nofilterdiva96 @ nofilterdiva96 Posts 0Comments 13Joined 9 mo. ago
She’s posted like nothing today so I’m assuming she’s having “an episode” or she just got work done lol
Has anyone seen the latest picture of her that she posted in a swimsuit??? The editing is out of control
Also she posted 20 minutes ago on a Saturday morning and there’s already 5,000 likes and 130 comments??? As freakin if
What the actual fuck. This looks nothing like the woman that was at SI a few weeks back. She is UNHINGED
I’m honestly starting to think that people see filters so often on Instagram that when they are quickly clicking through stories, they’re not really paying attention all of the time. I know I was fooled a lot of times before I saw the hard evidence on Reddit. I think that not everyone remembers she says she doesn’t filter because she’s probably not all that relevant to them. I used to follow a ton of influencers and tbh I would just swipe through all of their stories. I unfollowed when I realized I was spending the very little time i had to be on Instagram in a day, scrolling through things that didn’t matter to me. I really don’t think that she has that many true fans/followers. The partnerships will start dropping once all the truth finally gets picked up by a major publication. Clocks ticking!
This is such bullshit. The new capital gains tax only will affect a very small percentage of the population. I hate PP.
Themselves not herself. It’s been a long day 🤣
My tin foil hat is telling me that she did all of this because she’s going to come out with a big sob story about her body dysmorphia and come clean about all the filters. And removing the snark page is part of her plan to garner sympathy from all of her followers and have no where for them to go look up all the evidence herself. I think she’s going to “come clean” but really downplay the extent of it all.
I used to wrong word, I didn't mean bot lol I meant a troll account... it's been a long day LOL
I creeped the account and it looked like a bot account, barely any followers or posts.
Totally agree. I really hope Karma gets served soon.
Honestly this is insane. I have no idea how she has the reach she does to get all of this shut down.
I was going to make the same username lmao