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If Prometheus stole fire to give to humans. Why was he in trouble? Because could not Zeus lightning strikes on earth create fire? Kind of seems like punishing a person for doing what you do.
  • I thought I was going to rely to this question, but you covered it so perfectly that I've nothing useful to add. Thank you for putting in the time.

  • I am a Georgia poll worker. Republicans’ new rules are making me lose sleep
  • The vast army of Georgia poll workers report for duty only about three days a year and get paid about $7.25 an hour. Every time we come in, the rules have changed, so we train for eight hours to learn the new protocols. Election day itself, including set-up and break-down, starts at 5:30 am and ends at 9:00 pm, two hours later if you’re a manager delivering the ballots to the regional office. Most of us are retired, and many are elderly (read: not tech-forward).

    And poll workers are not perfect. One of them puts on a sweater and inadvertently obscures her name tag (not allowed). Another shows a new person how to work the check-in station (not allowed). Another tells a nonprofit they can set up their food hand-outs inside the building so as to stay out of the rain (not allowed). And at some point during the 15 hour work day, all of you find yourself accidentally socializing with one another (also not allowed). Likewise, the clerks are socializing with the voters (you guessed it: not allowed), which, worst case, is akin to being smothered in grandmas.

    This sounds very like my experience back when I used to work the polls. We all did the best we could and we all knew a fair chunk of the voters, so chatting was frequent.

  • When and why did democrats begin supporting fracking?
  • Are you trying to greenwash fracking??? Industry never cleans up. There's no profit in it. You would hear them advertise their 'commitment to nature' if they rescued one tree or bunny from their own contamination. When you hear nothing, they are continuing to wreak havoc.

  • When and why did democrats begin supporting fracking?
  • It's because of the electoral college. Most states give all their electoral college votes to whomever wins the state rather than dividing the votes equitably. This means Pennsylvania -- a swing state -- will go either all-red or all-blue. The state has a lot of fracking, and a lot of people making money off it, so Democrats are trying to appease pro-fracking to get votes.

    The people getting harmed by fracking are stuck without anyone on their 'side', but will presumably be more likely to vote blue because that side favors more regulation and pro-environment stuff. Note that all Harris said was she wouldn't ban fracking. She didn't say she wouldn't make it difficult to do. My guess is any attempts to make it cleaner will get crushed by Congress and the Corrupted Supreme Court that has sided against Unions, workers, citizens, and the planet -- all to favor of their sugar daddies. So even if the next President wants to do something about fracking, it would be a hard to actually do anything.

  • Amazon Bans Its Drivers From Moving Their Own Lips Too Much At Work [Update]
  • Well, yeah, but that'd take a government not captured by Corporations.

  • Amazon Bans Its Drivers From Moving Their Own Lips Too Much At Work [Update]
  • This should be addressed by fixing the software, but it seems to be easier or cheaper to instead further burden the workers.

  • Something’s Poisoning America’s Land. Farmers Fear ‘Forever’ Chemicals.
  • Does this archive version render any better for you?

  • 'Ants are everywhere': Labour MP's tenants reveal state of flats
  • I saw 'ants are everywhere' and thought it was going to be a nature story about the secret lives of ants -- something like this:

    The actual story was a much sadder read. :-(

  • Amazon Contractors can't even sing in their cars now. Unions protect against this micromanagement.
  • Exactly! In fact ENCOURAGE singing to get a better data set for fixing the software!

  • Amazon Contractors can't even sing in their cars now. Unions protect against this micromanagement.
  • No, it isn't. If it was just for liability, they wouldn't have to care what the driver did until someone filed an accident report or other complaint.

    This is about crappy software that COULD be improved, but it is cheaper to threaten thousands of people with punishment for singing than it is to pay programmers to refine their 'distracted'-pattern recognition.

