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Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate.
  • This is my car, I have a stereo with entertainment features. My mileage, drive time, fuel economy, and anything related to the systems of the car, shows up on a separate display strip. To the best of my knowledge, the stereo cannot control the car in any way. Its just there to play music for me. I dread the day I have to replace this car. I may just buy an old pre-telemetry 4x4. The roads around here have gotten too bad for a hatchback anyway.

  • If you were never a "fuck cars" person, hang out near a school
  • I live in a suburban part of a medium sized US city. There is a school nearby that has similar problems.

    • situated on a 2 lane collector road with bike lanes
    • lots of no parking signs -they set up a bunch of cones and have crossing guards all around
    • there are school zone flashers

    Despite All This

    • people park in doubled up bike lane/no parking area all the time and the way the cones are set up encourages it
    • people swing their doors open into traffic and cross wherever they want
    • during off times, the school has a sign forbidding use of their parking lot so people park in the bike lanes

    Luckily, the speed limit is only 30 so when school is in letting out I take the lane and anyone that doesn't like it can choke on a bottle of tire sealant.

    My city is generally responsive when enough people comment on something and in general, you are likely to get a sentence or two back no matter what you comment on. I'm afraid to comment on this because the people picking up their kids in cars outnumber the cyclists and I forsee the school holding firm on closing their lot and they'll probably quote something stupid like liability or security. Is it not also a liability if a kid steps out from behind a parked car and gets squished by an F350 Crew Cab Mega Hemi Coal Roaler? In any case, I think the more likely outcome would be accommodating the cars and moving the bikes into the road with sharrows or doing something like that.

    If I was in charge, I'd put a speed table at each end of the school zone, narrow all crosswalks to the minimum acceptable distance and put the bike lanes behind a 6inch wide curb to make it more obvious that you cannot park there. I also want these lifted Ford Excursion drivers to watch us casually pedal past the traffic jam they create every single day. I'd force the school to open their lot where capacity permits and I'd start ticketing the shit out of anyone who stows up traffic in the area or parks where it is not allowed. There is a trail just south of the school that leads to a grocery store maybe 1/4 mile away. That's where the car drivers could best pick up their kids. All the tickets should easily pay for the speed tables and upgrading the bike lanes and walking paths.

  • How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse
  • My wife balked when I bought a Ducky keyboard to replace the solar UN-powered, Bluetooth DIS-connected, keys popping everywhere garbage I got from work. Once she typed on it, she never had another complaint.

  • Valve Engineer Mike Blumenkrantz Hoping To Accelerate Wayland Protocol Development
  • The change was 95% unnoticed for me. I looked at the session one day and thought "oh yeah, I have been using Wayland". I don't mess with many games or AI GPU stuff though, so it may be that more complex use cases result in a worse experience.

  • Veritasium - Exposing the flaws in the SS7 phone system.
  • Agree. I appreciate that banks offer 2FA, but do I really need to be forced to give up a real phone number to access a forum, news site, etc.? No.

    Whose job is security? Mine, the user, and if I decide one of my accounts is a throwaway or I just mash some keys to get access to something, I shouldn't have to sign up for 2FA to do it.

  • Devices that don't depend on 3rd parties to unlock bootloader?
  • A +1 for older 1+ devices. I have a 9 and unlocking and rooting was simple. I also have a 10 that I recently acquired and it looks like things got more sketchy, e.g. I'm not sure quite how risky this is. Like you, I cannot settle for stock, and I find myself in the similar situation of picking my next phone based primarily off of user freedom and only secondarily based on specs.

  • I need a Glassdoor account AND a review of a previous employer to see reviews on the website
  • Your point about the small companies is valid, and it used to be better. When Glassdoor was at its peak, you could find smaller companies more frequently and I would read up on the companies I did business with to get an employee's perspective on whether they were functioning effectively. If your employees hate your guts or think their job is pointless, that's also a bit of a red flag for me as a consumer. This Glassdoor research worked well for renovation contractors, larger service providers like electrical or plumbing, commercial real estate management companies. Sometime you could also find info that made it easier to navigate call centers designed to frustrate you into giving up. It looks like someone posted a few alternatives and glass door stopped being useful for company research almost as dramatically as google became ineffective for other research. Someday soon, all we'll have is the company's marketing slop and any honest opinion will be buried and hidden into non-existance.

