New image submitted
got held up at work late today, sorry for the late fixed image:
Good call!!
I'll fix this afternoon/evening when I get home
Oh crap, that's only 7, and I'm away from my computer
8 Janeway coffees:
If you see light at the end of a wormhole and are named Kira Nerys, it's probably one of the Prophets
Nuclear Wessels incoming....
Commodore 64 gang rise up!
Star Trek: The Computer Game (released 1983)
No contest. Archimedes is the superior owl.
Most upvoted wins
5 latinum bars.
There's no chance he didn't know what was in it. He was part of the cabal from the beginning.
Actually, that's hillarious
Simpler alternative:
HA! I almost made a comment on my post saying "ignore Giuliani in the background"!