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take the skinheads bowling
  • they need electric six as friends

  • 80's movie scene
  • and now they're cool again 🤯

    i would like to be able to send back these 20 y. olds to 80s for a week to see if they still think it's cool

    i guess 20 y. youngs of today don't use the word cool?

  • Savage Sword of Conan #147 cover art by Earl Norem
  • looking at the illustration, i was thinking the same. These shouldn't have been accessible to 7 y.o. me

    I've "read" them all 🤷

  • doo
  • it's better now

    if one ignores the reflected horizon :/

  • Question regarding behavior in modern society
  • you're welcome

    anarcho-communists were always too communist for my anarchist tastes. Let's part ways, nothing would come of our pseudo conversation.

  • Question regarding behavior in modern society
  • where did you get these numbers? Are they national or global?

  • Question regarding behavior in modern society
  • psychology, psychiatry, hospitals and of course what you may call "psyche wards" (among many other subjects)

    the question of when we started to establish psychiatric institutions; who did we incarcerate in them and with what justifications. If this and similar subjects interest you, there you have a person who spent their life examining them.

  • Question regarding behavior in modern society
  • see, i'm not a rambling lunatic 😁 i had to ask myself so many times these same questions and i'm sure i will be asking them again 🤷

  • Question regarding behavior in modern society
  • why go to extremes? Let's say a thief? An alcoholic who gets aggressive every time they're drunk? A man who beats their companion? Or a woman who beats their companion? A dog that shares the same space and bites your friends. A woodchuck in your garden?

    "collectivity" may establish rules but people who are sharing the same spaces, with or without similar world views, have no obligations to follow these rules. Solving these kinds of problems while trying to respect anarchist ideals are not as easy as you think.

    Communists are more comfortable with these kinds of solutions. One shouldn't confuse the two (while there, of course, is an expansive common ground called anarcho-communism)

  • Question regarding behavior in modern society
  • are you familiar with Foucault's work?

  • Question regarding behavior in modern society
  • calling for help of people who are experienced in dealing with these kind of situations, without using pejorative names for their profession, would be reasonable

    as an anarchist living on a state controlled territory, you need not feel guilty about communicating with the police

  • Question regarding behavior in modern society
  • you're writing that in your anarchist society there would be a "psyche ward" where people deemed dangerous by the society would be incarcerated.

    Is that correct?

  • Question regarding behavior in modern society
  • most anarchisms (again the plurality) have problems with the community imposing choices over individuals.

    justification of this or that as "better" or "worse" are personal or communal choices (and it shouldn't surprise you to find an "anarchist community" with despotic tendencies. Unlike theory, flesh degenerates with time 🤷

  • Question regarding behavior in modern society
  • it is relevant, as every society has its own solutions to "safety"

    if you've visited anarchist communities, you've probably seen that they invented their ways of dealing with "problematic" individuals

  • Question regarding behavior in modern society
  • they were all on different subjects but 👍

  • Question regarding behavior in modern society
  • also, what kind of an "anarchist society"?

    put 10 anarchists together and you would have 10 different visions of an "anarchist society"

  • Question regarding behavior in modern society
  • What makes you think that a "psych ward" would be an acceptable solution in an anarchist society?

    confinement would still be involuntary and an imposition.

  • secret prompts of a cynical internaut, 🌈, confused lemmings running towards a precipice of (notfromhere)

    source image: !

    prompt: secret prompts of a cynical internaut, 🌈, confused lemmings running towards a precipice of (notfromhere)

    hello & anyone else who may be interested in why i don't post prompts.

    source image: !

    prompt: secret prompts of a cynical internaut, confused lemmings running towards a precipice of (notfromhere)

    result: !

    above image as source with the same prompt:


    again: !

    again, with the modified prompt of: secret prompts that are not fom here !

    to jolt the generation: secret prompts that are not fom here, jumping jacks !

    guidance to 9 !

    for me it's the process that matters, not just one prompt. that's why unless it's an experiment on the process itself i don't "share" prompts. They don't matter.

    last image above as source with the prompt "They don't matter."


    anybody who experimented with hallucinogens would have an understanding of how to trigger visions. Above example was careless, i wasn't thinking of what prompt to send for what kind of an image i would like to get. But it may help to understand. I remember writing about prompts, when ballshapedman was active on this community, in contrast to his extremely descriptive prompts mine were like dada poems.

    when you include inpainting to this process, i would have to write a comment double, triple the size of this one under every image i post. I, understandably, can't.

    Ninger drawn $100 Legal Tender Note

    Ninger would buy bond paper from Crane & Company, in Dalton, Massachusetts, cut it to the same size as the $50 and $100 United States Notes he was copying, then soak the paper in a dilute coffee solution. He would align the paper over a genuine banknote, place the two on a piece of glass, and trace the resulting image. He used a camel’s hair brush to put colors on the note, imitated the silk threads with red and blue inks, and suggested rather than duplicated the intricate geometric lathework. Notably, he omitted the line crediting the Bureau of Engraving and Printing from all of his bills, and some of them were also missing the counterfeiting warning. When asked why he omitted the Bureau of Engraving and Printing credit on his bills, Ninger responded, "Because dey [sic] didn't make dem [sic]."

    for more information

    Siyāh Qalam

    The album of Muḥammad Siyāh Qalam or Siāh-Qalam comprise around 80 extant late 14th and early 15th century paintings folios, ink drawings (qalam-siāhi), and calligraphies, on various material, sometimes silk. The albums that contains these paintings, most of which are signed as Mehmet or Muhammad Siyah Qalam, is called the Fatih. These paintings depict cultural and religious ritual norms of the time period, providing insight into the demographics of that era as well as the geography. Measuring up to 335 × 485 cm, these paintings are generally attributed to Iran and bear the strong influence of Chinese art and techniques, as well as symbols of Buddhism and Shamanism, which were both major faiths in the region of Central Asia before the arrival of Islam. ☞





    Ukiyo-e is a genre of Japanese art that flourished from the 17th through 19th centuries. Its artists produced woodblock prints and paintings of such subjects as female beauties; kabuki actors and sumo wrestlers; scenes from history and folk tales; travel scenes and landscapes; flora and fauna; and erotica. The term ukiyo-e (浮世絵) translates as 'picture[s] of the floating world'.

    Pomodoro Technique

    The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It uses a kitchen timer to break work into intervals, typically 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. Each interval is known as a pomodoro, from the Italian word for tomato, after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer Cirillo used as a university student.

    South-up map orientation

    > More noteworthy than the technical matter of orientation, per se, is the history of explicitly using south-up map orientation as a political statement, that is, creating south-up oriented maps with the express rationale of reacting to the north-up oriented world maps that have dominated map publication during the modern age.

    photo taken in a white room of (a basketball and a soccer ball), a giant basketball BREAK photo taken in a white room of (a basketball and a soccer ball), a giant soccer ball

    edit: this was just to study region-specific prompting

    strangely when the guidance is low (2), the result is closer to what was prompted

    of course, every model had its own ideas about what a soccer ball may be. I started with "football" but that gave some american results

    merde merde alors


    notated as

    "constant performativity, brand management, status seeking" ;P

    ☞ "Information wants to be free"

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