  • The Army says on the record that Trump campaign staff assaulted a civilian Army employee at Arlington
  • Uhg. No. Well, yes in the most literal sense: if it is recorded there is a record of it, BUT if you ask a journalist to keep something off the record and they agree, then whatever you then disclose is usually not published of otherwise made public. See: journalists like having good relationships with their sources and if the journalist gets a reputation for saying something is off the record and then writing about it, people stop talking to them. OTH, if a journalist happens to see something heinous, you probably won't be able to retroactively get them to let it slide -- but in that case the journalist isn't betraying a trust.

    TLDR; You can't force a journalist keep something off the record, but if you ask in advance, they might agree.

  • what's that one sandwich you can't stop thinking about? be detailed
  • You say that because you've never had the good stuff. :-P

  • Why do they refer to vintage erotica models as Cheesecake?
  • Alternate story from

    The modern slang meaning dates from 1933; a "Time" magazine article from 1934 defined it as "leg-pictures of sporty females."

  • what's that one sandwich you can't stop thinking about? be detailed
  • Is it any good? I used to like Lidl and Aldi breads before COVID, when you could slice it right there. They stopped that, and so I no longer had a reason to drive 5-10 miles out of my way to go there. I'd go back for a good sauerkraut, though.

  • Do you approve sex work? Why or why not?
  • I generally agree with you, but it is so complicated. I read a piece in The Nation a few years ago (written 2019) and whenever I see a question like this I have to dig it up. Sex workers in Spain applied to become a union (OTRAS, for short, full name basically means “the other women") and were approved in August 2018. Here are a few snippets:

    After OTRAS was legalized, its two dozen or so members—who include women and men, both trans and cisgender—quickly found themselves engulfed in a national controversy. Prominent activists, academics, and media personalities swarmed social media under the hashtag #SoyAbolicionista (“I’m an Abolitionist”) to denounce what they saw as basic exploitation masquerading as the service economy. The union’s opponents argue that in a patriarchal society, women can’t be consenting parties in a paid sexual act born of financial necessity. They liken sex work to slavery, hence their name: “abolitionists.”

    OTRAS calls this abolitionist opposition “the industry.” “They live really well off of their discussions, books, workshops, conferences, without ever including sex workers,” Necro says. “We’re not allowed to attend the feminist conventions.” OTRAS accuses “the industry” and the government—the two loudest arms of the abolitionist camp—of racism and classism, and is irked by their claims to feminism. “A government that refuses to guarantee the rights of the most vulnerable, poorest women with the highest number of immigrants? How is that feminist?” Borrell bristles. “We’re the feminists, the ones fighting for their rights.”

    While advocates for legalization argue that it will make sex work safer, abolitionists counter that it could instead endanger women who, unlike the members of OTRAS, did not choose to enter the profession on their own. Abolitionists frame their anti-prostitution stance around the issue of human trafficking, specifically for prostitution. They argue that regulating sex work will simply allow traffickers to exploit women under legal cover.

    “The trafficked women have no papers, so if police raid a club, the women have no choice but to say they’re there because they want to be,” says Rocío Nieto [...] Once law enforcement is out of earshot, Nieto says, “none of the women tell you they want to be there. None of them tell you they want to do that work.”

    A handful of smaller radical-left parties also back OTRAS, as well as one unlikely ally: the right-wing Ciudadanos party, known for its harsh anti-immigration stance, among other more traditionally conservative postures. “Experience shows us that when the State refuses to regulate, the mafias make the rules,” the party’s press corps wrote me in an e-mail.

  • How Elon Musk is disrupting US elections to boost Trump
  • I'm going to be repeating this whenever this ad blitz is mentioned because it is MUCH WORSE than you think. America PAC is partially funded by Musk and his old pals at Palantir. They sell data and analyses of it. You might get registered to vote if your state is a solid red or blue, but CNBC reports (archive):

    [...] users who enter a ZIP code that indicates they live in a battleground state, like Pennsylvania or Georgia, the process is very different.

    Rather than be directed to their state’s voter registration page, they instead are directed to a highly detailed personal information form, prompted to enter their address, cellphone number and age.