    With regard to review manipulation, I knew a company with an abysmal rating, a real w2 farm. The people I knew spanned entry level to the c-suite. Said company would have bootlickers in HR and elsewhere post 5 star reviews to try to move the needle. They also asked people to rate them well after training had completed and everyone still had "new-job glasses" on. Despite their efforts, I think they were still sitting at a measly 2.7 stars, which is still way higher than the 1.5 they deserved. The 0.5 is mostly based on the bottomless supply of decent coffee in the break room :D

    I don't have interactions with many people from this company anymore, but what I have heard is basically "different people; same shit".

  • I need a Glassdoor account AND a review of a previous employer to see reviews on the website
  • Thanks, levels looks really useful. This will help me fill some of the gap that was left after glass door enshittified and started data mining everyone's real names and attaching them to their profile as well as pushing their "fishbowl" thing.

  • Looking for a Phone With Good Custom ROM Camera Implementation

    Howdy fellow lemmings,

    I know your collective knowledge is greater than mine, so I have come to you for your wisdom.

    My OnePlus 9 is nearing the end of it's life. The power button doesn't work or registers a double press (I use tap2wake and tap2sleep instead) and some other parts are hinting that they're starting to die. Also, something in 915Mhz or 925Mhz seems to be causing random UI reboots at the grocery store. Might be hardware or custom rom related.

    I'm looking for something with:

    1. Unlockable bootloader with option for root. I may or may not root this time around, depends on how tailscale to my pihole at home works. I absolutely must be able to strip out the bloat and preferably the google apps as well (though I'd like to keep the option for play store), I'm extremely ad-phobic.
    2. Open hardware that third party developers can properly use. I'm running CrDroid on my OP9 and it's ridiculously great, but cannot make good use of my camera. There are quality issues, cropping issues, and functionality issues and I've experienced similar with other phones I had in the past. Are there manufacturers who publish specs resulting in better 3rd party camera implementations? I would be fine with a more midrange phone, as I don't play many games, but I need the camera to work well.
    3. A large/active modding scene is appreciated
    4. Bonus points if they don't advertise a bunch of AI bs that I don't want or need
    5. Location is USA, though phone can be from anywhere as long as it works. I need at least a few bands to be able to use the phone in Germany.

    Can anyone advise on which manufacturers meet my requirements?

    My understanding is: OnePlus - unlockable, rootable, custom ROM cameras suck unless the rom uses default op9 camera and it seems that this doesn't work well with more AOSP-y ROMS

    Pixel - varies by manufacturer

    ASUS - I'm seeing concerns about unlocking and Roms though it seems they have been good in the past

    Nothing Phone - unlockable/rootable

    Fairphone - seems ideologically pure, but performance, camera, and battery life may not be awesome

    Suggestions and insights are appreciated.

    Am I the only one who struggles with the idea of building highways?
  • I'm a longtime CS1 player. I use highways at times. Mostly for the grade separation aspect. I rarely feel the need to go above 2 through lanes each direction and 1-2 auxiliary lanes. Often I place 2 lane rural roads from the highway tab when I start building and leave land to preserve highway and rail corridors and upgrade them into freeways later. Don't be afraid to leave too much land along a road you intend to upgrade as you can always add infill development later. I usually leave at least 20u in width when I first plop one down. Use the query tool on the segments where the highway meets other roads to determine where traffic is trying to go. Using fully grade separated, free moving designs then running a little highway spur for a few blocks, or even a 2+1 road helps with collecting and distributing traffic instead of having a giant stack interchange dumping right onto a 4 lane avenue with frequent lights. If you play with despawning off, signalized freeway exits can be nightmarish and often necessitate the use of timed traffic lights and significant lane math and movement restrictions.

