nesc @ nesc Posts 2Comments 636Joined 4 mo. ago
I'm not sure but that's like third time they are being busted by the police. Last times they were, dunno might be police just found the name familiar. 😄
Update: these guys didn't actually advertise anything like this, mixed them up with
Prophecy has come true. Do not host important information with hosters that advertise themselves as dmca ignoring, seedbox-friendly whatever. They will be sabotaged by police it's just matter of time.
Jokes are elitist, what if you meet a german joke-inhibited person?
People actually do call it gnu/linux semi-often, dunno why.
Big if true 🤔
looks at Pooch Gooch
Portland is a hard place to live if elementary schoolers look like this.
It's a terror love weapon anyway, why would you need to hit something with it?
It has more to do with characters not being professional horror survivors at the start of the series and just going on routine missing person in the woods call, that later just became part of the games. Also there is no explanation in any game why don't they wear something a bit more protective later on.
Even if it was intentional nothing will happen. First, it's really fucking massive, and 50 kilo of tnt that drones are equipped with won't do anything. Second, there is old confinement underneath the newer one which is massive as well and needed like half a million cubic meters of concrete. So you are as safe as you can be and no scary radiation will leak from there. Third, personally I expect russians to use tactical nuke on either chernobyl or zaporizzha this year (expected them to do it earlier to be honest), now with full support from US they will feel a lot more confident.
Everyday close to third of shahed drones get lost due to e-warfare, with more than hundred of these drones used every day it is probable that one of those that was intended for Kyiv ended up in Chernobyl.
Not really scary, probably wasn't even intentional and shitty drone just lost itself.
There is no milk in soy milk.
In short soy isn't great for cats, but just giving them a bit of soy milk won't be harmful.
Would love ro jear about you throwing pigskin, can you tell this story please?!
You can grow sorrel at home, if you really like it.
Histrically borshch probably was a name for anything that was more or less drinkable and non-alcoholic, there were no original recipe, like there is no original recipe for other common dishes, they were just made with whatever was available and whatever people ate at the time. AFAIK there are similar dishes in countries that were part of lithuanian commonwelth, which were based on different kinds of kvass as well.
Personally I really dislike kvass based borshch, like it's vile. 😄
I have somewhat mixed opinions on Max Miller; his acting is a bit over the top, and history fragments sometimes have weird details that he had misunderstood during research or misread. I would have liked his videos a lot more if he actually talked about the history of the recipe more and not something tangentially related to it. In general he is ok. 🙃
Beetroot juice and beetroot based dishes, pikled lemons and other citrus fruits, sweet meat.
I like to experiment with food in general, try some old recipes like before american vegetables old.
Good to know.