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Beyond enshittification, why does tech oftentimes suck?
  • Their UX and UI are their bread and butter, but as someone who has done extensive web app development for use on Safari browsers, if I had a nickel for every time their browser just IGNORED a standard, broke one that previously worked, or added new "features" that broke a standard, passing the responsibility of building a workaround down to individual developers... I'd have a few dollars anyway. I don't have much faith their code is all that good compared to average under the hood and the UI, and I think their reputation unjustly leads users to turn a blind eye or give them a pass when their stuff DOESN'T work or works BADLY. "They're Apple... everyone else seems happy. I must be doing something wrong."

  • Beyond enshittification, why does tech oftentimes suck?
  • It doesn't help that every new generation adds a new blackbox abstraction layer with little to no end-user benefit, the possibility of duplicated functionality and poor implementation, security concerns, poor support, and requiring a flashy new CPU with system crashing speed tricks to maintain a responsive environment through 12 levels of interpreters.

  • Sometimes, it's backwards
  • Yes! Containerize, containerize, containerize until every perfectly good machine built before 2020 is rotting away in a landfill!

  • Elon Musk’s popularity plummets to 6% among Democrats, poll finds
  • They don't. But if they already have it in for someone, which the Democrats in Congress almost certainly do right now, public opinion can give them a cover to act.

    It's certainly not for our benefit, but if one group of shitlords wants to take another shitlord down a few pegs, I'm certainly going to enjoy the show.

  • Elon Musk’s popularity plummets to 6% among Democrats, poll finds
  • YOU might not. But I'm sure the politicians and bureaucrats who determine whether Musk's businesses continue getting billions in taxpayer funded subsidies would sure like to know if the public is behind continuing to do that. I for one would consider it a bonus if say, the Democrats won control in November, looked at the numbers and decided none of their supporters are behind Musk, determined he's been playing fast and loose using taxpayer dollars to fund pushing his own political agenda, and turned off the free ride.

  • More than 700 former military and national security officials endorse Harris, say Trump is 'impulsive and ill-informed'
  • Perhaps, but that motivation is only useful when it can be translated into political action - not creating an untrained army to be fed directly into fascist prisons and police brutality meat grinders.

    You might be creating more revolutionaries under a conservofascist administration, but in practice it's just doing this:

    Edit: You don't even need to look far into the past to see that this doesn't work. Look at Hong Kong. The city's leadership swung to fascism, and your prediction came true. Some of the biggest protests in the history of the city by some of the most motivated demonstrators... followed by a brutal crackdown, arrest, exile, and now fascist control of the city is more or less guaranteed for generations. The population is no longer CAPABLE of mounting ANY kind of resistance. Yes, Hong Kong had its fascism forced on it rather than choosing it at the ballot box, but the result will be the same. Fascism doesn't care how it gets its power.

  • Slap fighting: Concussion concerns raised by doctors
  • They might have their causality backwards regarding the serious brain damage.

  • Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
  • I mean, the amount of time the US takes is an outlier. Most countries announce and have elections in a shorter time span than 2 months, and if it's a proportional government, sometimes you don't find out the leader until AFTER the election.

  • Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
  • If I had to guess, I'd think it's because the main two parties have a spot on the ballot that is going to be filled by SOMEONE, so it's not exactly the same... They have time to replace a candidate, but it would be inconceivable to seek to REMOVE their spot from the ballot and forfeit the state. There's a slot that is to be filled. In the case of a third party candidate it's a full expunging of not just a person, but the whole party itself. I guess if he really wanted to, he could make the case that he should be able to remove his name and substitute another candidate, but that's not the same thing.

  • Political Memes mycodesucks
    Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

    This is a job for Kristi Noem.

    More than 700 former military and national security officials endorse Harris, say Trump is 'impulsive and ill-informed'
  • None of that is incompatible or inconsistent with a Harris victory. If this is your expressed goal and desired outcome, it is MUCH easier to do under Harris than under Trump where any action you take is more or less guaranteed to be met with responses from any number of empowered supremacist groups.