    Lastly, your industry should have a clear shot to the highway, maybe even designated truck lane(s). If all your trucks have to pass through an urban area with lights and peds to get to the freeway, you're gonna have a bad time.

    Hope some of this helps and I look forward to hearing other folks commentary. Good question.

  • Redirect to prevent back button
  • This is why I have dozens, if not hundreds of tabs open. Usually I open links in a new tab so I can easily tab back to where I came from. Using a hierarchical tab manager makes this work better because when you're done with the topic, you close the whole branch... theoretically.

    This tactic also seems targeted at mobile users where it's harder to break the loop.

  • Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • Millennial here. In high school we used to tape the latest proxy URLs to the bottom of the computer lab keyboards... allegedly. Organized resistance. I remember almost getting in trouble for making IT cry because I made fun of them for accidentally blocking their own website.

  • Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • What made you pick Colemak over Dvorak? I am not criticizing your choice, just curious. I chose Dvorak because I found the vowels on the home row cut my hand movement a lot. I fully agree with you on the pinky stretches, that's my worst movement, which I triage by turning on KDE's "Caps Lock is another backspace" option.

  • Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive”
  • I was a member of a number of groups in a larger gaming community most of which migrated from Reddit/Mumble to Discord. It destroyed the quality and accessibility of written content and lore and I wish it had never happened. Then again, we can't go back to reddit at this point either.

    Guess I'll be posting my screenshots in 640x480 from now on!

  • Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive”
  • How do you understand this without falling into the defeatist mindset that the sheeple deserve to be imprisoned in the state of enshitification that their ignorance, laziness, and unwillingness to learn has helped build? Put down your iPhone, or go check into your local FEMA camp. I hate to be negative like this, but people really seem to be willing to give up everything for convenience and bling.

  • Automatic Speech Recognition in Linux - Seeking Experiences and Recommendations

    Hi folks, I'm in a bit of a personal crisis currently and need to quickly find a piece of speech transcription software that works on Linux and does not require a significant time investment to set up and can help me transcribe a number of audio clips <15 min. each.

    • Can someone recommend a program that can transcribe some audio recordings for me and is relatively simple to set up and use?
    • Do such programs need a GPU to run effectively? I'm running a Dell XPS 9370 laptop which only has internal graphics.

    My backup plan is to listen and transcribe by hand, so recommendations of a program that will allow me to self-transcribe by typing while listening at a reduced rate are also appreciated.

    • If any experienced transcribers are reading this, have you found that your pedals worked well with Linux?

    Normally I would try out all the different programs and do more than the small number of searches I've done, but my timeline doesn't allow time for to build a cluster of custom-coded transcription bots running gentoo on hand-soldered hardware.

    My environment is EndeavorOS running on a Dell XPS 9370,internet is over Wifi, with no external dongles or anything currently hooked up.

    Phone UI Always Crashes in the Same Store

    I visit a store regularly and every time to try to reference something on my phone in that store, I get UI crashes. The phone works fine everywhere else. Its a Oneplus9 running a custom rom.

    Two questions:

    1. What could cause this? Is some sort of interference in the store crashing things? Is the bright light causing the luminosity sensor to overwhelm. Is the store trying to mess with or track my phone in some way and all my modifications, privacy configurations, etc. are choosing to crash instead of allow it?
    2. Do you have any ideas about how I can figure out what is causing it? Spectrum analysis with a flipper zero or something similar, logs of some kind on the phone, process of elimination? Links are appreciated if it requires advanced nerd cred (I'm probably intermediate with Linux, Android and tech in general, except networking where my knowledge is mediocre bit growing).

    I am beyond curious what is going on because it is so weird that it works perfectly everywhere, but the UI keeps rebooting in this one store.

    Is It Worthwhile to Serve Video off a Server separate from my NAS?

