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Software #developer with a passion for #opensource, who enjoys #golang way too much. Made glow, beehive, knoxite, duf and a bunch of other cool things.

If it got a firmware, I'll flash it.

5 yr. ago
Go programming language discussion

lipgloss: Style definitions for nice terminal layouts πŸ‘„

  • Here is the actual difference:

    • KDE neon is Ubuntu LTS, but with latest KDE packages
    • Kubuntu is latest Ubuntu, but with outdated KDE packages
  • Go programming language discussion

    bubbletea: A fun, functional and stateful framework to build beautiful terminal apps πŸ—

  • It's not a group you sign up for. If you're not a racist, then yes, your most natural stance is being against fascism: antifa.

  • I don't understand how being anti-racist can possibly be controversial in any way... and if it is for you, then I'm not sure what that says about you.

  • Go programming language discussion

    termenv - Advanced ANSI style & color support for your terminal applications