Figured I should give honorable mention to my actual two favorites, The Gunslinger (and the rest of Dark Tower) and The Stand both by Stephen King. Just really really great worldbuilding and I love apocalyptic fiction. Also the Passage series is great because when the whole vampire apocalypse is finally resolved society at large doesn't just go back to rebuilding the preapocalypse status quo but is fundamentally changed in profound and differing ways around the whole world.
Sure but it's probably more productive to sentence them to a lifetime of forced labor.
Had a similar spat of annoying interactions on my effort post about pitbulls and racism "Wow you comparing black people to animals how racist" no mother fuckers I was pointing out with exhaustive sources about how shit like pitbull hysteria and breed specific legislation have been proven to enable new forms of redlining and are born from the same sort of bioessentialism used to justify a number of other forms of bigotry.
Yeah it's either that or someone getting defensive when people gently explain to them that something they said was (intentionally or not) extremely reactionary, insulting, bigoted etc. so then everyone just gives up being more polite than they deserved to begin with.
That's one of the best compliments I have ever received. Another was when I regular customer I had given my number to if they wanted me to send them reading material or podcasts on specific subjects randomly texted me one day to tell me they mentioned me at a house party vaguely and literally everyone was like "is that the cool anarchist commie guy at [grocery store]" Made me really think my agitprop in retail hell is not for nothing.
Easy: They don't.
edit: I have been bamboozled
In that case God would be fascist for designing humans to be so shit.
I love that book so much. There is a free audio book of it on YouTube. Very great mix of hard sci-fi and cosmic horror. I haven't read the followup book because it just sounds a lot different and not my thing but I might if someone makes a good case for it.
Seems like it would be extremely challenging but could also make for a great film adaptation.
Lol "bung hole"
Lmao framing it as "plot" is very funny.
I think they just want an end to the programs in Donetsk and Luhansk but that would require you to be historically literate
I have no mouth and I must cream
s-exps is when you fuck your Playstation
People are missing the actual point of this. It is a bribes based government purge. It is actually pretty brilliant and also terrifying.
Damn maybe you all should just
all of themDeepseek breaks the kayfabe
buddy you literally been banned for sinophobia and holocaust trivialization in at least three instances I am not here to argue with you and I doubt you are doing any self reflection based on your glib responses.
Deepseek breaks the kayfabe
you been banned multiple times before because of your hate boner for China. Please go outside.
oh also Holocaust trivialization. God damn you suck.
Deepseek breaks the kayfabe
what exactly is your point? Also this is not a meme.
Edit: nevermind checked your modlog history you're just racist
Politico is all in on the "he misspoke" line regarding Tim Walz clear endorsement of "Greater Israel" and the Zionist project's clear intention of expansionism.
Irish peacekeepers have been helping defend south Lebanon for so long many english speakers there speak with a full blown Irish accent.
To all my comrades in the service industry this one is for you. The Customer Is Always Fucking Wrong.
Actual ad below a post about a black man about to be wrongfully executed in the US.
There's this old guy that comes into my work who has a German shepherd wolf hybrid and he is the sweetest thing ever.
Just killed two bosses at once in V Rising by getting them to fight each other and just wanted to flex. This game fuckin rules yall should play with me.
Eyes Left guide to getting out of the military without (much) consequence. You have no excuse. If you are a troop quit your job.