    I have a decent 2 bay synology, but want to put all my docker images/ VMs running on a more powerful machine connected to the same LAN. Does it ever make sense to do the for media serving or will involving an extra device add too much complexity vs just serving from the NAS itself. I was hoping to have calibre/home assistant/tube type services, etc. all running off a mini PC with a Ryzen 7 and 64gb ram vs the NAS.

    My Linux knowledge is intermediate; my networking knowledge is begintermediate, and I can generally follow documentation okay even if it's a bit above my skill level.

    What is your favorite type of bike bell, horn, or warning device?

    When we were kids, you may have had a honky-horn with a bulb on the end, perhaps you had bells with gears that strike multiple times as they unwind like one of those self-propelled matchbox cars. Maybe you unscrew your bell halfway so the cracks on the trail ring it as you weave through a crowd of other trail users. Or maybe you ride a folding bike through the airport with a little electric horn. Perhaps you're the best kind of DIY redneck and have fitted a literal tugboat horn to a bike trailor so you can scare the bejeezus out of a coalroller after they dump a load of black smoke on you.

    Whatever it is, I want to know about it and why you chose it.

    Getting Fiber - Please Help Me Understand Routers

    Hi Folks,

    I host a nextcloud instance, a NAS, and a few content portals for things like ebooks and music (internal only). I'll be migrating Smartthings to Home Assistant eventually. We're going to be upgrading to fiber soon and I have the opportunity to rebuild my wife's network with a long term outlook (we'll likely be here for years). Currently we have an older eero mesh system over cable internet. My desk is right where the cable currently comes in so all my Ethernet devices can live near the router.

    My question is this:

    What am I missing out on as a self-hoster by using whatever equipment metronet gives me?

    What am I missing out on as a regular internet user by using the default equipment.

    Am I likely to be annoyed about where the fiber comes into the house?

    If it makes sense to buy my own router or access point(s), what is a reasonable balance between "daddy Bezos please read all my emails" and "you'll never be secure until you build a router from custom circuit boards you custom ordered and hand assembled in a secure area".

    I'd like to avoid complex configuration, but if I can surface advanced options when needed, that would be great.

    My Linux knowledge is intermediate. My networking knowledge is begintermediate.

    Feeling Overwhelmed Picking Door Sensors

    I'm looking for door & window contact sensors and motion sensors to replace an old Simon 3 ADT security system. I've read a lot of posts and such and I'm still having a hard time picking out sensors that will work with an existing Smarthings v2 Hub (currently used for lights) and eventually Home Assistant once life calms down a bit more and I have time to go through all the setup. As I understand it, matter/thread support was added in the v3 hub so I don't have this on my ST v2.

    I'd like to avoid anything from Amazon and locally functioning sensors are preferred.

    Can anyone advise on how to pick good devices? There seems to be tons of info out there, but I'm having trouble sifting through it for the info I need. This is a surprise for a family member who has been considering replacing an older system. I'd like to get it in place before they have the chance to buy a crappy, locked down, spyware riddled system from a company like Amazon so that I can be sure everything will transition smoothly to Home Assistant later.

    What is the Perfect Price Point for a Hardtail MTB?

    Hello fellow internet cyclists,

    I did my fair share of extreme stuff as a teen, but most of my adult cycling has been trips around town on paved or gravel trails. I ride 1200-1500 miles a year. I've been wanting to get back into mountain bikes because my main enjoyment in cycling comes from the exploration and discovery aspect of things and I've worn out my city's paved trail network. I live in a mountainous area with good trail access. Also most of the group rides around here tend to be off road.

    In general I find that spending money on a lot of things works in the same way. You have to spend a certain amount to get upgraded from Teemu/Wish/Amazon trash to a good reputable product with parts support and consistent quality. You can also keep spending money forever to get increasingly marginal improvements.

    What have you found to be the sweet spot for features vs price in a hardtail MTB?

    I've considered the Trek Fuse Sport, the Salsa Rangefinder Diore 11, Canondale Habit HT3, Trek Rosco 7, but I'm open to hearing other Lemming's experiences. I'm a thin guy but approx 6'4" (195cm) tall.