    So that person who wanted help registering to vote? In the end, they got no help at all registering. But they did hand over priceless personal data to a political operation.

    “What makes America PAC more unique: it is a billionaire-backed super PAC focused on door-to-door canvassing, which it can conduct in coordination with a presidential campaign,” Fischer said. “Thanks to a recent FEC advisory opinion, America PAC may legally coordinate its canvassing activities with the Trump campaign — meaning, among other things, that the Trump campaign may provide America PAC with the literature and scripts to make sure their efforts are consistent.”

    The America PAC raised more than $8 million between April 1 and June 30, according to FEC records. It has received donations from veteran investor Doug Leone, cryptocurrency investors Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, and a company run by longtime venture capitalist Joe Lonsdale, according to FEC records.

    They also quote the NYT in saying Lonsdale is one of Musk's political confidants -- which is interesting because he's at Palantir which was you'd think of as his buddy Peter Theil's gig. Again, Palantir sells information, so in all likelihood they are going to take that input to figure out exactly how to target people to 'vote Trump' using the very information the public gave them for free!

  • Venezuela election: Protesters clash with police after Maduro victory claim Venezuela election: Protesters clash with police after Maduro victory claim

    Security forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets against people as thousands gathered in Caracas.

    Venezuela election: Protesters clash with police after Maduro victory claim

    Before you read that, see also: Choreographed celebrations in Venezuela as Maduro claims win

    > There are some things that are indisputable. Some which I, as an observer on the ground, was witness to. > > There were the huge queues at polling stations, but only tiny amounts of people being let in at one time. > >This led to accusations of deliberate delays, perhaps in the hope some people would give up and go home. > >When our BBC team arrived at one polling station, the organiser of the station took a call saying the international media were there. 150 people were then suddenly allowed to be admitted. > >There were some poll stations that didn’t open at all, leading to protests and clashes with the authorities. > >There were allegations that some of those who work for the state, including police students, were told how to vote.

    The protest coverage says:

    > The opposition has disputed Mr Maduro's declaration of victory as fraudulent, saying its candidate Edmundo González won convincingly with 73.2% of the vote.

    > A heavy military and police presence, including water cannons, was on the streets of Caracas with the aim of trying to disperse protesters and prevent them from approaching the presidential palace.

    >In some areas, posters of President Maduro were ripped down and burned while tyres, cars and rubbish have also been set alight. > >Armed police, military and left-wing paramilitaries who are sympathetic to the government clashed with protesters and blocked off many roads around the city centre.

    See also similar coverage from Al Jazeera: Protests break out as Maduro declared winner of disputed Venezuela election (archive)

    See GOJIRA bring fire, blood and heavy metal to Paris Olympics

    cross-posted from:

    >After adding operatic vocals to Gojira's rendition of "Ah! Ça Ira," a song popular during the French Revolution, she went on to sing a portion of Georges Bizet's Carmen.

    From NME:

    >The heavy metallers performed ‘Ah, Ça Ira!’ (which translates to ‘It’ll be fine’), a song that was popular during the French revolution, during a segment titled ‘Liberté’ (in reference to France’s famed motto ‘Liberté, égalité, fraternité’) that celebrated one of the most famous events in French history, as well as the nation’s emphasis on freedom. > >Gojira appeared on the side of a castle surrounded by fire and bursts of red streamers to represent blood, with Viotti later appearing on a moving prop boat. Their performance followed a portion dedicated to Les Miserables and came just after a beheaded Marie Antoinette was shown singing.

