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Tripling renewables globally by 2030 is doable, says new IEA report
  • Either electro-chemically in batteries, but they might not get energy dense enough for seasonal storage.

    Or chemically by creating Hydrogen, Methane or Ammonia. Those are very energy dense and except for Hydrogen easy to store with existing infrastructure. Currently it is just prohibitively expensive, because the net efficiency is bad, especially for Methane and Ammonia.

    So without an Oracle I can't say which it will be, but one or more of those will work if the world is committed to net zero.

  • Tripling renewables globally by 2030 is doable, says new IEA report
  • I think solar will just drop in price so significantly that energy storage will be possible by pure scale. If you get paid to use electricity (which already happens during the day in summer), it doesn't matter if your efficiency is terrible. It's not elegant but it'll get us close to net zero. Unless we blow all of our energy on stupid shit like generative "AI"

  • YouTube Premium is getting a big price hike internationally
  • To me that is the problem and why I'll probably cancel with this price hike. I don't want more. I got YT Premium for YouTube, mostly to support creators, cause fuck watching Ads. But I have to pay for Music, Podcasts and whatever other garbage they try to stuff in there. It was the same with Prime. I don't want to watch your stupid series, I just want free shipping, twitch prime and occasionally an old movie.

    Sorry for the rant but these stupid subscription "bundles" are so annoying. The whole ecosystem is becoming shittier every year.

  • Zelenskyy was urged not to invade Kursk. He did it anyway.
  • No, why would I address anything of any subtly or nuance if you cannot even agree to the most basic facts. Facts backed up by your own source?

    All you have done so far is back pedal when I try to follow your reasoning. So, please come back to me if you are able to critique anything at all about Putin or Russia. Until then it is a waste of time talking to you.

  • Zelenskyy was urged not to invade Kursk. He did it anyway.
  • I see, it happens, apology accepted :)

    Well since you love fallacies so much I will overlook your appeal to authority and just quote the guy, who ever the heck he is.

    This is not to deny, of course, that Russia invaded Ukraine and started the war.

    So yeah. What else did I claim when I said that Putin is directly responsible for the war?

  • Zelenskyy was urged not to invade Kursk. He did it anyway.
  • Please enlighten me how I defended anyone's actions in Yugoslavia or even mentioned anything about that conflict at all.

    Rational analysis, where you are incapable of addressing any wrong doing of the one person that declared an offensive war? Please attack me personally instead of acknowledging that maybe it is not so good to march into your neighbors territory and bomb their cities. But you do you. I'm sure you have your reasons.

  • Zelenskyy was urged not to invade Kursk. He did it anyway.
  • Hypocrisy would be if I blindly excused anything NATO did or held them to a different standard. Which, you may recall, I never did.

    What you're being told is that what Russia is doing is no different from what the west has been doing

    Okay so what Russia is doing is the same as NATO, which is bad because what NATO does is bad? Or is it justified and NATO is also justified in their actions?

    And yes I would claim you vocally support Putin and Russia, because you seem incapable of critique of a war that he is directly responsible for. And note that I'm not even claiming sole responsibility in that sentence.

    And if you are wondering, I can certainly offer some critique of NATO and the US.

  • Zelenskyy was urged not to invade Kursk. He did it anyway.
  • Ah, well it was surprising you mention that other part in your comparison so vividly. And I'm not sure where I stated anything at all, aside from the fallacy of what-about-ism in regards to NATO and Russia. The rest you interpreted yourself.

    What I don't understand is why "leftists" like you feel the need to vocally support an oligarch and dictator, instead of being able to say that the war in Ukraine is a pointless waste of human lives for which Putin is directly responsible as the aggressor.

  • Zelenskyy was urged not to invade Kursk. He did it anyway.
  • That is a nice big quote you got there. But it doesn't say anything about right-wing governments, coups or anything the like. And I said, for the sake of the argument I'll pretend with you it is true.

    Of course, surrendering is a great defensive strategy. I'm sure WW2 would have been a whole lot shorter if Stalin just capitulated right away. But I've got another brain tickler for you. The aggressor can end a war immediately, by not even starting it :)

  • Zelenskyy was urged not to invade Kursk. He did it anyway.
  • Even if that were true (and I don't think even Putin is still pretending that this is what his special operation is about), you think the right recourse is to invade that country and attempt to annex it into your empire? Killing hundreds of thousands in a war of attrition? Really amazing peaceful moves from the certainly democratically elected leftist Russian president, bravo.

  • Zelenskyy was urged not to invade Kursk. He did it anyway.
  • Ah, yes of course. How could I miss how supplying the people of a sovereign nation with weapons and intelligence in a defensive ground war against a foreign invader is building an empire. Thank you for pointing out the obvious.

  • Nintendo can now ban streamers and content creators from using their games if they are caught posting "immoral” content and leaks
  • Not sure how Japanese law has anything to do with this. I'm pretty sure under US law (the one that ultimately matters for streaming) leaves all the rights of recorded videos of the game with the right holders of the game. That you're allow to record/stream games at all has no legal precedent, it's just a wise business decision by publisher to not forbid it (anymore).

    And legality aside. As a dev I wouldn't want racist or bigoted streamers to show my game and make money off of my work. Same with leakers. Sure for a big company I don't care but if someone leaked an indie devs work, we would consider it a dick move as well.

  • CORS is Stupid - Kevin Cox
  • Unless I'm missing something, the post is plain wrong in some parts. You can't POST to a Cross-Site API because the browser will send a CORS preflight first before sending the real request. The only way around that are iirc form submits, for that you need csrf protection.

    Also the CORS proxy statement is wrong if I don't misunderstand their point. They don't break security because they are obviously not the cookie domain. They're the proxy domain so the browser will never send cookies to it.

    Anyways, don't trust the post or me. Just read for web security advice.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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