    Lastly, are any of the bike brands known for being particularly anti right to repair? I'd like to avoid supporting people who want to limit my freedom and I want to be sure I can get a wide range of compatible parts at a good price.

    What do you call a CPA and Tax Advisor?

    Location: USA

    I need advice on investments. I want someone to do my taxes, or at least advise me.

    I've always done my own taxes and managed my investments. I'm looking for someone to help me with investment strategy. I know to look for a fiduciary as they are required to act in my interest. I also want to talk to someone who can help me leverage and optimize investment losses that I might experience to offset my income.

    Obviously I'm not looking for an actual name or business. I'm just not sure what the business name or job title is for someone who does all of this so I can locate someone locally. Basically what is a CPA combined with an investment advisor called? Or how do I get my investment advisor and tax preparer to collaborate on strategy?

    NYC Congestion Pricing

    Has anyone found any good videos explaining NYC congestion pricing? Most of what I'm finding are fear mongering news clips. I understand there is some subtlety to the issue and I was hoping some urbanist/bike/traffic engineering/numtot youtubers would have done an in depth review explaining whats good and whats not.

    micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility njordomir
    Hitch Size: 2" vs 1.25"

    I'm putting a hitch on my car so I can take my bike to some state parks in the Spring. UHaul will install a 2" or 1.25" hitch with or without a "hidden crossbar". I know little about cars and towing.

    How badly will I restrict my rack choice by opting for the cheaper 1.25"? I won't be using this for anything but bikes.

    Action Cams on Linux (i.e. GoPro, DJI, Canon, etc)

    Hi folks. I've been running some form of Linux since about 2006 or so. Hardware support has gotten so much better, and yet here I am, looking for personal experiences people have had using action cams with their Linux based operating systems. I've done research on this, but most of the info I've found is out of date or barely-relevant AI-generated tech chum-buckets. I'd prefer your individal experiences as fellow linux users, good or bad. Product recommendations are okay, but I'm also interested in broader observations. I'm hoping to record some footage on my bicycle, a chop it up on my computer later. I'm particularly interested in:

    • Do you own an action cam and does it work with Linux?
    • What totally rad sport/hobby do you use it for?
    • Are there things that kind-of work, or are crippled versus on a non-Linux OS.
    • Are you able to update the firmware over Linux or from he device itself? (I have windows for emergencies, but prefer not to use it.
    • How does the device mount and have you had issues with file transfers?
    • Is there any special software that helps you use your device, for example "piper" can help me configure fancy mice.
    • Can you use your device as a webcam?

    Thank you for any insight you can provide.

    This is what my HRV looked like when I started to feel sick and resumed training too soon.

    As I understand it, HRV - Heart Rate Variability allegedly measures the spacing in beats. More variability means your body is chillin' and relaxed; less variability means something is physically stressing you, like sickness, lack of sleep, etc.

    At the end of Aug, I was starting to feel under the weather so I cut back on training and spent some time resting. Eager to not lose momentum, I headed out on a 40 mile bike ride as soon as my HRV was almost back to normal and pushed it right back down again.

    Lesson learned: err on the side of giving yourself too much time to recover. Hope you found it interesting!

    Considering Hosting NAS/Server

    Hello SelfHosted!

    I've been a Linux enthusiast since ~2006, but I still have gaps in my knowledge and I would not consider myself a "fully-competent" Linux server admin at this point in time. I have to read a lot and ask a lot of questions to figure out things more knowledgeable users may do in their sleep. I'm gonna call myself "begintermediate".

    I'm working on simplifying my storage, backups, and general digital hygiene. I have multiple devices split across two locations and I end up having to use hard drives to periodically move files back over to my main desktop for sorting and archiving. If I want to access older files, I have to copy them from my main storage on the desktop to a hard drive, my NextCloud, or whatever device I want to access them on. I would like to avoid this drudgery by moving my file storage to a NAS (don't really even need access outside the network, though it could be useful if I understood it enough to keep it secure). I also hope to simplify by backups in some way because currently all my devices just back up to a different pair of portable drives one of which I hand-carry offsite.