    Traditional lyrics translated at wikipedia (linked above) Gojira's lyrics translated via redditors: "Oh. It'll be okay, be okay, be okay, Hang the aristocrats from on high! Oh. It'll be okay, be okay, be okay, The aristocrats, we'll hang 'em all. Despotism will breathe its last, Liberty will take the day, Oh. It'll be okay, be okay, be okay, We don't have any more nobles or priests, Oh. It'll be okay, be okay, be okay, Equality will reign everywhere, The Austrian slave will follow him, To the Devil will they fly. Oh. It'll be okay, be okay, be okay, To the Devil will they fly." [!](

    United States | News & Politics memfree
    Confronting neo-Nazi hate: 'When I look at you guys, I do not think master race' Confronting neo-Nazi hate: 'When I look at you guys, I do not think master race'

    A Scripps News reporter confronts an out-of-state neo-Nazi group who were demonstrating in Nashville, Tenn. They were said to have created havoc on the streets with symbols of hate and vile words.

    Confronting neo-Nazi hate: 'When I look at you guys, I do not think master race'

    Article details how reporter -- pre-armed with relevant facts and cameras -- confronts neoNazis in Tennessee. | Excerpts: > Members of the Goyim Defense League harassed people in the heart of Nashville's entertainment district, berating a lesbian mom who had just left a restaurant.

    > Later, the neo-Nazis assaulted a bartender who had confronted the group. ---- > "I'm curious: Why Nashville? Why did you guys choose Nashville?" I asked Minadeo. > >A fellow GDL member, Nicholas Bysheim, quickly answered. > >"It's the only place that respects freedom of speech," Bysheim said. > >Minadeo added, "Yeah, this city respects freedom of speech, but communist Jews like yourself don't." > >A Californian who moved to Florida, Minadeo leads the hate group as it goes around the country trying to create scenes that they hope will bring them attention and followers. > >One of their favorite tropes: Falsely accusing Jews of being pedophiles. ----- > Over and over, it became clear that these are people who are blind to any facts that don't support their hate.

    > These are really pathetic human beings. > >They are the only ones who seem not to know it.

    United States | News & Politics memfree
    ‘Hugely hammered’: Key senator sees momentum to pass Congress stock trading ban ‘Hugely hammered’: Key senator sees momentum to pass Congress stock trading ban

    For 12 years, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) has pushed for a ban on congressional stock trading, calling the practice “corrupt,” “unacceptable” and “wrong.”The first time he and Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) presented an amendment in 2012 that would prohibit members of Congress from playing the stock market,...

    ‘Hugely hammered’: Key senator sees momentum to pass Congress stock trading ban

    >For 12 years, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) has pushed for a ban on congressional stock trading, calling the practice “corrupt,” “unacceptable” and “wrong.”

    >Now, Merkley is confident an amended version of the Ending Trading and Holdings in Congressional Stocks (ETHICS) Act has enough bipartisan support that it will come out of a markup meeting with the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on Wednesday with the votes necessary to present the amendment for a vote.

    EDIT: It passed out of committee, so now it can go to the floor.

    > One key difference between this bill and previous proposals is that it doesn't allow for lawmakers to continue holding stocks via "blind trusts," which some have criticized as insufficient.

    >There are still certain assets that lawmakers and their families could continue to hold, such as mutual funds, US Treasury bills, and municipal bonds.

    > Despite the progress represented by Wednesday's committee vote, it's unclear when or if the bill will come up for a vote. > > Just a few weeks of session remain for the rest of this year, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has historically been hesitant to bring up bills that don't already have enough votes to pass. It's unclear if that's the case with this bill.

    United States | News & Politics memfree
    'Is Stephen Miller okay?': Dems gleeful as Trump adviser has 'meltdown' over Biden dropout 'Is Stephen Miller okay?': Dems gleeful as Trump adviser has 'meltdown' over Biden dropout

    The left is giddy over the fact that Stephen Miller, the former senior adviser to then-President Donald Trump, is melting down due to President Joe Biden's decision to end his presidential campaign. Miller appeared on Fox News on Sunday, where he went off on a rant about the Democratic votes wer.....

    'Is Stephen Miller okay?': Dems gleeful as Trump adviser has 'meltdown' over Biden dropout

    > Miller appeared on Fox News on Sunday, where he went off on a rant about the Democratic votes were thrown away as the party rallies around Vice President Kamala Harris. > >"They held a primary. They had ballots. They filled out circles!" Miller shouted on Fox News. "They went to the voting booths. They spent money on advertisements!" > > Still yelling, Miller says that Republicans also spent money running against Biden.

