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3 yr. ago

nothing fishy here...


How I drove a 'North Korea Researcher' (fed) off of TikTok


The nine dash line must go? Not until the nine-point line is gone

I made a new map because libs always whine about the redfish one. Some points were outdated anyways. I labelled these ones so they can't dispute it.

The nine dash line exists because of what's on the other side of it. The nine-point line, as I have designated it.

Original map:


The latest Human Rights Watch Report on the DPRK cites the CIA-cutout-funded DailyNK FIFTY SEVEN TIMES!

HRW put out a new report fearmongering about the 'closing of north Korea' and as with all HRW reports about AES states, it's chock full of CIA funded nonsense.

I know most comrades know about Radio Free Asia and how it was started by the CIA to propagandize against America's enemies, but not enough know about DailyNK. It's funded by the National Endowment for Democracy ('funded' might be putting it lightly, their press kit states that without the NED they couldn't exist). The NED is a CIA cutout as admitted by both of its founders:

In 1986, NED's President Carl Gershman said that the NED was created because "It would be terrible for democratic groups around the world to be seen as subs

  • Yes. It is either torture or it’s not.

    Hey numbnuts. I know my sister isn't, for instance, allergic to whatever chemical is in the spray. Does Mark Rober? May I approach you randomly in public and spray this stuff in your face? Just a harmless prank, right?

    What he's doing is literally illegal, by the way. Booby trapping is illegal. People don't care because it's being done to a group of poor people who is demonized by libs like you.

    I have genuinely no clue what you are trying to say here.

    You are willing to ignore what you consider to be harmful abuse that Mark Rober is instilling upon the working class to bolster your dogshit point. You are pathetic.

    And? I said low risk not no risk. It is also low risk to fly and yet planes crash sometimes dosen’t stop people from flying. Also this case has nothing to do with porch pirating so why bring it even up?

    Are the goalposts heavy? If someone shoots someone knocking on their door, they'll unload a full clip into a someone trying to steal from them

    Criticizing Mark Robber is deserved but could you do that without diluting an extremely important term?

    You don't want to criticize him. You want to defend him. That's why you'll nitpick the things I said in order to be PURPOSELY PROVACTIVE instead of actually addressing the point of the article. The point that you fully agree with.

    What you're doing right now is defending the person you also say deserves criticism. Suck me from the back, lib

  • Ah, so it's only torture if it comes from Gitmo, otherwise its 'sparkling chemical warfare'.

    Do we have to wait until someone loses an eye from getting chemicals shot into it before we demonize this? What are we, libs?

    I really hope you aren't comparing me pranking my sister by spraying fart spray in her room to rigging a package to dispense it onto your enemy, surely you aren't doing that?

    I ignored the indian call center bio warfare because I don’t disagree with your analysis.

    So you're morally corrupt and willing to lie to bolster your shitty point, thanks for letting me know that.

    Porch pirating or grabbing something out of a car is pretty low risk

    Ahem Black teen shot in the head after knocking on the wrong door

    Could we perhaps cease playing 'devils advocate' when a rich white guy gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars from an AT&T sponsorship to terrorize poor people? That would be fantastic.

  • I literally addressed this at the end of the article. I prefer theft directly from corporations. What specifically would you call this other than torture? For instance, if it was done to a truly innocent person would it just be a 'prank'? Would you like to see pranks like this done to people?

    Plus you ignored the Indian call center bio warfare, where he unleashed hordes of cockroaches on workers

    how does the author know that the thieves really need to steal in order to survive

    why would someone steal if not to get money to live? What's the point of risking violence from cops or psychotic gun wielding bystanders?

  • United States | News & Politics

    Ethan and Hila Klein from the H3 Podcast called the capital of Palestine a 'terrorist city' (@23:06)

    Hila Klein served in the IDF, she told a story on their podcast in 2017 about how she was bored working at a desk for the IDF so she tagged along on a raid to a 'terrorist city', Ramallah. She reveals that the raids were happening nightly, and they were indeed stealing Palestinians from their homes.

    Ramallah is the capital of Palestine, in the West Bank. It is considered to be the most affluent, cultural, and liberal city in Palestine. It has monuments to Yasser Arafat and Nelson Mandela.

    These two are zionists, through and through. Do not believe their lies when they say they support Palestine.

    See what one of these raids would be like:


    A Swiss-German newspaper platformed CIA propaganda while trying to both-sides the Xinjiang 'genocide' debate


    The Guardian reviewed a new Uyghur propaganda book and lied a lot

    One of the more egregious Guardian articles that I've read, for sure.

  • I did an in-depth 'debunk' of this study.

    I want to highlight the most egregious part of it, to me at least. Here's an excerpt from my article:

    As we find later in Section 5.4, tankies have the most proportion of posts with high identity attack against Jews in the far-left community.

    ??? Let’s pull up that section quickly:

    The Perspective API [92] is a widely used [9, 12, 26] tool for measuring toxicity. Although it has limitations, e.g., there are issues of bias and questions of performance when encountering conversation patterns that it was not trained on, at scale it provides a decent measure for comparison between online communities.

    They used an API tool to analyze comments on the tankie subreddits. They specifically mention that it has limitations if it wasn’t trained on certain conversation patterns. The Perspective website doesn’t mention it being trained on Reddit comments or comments in leftist communities. This is junk science, of course.

    Finally, we observe that tankies frequently target Muslims and Jews in their posts.

    I’m not about to dig too deep into the way this API determines what constitutes an Identity Attack, since this study doesn’t even attempt to elaborate on it, but I’m going to assume that if it detects ‘hateful words’ in the same comment as a ‘named entity’ like Jew or Muslim, it just assumes the comment is attacking that entity.

    Here’s the problem. A comment like this:

    “Zionists are pieces of shit for assuming all Jews support Israel”

    or this:

    “Implying that the US gives a fuck about Muslims when they criticize China is delusional”

    would likely be considered by this bot to be an attack against Jews or Muslims. Curiously, this report doesn’t provide a single shred of evidence of these attacks on Jews or Muslims. But, in the ‘C.1 Qualitative Validation’ section, they do give some examples of the toxic comments that this bot identified. Not a single one is specifically about Jews or Muslims.

    Here’s two examples:

    To me, boarding schools serve as schools for potential terrorists, and China’s approach seems more humane than the US’s


    Zionism equates to Fascism.

    Neither comment is an Identity Attack against Muslims or Jews. The first is talking specifically about the small portion of Uyghurs that China has identified as being radicalized, not all Muslims. The second is about Zionism, which as this study pointed out, does not mean all Jews. Neither one contains the word ‘Jew’, or ‘Muslim’, anyway.

    Hmm, I wonder why they omitted that. Because the truth doesn’t fit the ‘tankie bad’ narrative they are pushing? This is research misconduct, pure and simple, and this singular example of evidentiary omission should cause any non-tankies reading this study to dismiss it in its entirety. But of course, it won’t.

  • GenZedong

    This is about the study that is currently pinned to the top of lemmygrad. I went a bit more in depth.


    CIA-Funded 'World Uyghur Congress' Protests Volkswagen With Sensationalist Claims