Every freaking time. Shaxs in shambles.
Every freaking time. Shaxs in shambles.
Every freaking time. Shaxs in shambles.
Yup. If you want me off the ship that badly, you're gonna have to come down here and push.
Shaxs won't stand for anything getting in the way of his dreams, he will run down there and shove the warp core out with his bare hands lmao
Sounds like the ships not eating enough fiber. Or too much.
I mean, yeah. The warp core is generally jettisoned as a last resort, and if the ship has taken a severe beating, the relevant tubes and conduits might be bent out of shape, making it harder to get it out.
You would think that a system needed only when shit is hitting the fan would be designed to work under extreme circumstances.
To be fair, given how starfleet operates, it's a miracle the warp cores don't spontaneously detonate at any given moment.
Most species would build two ships if given two warp cores.
Starfleet would weld the two together and try to go twice as fast.
Who is Shaxs?
Chief of Security from Lower Decks. His "thing" is asking to either blow up, or eject, warp cores.