    United States | News & Politics memfree
    Biden drops out of the 2024 presidential race, leaving the Democratic nomination open Biden drops out of the 2024 presidential race, leaving the Democratic nomination open

    Biden is the first sitting president to drop out of running for reelection since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968 — leaving the race against Donald Trump in turmoil.

    Biden drops out of the 2024 presidential race, leaving the Democratic nomination open

    "While it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for my term," Mr. Biden posted in a statement on social media.

    United States | News & Politics memfree
    U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, an icon of Houston politics, dies at 74 after cancer battle

    > First elected to represent the 18th Congressional District in 1994, Jackson Lee quickly rose to prominence within Houston’s congressional delegation, securing overwhelming victories, election after election. She became known as a fierce advocate for women and people of color and made a national name for herself with iconic House floor speeches and perennial media appearances.

    > She was poised to secure a 15th term in office this fall after achieving a decisive victory in the March primary against upstart challenger Amanda Edwards.


    United States | News & Politics memfree
    [OP/ED] The far right’s Project 2025 also dodged a bullet, and they know it | Will Bunch The far right’s Project 2025 also dodged a bullet, and they know it | Will Bunch

    A Milwaukee fest honoring the architect of Project 2025 spoke of a "silver lining" as the Trump shooting quells widespread criticism.

    The far right’s Project 2025 also dodged a bullet, and they know it | Will Bunch

    > the director of Project 2025, Paul Dans, told the hundreds of RNC attendees ...

    >“We have to take the vitriol down” — seconds before he suggested that Biden’s amped-up rhetoric around Project 2025 created the climate for an assassination attempt.

    > The Republican Party line that it’s now time for national unity — and that this week in Milwaukee is about asking America what’s so funny ’bout peace, love and understanding — is clearly carrying the day. Never mind that most GOP calls for toning down the rhetoric are followed with an attack that blames Democrats for all the toxic political speech.

    > Just like the days after 9/11, Americans need to watch what they do, watch what they say — or so we are told. We continue to obey in advance.

    > “The more we as a society bow to the pressure and self-censor — the dream of autocrats is for you to silence yourself, doing their job for them — the more arrogant and lawless the enemies of democracy will become,” Ruth Ben-Ghiat, the New York University historian and author of the book Strongmen on modern dictators, posted on Monday.

    United States | News & Politics memfree
    Live Updates: Judge Dismisses Classified Documents Case Against Trump

    Thanks to for this gift link

    No-Salt Seasoning as base for Potato Chip Dip

    I usually make dip with a packet of soup mix powder, but I was out so I did the following and it turned out well -- and since it was mostly with Coscto items, I thought I'd post here.

    All measurements were eyeballed, so change as you desire:

    • 10oz frozen chopped spinach (cut spinach is too stringy, but if you want to use a food processor, you could use either, or substitute fresh spinach, kale, Yu Choy, Dau Miu, or anything else -- or skip completely)
    • 1 cup mayonnaise (from the giant jug taking up all that refrigerator space)
    • 1 cup sour cream
    • 1-2 tsp "Better Than Bullion" "Seasoned Vegetable Base" ("Organic Reduced Sodium") soup starter -- this is in the spice aisle and any variety will do
    • 1 tsp Kirkland "Organic No-Salt Seasoning" -- also in the spice aisle
    • a chunk of a pepper, minced (Italian long hot) -- can sub red bell pepper, another hot pepper, or omit
    • 2-3 fresh garlic cloves, minced (or skip if you don't love garlic)

    Optional stuff you might like: chives/scallions/red onion, goat cheese, artichoke hearts, chopped mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, or go traditional and fry up a good sized onion until it is brown and caramelized to make more of a traditional 'french onion' dip.


