tedious writers, and also polyamorous.

    "Wall-eyed" hit me as odd, so I go to look it up:

    The first entry:

    adjective Often Offensive Affected with exotropia.

    Well-played, Max!

  • Lame. It didn't even remember to specify pineapple as a topping.