    • 4TB+ storage to start
    • Expandability, I don't know how storage needs will change over time, but 32TB seems like a fair upper end before wanting to update the whole system.
    • Would like to be able to run a few docker images for things like media server, open project, restyaboard, etc. I'm not sure if it makes sense to do this on the NAS or just get a simple NAS and do this stuff in a VM on my laptop or with a Rasberry Pie.
    • I don't particularly want to spend more than $600 to get started, but wouldn't mind having empty bays for later as I currently don't have too much data.


    • 1-4 TB (someday up to 32TB) of files (docs, books, photos, videos, device backups, configs & code snippets, etc.)
    • Video, Photo, Music Access via Android Devices
    • Video and Photo access via a media portal (like plex or open media vault)
    • Would consider moving nextcloud here (currently on the public cloud) if uplink is fast enough.
    • Some sort of access via iDevice would be nice in case I want to give another some storage space.


    1. Does it make sense to mix my uses, i.e. media server, open project, etc. co-existing with file server for my docs and general files. Can I segregate portions for only local access?

    2. I don't have tons of time to maintain this. Nextcloud hasn't been a pain, I log in here and there and make sure everything is updated (nextcloud and the server) and I run the NextCloud security scan to make sure I get an A+. Does it make sense to go for something like the better Synology NASs that can run docker images or would it provide better affordability/functionality to use a mini-pc or a FBmarketplace/craigslist slim pc hooked up to a drive enclosure or something else frankenstein-y. I don't mind doing basic maintenance, but I can't afford to spend every other weekend rebuilding things.

    3. I have a dead WD MyBook Live and MyBook Cloud on my shelf. WD never updated them to fix the critical security issues, I missed the 40% off upgrade window, and they're not safe to run with network access. They also sucked even when they were new. I want to avoid products doomed to become dead-end abandonware before I'm ready to upgrade. Are there NAS brands that are known to be better/worse with this? How does homemade NAS fare as far as hardware support and having to upgrade/rebuild when OS versions change.

    4. Can I purchase/build a simple NAS that I use for storage and serve the files for my media server through a different device like my laptop? Is this better/worse than just streaming from the NAS itself or will I not notice in most cases?

    5. It sounds like some of the pre-built machines can use drives of different sizes which would allow me to re-use the barely used drives inside of the WD devices. Do any of the self-build solutions allow for this.

    6. I would LOVE some book/media/community recommendations for digital hygiene and how to handle store, backup, maintain the deluge of information in our modern lives.

      All in all, I would appreciate any insight on a solution that gives a good balance between features & configuration, affordability. and maintenance time-investment. I figure a community of enthusiasts is a better place to learn than marketing copy.

      Thank you for any help you can provide!

    Can any applications or services other than Strava generate a personal heatmap from my cycling data?

    Hello Fellow Fitness Focused Lemmings!

    I started biking more a few years ago for fitness purposes and the thrill of exploration. Strava has a feature where you can overlay all your rides on top of a map that you can pan and zoom in and out on. They call this the "Personal Heatmap". I always try to cover new ground and explore places I haven't been and (as a map nerd) it gives me a thrill to see all my tracks and even the epic long distance rides I did on trips or a few years back.

    1. Does anyone else know of any other applications or programs that can do this?

    I like how Strava shows the "heat" (how many times you've been through a particular route will change the color), but this is not absolutely essential for me. Most important is that I can put all my GPX files on top of a map in a giant messy web of everywhere I've been.

    Extra credit goes to any recommendations of FOSS solutions because my main motivation here is to make sure that I can persist my data even if I am not using Strava anymore.

    1. Additionally, if you know of any other communities on Lemmy that might be well-positioned to answer these questions, I would appreciate your insights as well.
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