    1. In a small mixing bowl, microwave frozen spinach until warm, then lightly squeeze out excess water. It should be damp (to absorb the no-salt spice mix), but not so wet that the dip becomes soupy. If using a fresh veg, cook as desired.

    2. Add No-Salt Seasoning and Better Than Bullion to vegetable and mix together. Taste to ensure a bold flavor (the flavor will be softened by the dip base, but also bloom a bit as the dehydrated bits absorb moisture).

    3. Add garlic and fresh bell/chili/long-hot pepper, and any optional items you desire. Mix. If you are using a food processor, this is a good time to pulse everything together ... but you can also wait until the end if you need more bulk to mix properly.

    4. Add the sour cream and mayonnaise. Stir together. Add optional ingredients as desired. Refrigerate for an hour. Note: You can it serve immediately, but it is weird to have warm dip for potato chips.

    United States | News & Politics memfree
    Supreme Court stalls Trump’s federal election trial while weighing his immunity bid

    cross-posted from:

    > politico archive: > > see also: | thehill archive: > > Excerpts (politico): > > In Wednesday’s order, the Supreme Court granted Trump’s emergency request to maintain that pause while the justices hear Trump’s immunity appeal. > > > But the court’s decision to keep the pretrial proceedings frozen is a blow to special counsel Jack Smith’s effort to bring Trump to trial this year. Smith has charged Trump with four felonies stemming from his bid to subvert the 2020 presidential election. > > > If they deny the immunity bid by the end of their term in June, it may still be possible for the trial judge overseeing the case, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, to schedule a trial to begin in late summer or fall. > > > > The timing of the justices’ eventual ruling could be critical since Chutkan has vowed to give Trump roughly three additional months to prepare for trial if the case is returned to her courtroom. > > > That hypothetical schedule would guarantee that much of Trump’s general election calendar is consumed by his mandatory presence in the courtroom, perhaps overlapping with the Republican National Convention or even Election Day itself. > > > Chutkan had originally intended to begin the election-subversion trial on March 4, but she nixed that start date due to the delays caused by Trump’s immunity claim. The trial, if it happens, is expected to last several months. > > > Excerpts (thehill): > > That timetable is much faster than usual, but assuming the justices deny Trump’s immunity bid, it’s not clear whether a trial can be scheduled and concluded before the November election. Early voting in some states will begin in September. > > > In the end, the timing of a possible trial could come down to how quickly the justices rule. They have shown they can act fast, issuing a decision in the Watergate tapes case in 1974 just 16 days after hearing arguments. The decision in Bush v. Gore came the day after arguments in December 2000. > > > > By taking up the legally untested question now, the justices have created a scenario of uncertainty that special counsel Jack Smith had sought to avoid when he first asked the high court in December to immediately intervene. In his latest court filing, Smith had suggested arguments a full month earlier than the late April timeframe. > > > Though their Supreme Court filing did not explicitly mention the upcoming November election or Trump’s status as the Republican primary front-runner, prosecutors described the case as having “unique national importance” and said that “delay in the resolution of these charges threatens to frustrate the public interest in a speedy and fair verdict.”

    United States | News & Politics memfree
    How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump

    A binder containing highly classified information related to Russian election interference went missing at the end of Donald Trump’s presidency, raising alarms among intelligence officials.

    The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump

    Archive link | Excerpts: > A binder containing highly classified information related to Russian election interference went missing at the end of Donald Trump’s presidency, raising alarms among intelligence officials that some of the most closely guarded national security secrets from the US and its allies could be exposed, sources familiar with the matter told CNN. > > Its disappearance, which has not been previously reported, was so concerning that intelligence officials briefed Senate Intelligence Committee leaders last year about the missing materials and the government’s efforts to retrieve them, the sources said.


    > The former president had ordered it brought there so he could declassify a host of documents related to the FBI’s Russia investigation. Under the care of then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, the binder was scoured by Republican aides working to redact the most sensitive information so it could be declassified and released publicly.

