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What candy flavors are always cast but are never the star?
  • As a certified Orange Enjoyer, it always perplexed me how other kids were always so ready to trade away their orange Starburst.

    As someone who also thinks the pink ones are way overrated, though, it ultimately didn't matter to me, because li'l me was out there making some deals

  • Rule
  • It's easier than you think! Tony Stark became Iron Man by wearing a special suit, right? That's the secret!

    That's right! You can upgrade your manhood today simply by dressing like a Fe Male! Confused? Don't worry! There are plenty of resources available! Simply Google "how to dress like a FeMale" and follow whatever results you find without question!

  • Them, "Why are you like this?", Me:
  • Hah! Why would I go to all that trouble when there are a million other things I could do to get the dopamine now?

    Oh, yeah. Right. Because I need to do that one thing to keep my life from degrading. But..there are a million other things I could do. Shit.

  • Rule

    This new type of male belongs to the periodic table of elements. Known for their magnetic charm and iron will above all other types, scientists call this new type Fe Males!!!!!

    Could you secretly be a Fe Male??????

  • Helene refuses to be CANCELLED by WOKE state of Florida
  • Hahah, yeah. Fuck those people. Let them suffer. Why should my hard-earned tax money go to helping people I don't like? I'm not trying to victim blame or anything, I just think it's their fault and they deserve to burn for it.

    (If people need help, you help them. You don't put conditions on it so that you can rescind help just to make a point.)

  • Teach the children.
  • Wasn't so long ago that someone would get laughed out of a room for taking the internet this seriously. People never planned for the inevitability of the internet being central to modern life, and, years later, here we are.

    So, to whomever needs to hear it: Maybe start taking things like what this person is saying a little more seriously going forward.

  • It's a choice
  • Look, I respect your right to be how you are, but keep it in your church. I don't need to see it everywhere I go, and I damn sure don't want it anywhere near me. I don't have a problem with you, but if you try any of that God shit on me, I'm gonna put you on your ass, bro.

  • How serious are you guys when you talk about punching nazis?
  • It was the threat of the bartender reaching for the bat. If the nazi didn't think there was a chance he'd actually use it, the threat wouldn't work.

    The threat of violence is a deterrent to keep nazis from getting too bold, thinking they can do what they want without repercussion.

    Some people think the threat of violent response is overreaction to someone who's just expressing their ideas. As a bisexual man, I think it's a pretty even response when those ideas are "hey, what if we rounded up you and everyone like you and marched you off to death camps?"

    At the very least, you can never let them believe that you'll just roll over and let them do it.

  • TIL the US Government once released its own video game to inform, educate, and recruit prospective soldiers.
  • This game and the OG Planetside both taught me the simple joys of fighting for/on a bridge.

    You can have a huge overworld, you can have an intricate map with all the lanes and passageways you want, but, in the end, the (much, much older) children yearn for the bridge.

  • What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from?
  • Came to say inFamous, but specifically picking up after the evil ending in 2. The way that frames it could allow for character customization, and maybe even getting to choose your powerset.

    It could even have multiplayer elements if that's where they wanted to go with it. Not sure how well PvP would work out, but co-op missions could be fun. But, it could work just fine without any of that

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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