    Also, I only EVER hear these revolutionary ideas and pushes during the last 6 months before an election when people proudly virtue signal about their intent not to vote for the Democrat. Just like with third parties, where is all of this political will and activity during the off-years when there's time to actually BUILD a grassroots movement?

    I'm with you. Our choices suck. The time to start doing something about that is November 6th, after the election is won and a backslide has been prevented. Build out a movement and come back in 2028 with a platform, a base, and a candidate.

  • Protesters outside New York Times demand newspaper 'stop normalizing Trump'
  • They were as bad, but there weren't so many. Most of them weren't "activated" yet.

  • Another job lost because of technology 👿
  • Yeah, it sounds like the kind of thing you could do but would pay out the butt for as a private service. Road map books and asking directions were my go-to.

    Of course, post-internet but pre-GPS there was always mapquest.

  • How come older people like to act like furries are this outlandish idea but the thought of being with a mermaid has been around a lot longer
  • To be fair, I think people looked at the folks who were into mermaids as outlandish too. "Been around for a long time" doesn't mean the same thing as "totally accepted socially".

  • Faster is not always better: why the case for higher speed limits is fatally flawed.
  • You are absolutely right that cars are heavier now, which means they are putting more energy into a collision, but cars are also better at dissipating that energy. I don't actually know enough to know what wins in that face-off. You could very well be right. I'd defer to someone with more expertise in collisions.

  • Faster is not always better: why the case for higher speed limits is fatally flawed.
  • Number of cars. Increase the number of cars, you increase the number of deaths. But any given collision is more likely to be survivable than in the past.

    Also, it's not a perfect analog, but a quick search for deer hits and you can see modern cars crumple just fine.

    Don't get me wrong... I'm not saying this deer was out dancing that very night, but if you're gonna hit me at 30 MPH with either a flat, unyielding piece of steel with potentially sharp edges and/or rusted spots, or a soft piece of plastic or fiberglass formed to cushion my impact into the engine where the REALLY hard parts are, I'm going to choose the plastic/fiberglass every time.

    Edit: Here. Just to back up the information I'm giving you...

    The ABSOLUTE number of deaths are increasing, because the number of people and cars are increasing. But as a function of percentage of population they are only slightly above the lowest they've been since the 20's. Modern cars are much safer. Even a bad SUV with horrible visibility is safer to all involved in a crash than an average car in the early 80's. The numbers don't lie.


    Edit again: To give pedestrian numbers to go with that:

    You do have a point... there ARE increases in recent years, but overall the rate is still nearly half of the rate in the 80s. You are correct the most very recent trend is worrying, however.

  • Putin encourages Russians to have sex at work amid falling birth rate
  • Don't forget the inability of the rich to keep you in poverty wages when there aren't 50 people waiting to replace you at every job!

  • Faster is not always better: why the case for higher speed limits is fatally flawed.
  • Totally viable as an option if that's the goal.

    If that's New Zealand's goal, they should do exactly the same.

    But if they're looking for a balance between risk and convenience, there's factors to be considered that the article glosses over.

  • This is a smart thing we are doing.

    Looking at YOU, Williams Street/Warner Bros.

    Political Memes mycodesucks


    Grade school literature was depressing

    Specifically thinking about The Little Match Girl and To Build a Fire

    ⬇️ *push*

    Why would you assume I agree with something just because I said it?

    Political Memes mycodesucks
    You all remember that, right? Right?

    Smugly satisfied pundit face

    That's just last week again

    Sorry... the cold must be getting to me.

    20534 memes are taking up space

    I'll post a complaint about this in 5 minutes when my phone's UI is responsive again.

    DnD Memes mycodesucks
    DoD: The Department of Dice

    You know you're unlucky when federal agencies get involved.


    My best prank and I won't even be around to see it

    Challenge and fighting

    Homestar Runner is now canon to the Metroid universe

    mycodesucks mycodesucks

    When I get bored with the conversation/tired of arguing I will simply tersely agree with you and then stop responding. I'm too old for this stuff.

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