    > Instead, copies initially sent out were frantically retrieved at the direction of White House lawyers demanding additional redactions.

    > Just minutes before Joe Biden was inaugurated, Meadows rushed to the Justice Department to hand-deliver a redacted copy for a last review. Years later, the Justice Department has yet to release all of the documents, despite Trump’s declassification order. Additional copies with varying levels of redactions ended up at the National Archives. > > But an unredacted version of the binder containing the classified raw intelligence went missing amid the chaotic final hours of the Trump White House. The circumstances surrounding its disappearance remain shrouded in mystery.


    > One theory has emerged about the binder’s whereabouts. > > Cassidy Hutchinson, one of Meadows’ top aides, testified to Congress and wrote in her memoir that she believes Meadows took home an unredacted version of the binder. She said it had been kept in Meadows’ safe and that she saw him leave with it from the White House. > > “I am almost positive it went home with Mr. Meadows,” Hutchinson told the January 6 committee in closed-door testimony, according to transcripts released last year. > > A lawyer for Meadows, however, strongly denies that Meadows mishandled any classified information at the White House, saying any suggestion Meadows was responsible for classified information going missing was “flat wrong.”

    United States | News & Politics memfree
    Pa. Republicans call on Penn to fire Liz Magill (live updates) Penn president Liz Magill faces increasing pressure to resign; Gov. Shapiro calls comments ‘shameful and unacceptable’

    Penn says president Liz Magill is staying put while rebukes increase over her comments on antisemitism on campus made on Capitol Hill earlier this week.

    Penn president Liz Magill faces increasing pressure to resign; Gov. Shapiro calls comments ‘shameful and unacceptable’

    Excerpt: > “President Magill’s actions in front of Congress were an embarrassment to the university, its student body, and its vast network of proud alumni,” the six congressmen wrote in a news release. “She has shown the university and the entire world that she is either incapable or unwilling to combat antisemitism on the university’s campus and take care of its student body. As such, I respectfully call on you to relieve President Magill of her duties as president to protect the lives of Jewish American students at the University of Pennsylvania.”

    Norman Lear, Whose Comedies Changed the Face of TV, Is Dead at 101

    cross-posted from:

    > > Norman Lear, the television writer and producer who introduced political and social commentary into situation comedy with “All in the Family” and other shows, proving that it was possible to be topical as well as funny while attracting millions of viewers, died on Tuesday at his home in Los Angeles. He was 101. > > > >His death was confirmed by Lara Bergthold, a spokeswoman for the family.

    Denny Laine, Wings and Moody Blues Co-Founder, Dead at 79 Denny Laine, Wings and Moody Blues Co-Founder, Dead at 79

    Denny Laine, who founded the Moody Blues before helping Paul McCartney kickstart Wings, has died after a short battle with a lung disease.

    Denny Laine, Wings and Moody Blues Co-Founder, Dead at 79

    cross-posted from:

    > >Denny Laine, the original lead singer of the Moody Blues and Paul McCartney’s co-founder/guitarist in Wings, died December 5 after a short battle with Interstitial lung disease. He was 79. > > > >“I was at his bedside holdings his hand as I played his favorite Christmas songs for him,” his wife Elizabeth Hines wrote in a statement. “My world will never be the same. Denny was an amazingly wonderful person, so loving and sweet to me. He made my days colorful, fun, and full of life – just like him.”

    Kmart: Australian supermarket pulls 'Merry Ham-mas' Christmas bag Kmart: Australian store pulls 'Merry Ham-mas' Christmas bag

    Kmart removed the festive-themed bag from sale after a Jewish group raised the likeness to Hamas.

    Kmart: Australian store pulls 'Merry Ham-mas' Christmas bag

    cross-posted from:

    > Archived version: > Archived version:

    Costco Pharmacy Sends Sensitive Health Data to Third Parties Costco Pharmacy Sends Sensitive Health Data to 3rd Parties

    Costco warehouse customers often get free samples of cheese and beef jerky. But members who fill their prescriptions online at Costco pharmacies allegedly get their

    Costco Pharmacy Sends Sensitive Health Data to 3rd Parties

    The main allegation is that Costco lets Meta collect communications related to health care from its website, violating HIPAA and effectively acting as a wiretap of the customer.

    The first lawsuit was news earlier in October, and the new one from the 25th appears to be similar. Links to first suit:

    Spooky Chocolate Bundt? Yuk! What's your opinion on it? Costco Proves That Bundt Cakes Can Also Get Into The Spooky Spirit

    With Halloween drawing near, Costco has pulled out all the stops with holiday spirit with spooky-themed desserts -- including a webbed and oozing Bundt cake

    Costco Proves That Bundt Cakes Can Also Get Into The Spooky Spirit

    I got the "Spooky Chocolate Bundt" cake from my local Costco and absolutely hated it. To me, it wasn't chocolatey and the over-sweet icing tasted off. My better half thought it was delightful, so it'll get eaten but not by me. If you've tried it, please let us know which of us is right.

    P.S. the only link I could find with an image was the linked yahoo piece.

    United States | News & Politics memfree
    How Fire Turned Lahaina Into a Death Trap How Fire Turned Lahaina Into a Death Trap

    When a historic coastal town in Hawaii was overrun by fire, many residents fled for their lives — but there was nowhere to go.

    How Fire Turned Lahaina Into a Death Trap


    ... As the fire spread further into town, the problems multiplied: Hydrants ran dry as the community’s water system collapsed, according to firefighters. Powerful sirens, tested every month in preparation for such an emergency, never sounded. Lahaina’s 911 system went down.

    Many of those who evacuated said they were corralled by road closures and downed power lines into traffic jams that left some people to burn alive in their cars and forced others to flee into the Pacific. Videos shared with The Times and posted on social media show cars on Front Street crawling in bumper-to-bumper traffic as smoke, embers and debris billow around them.

    Government officials have blamed wind gusts that in some cases exceeded 80 miles per hour for fueling the ferocity of the blaze, combined with warming temperatures and drought that left the island’s vast grasslands and brush tinder dry.

    The prospect of a destructive wildfire has been a growing concern across West Maui for years, as drought has worsened, invasive plants have created huge swaths of highly flammable grasslands, and worsening storms have spawned winds that can fuel fires. All those perils came sharply into focus in the days before Maui’s fire last week, when a hurricane building to the south, with significant winds forecast, created the very conditions that scientists had long warned could be a deadly combination.

    Gov. Josh Green of Hawaii has said repeatedly since the fire that climate change is “the ultimate reason that so many people perished.” He has asked the attorney general to conduct a comprehensive review....

    ... “We couldn’t see people, but I heard people throwing up, screaming,” said Ydriss Nouara, a sales manager at a local hotel who was fleeing on a scooter with a neighbor. He said he watched as a pit bull threw itself into the water. He called 911, and the operator urged them to get into the water, too....

    United States | News & Politics memfree
    Houston continues excessive heat warnings, while Apple's weather app falsely forecasts rain

    See full article for full details, but here's the Apple bit that caught my eye:

    > Back to that rain chance that your iPhone is teasing you with. It’s all a dirty lie. Aside from a less than 20 percent chance of a stray shower, there’s really not much to write home about in terms of rain chances. To put that chance into perspective, a number of meteorologists don’t even mention rain chances of less than 20 percent.

    > What’s causing the error? It’s honestly hard to say with any sort of certainty without working on Apple’s app development team. Weather apps that come preloaded onto smart phones have a notorious reputation for missing the mark when it comes to a forecast. A lot of times, the data that goes into these apps are raw and unfiltered. As anyone who works with data for a living can attest, raw and unfiltered data can be a land mine of trouble. Many of the most utilized weather apps, such as the stock iPhone app, are rife with real-world examples of why you should be getting your forecast from a trusted source. A human meteorologist remains the best source for accurate and reliable weather information.

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