melsaskca @ melsaskca Posts 0Comments 24Joined 6 days ago
Evolution of human behaviour is slow. Right now we are all enmeshed in the dawning discovery that the current way we run society is falling apart at the seams. Just enter the core of almost any city in North America and you'll see what I mean (and not just N. America). It'll take a while to set itself right, or it may all just burn in a raging nuclear fire launched by a pissed off oligarch who does not get his way.
Definitely not forward progress towards a better day.
Never lose your cool. Smile and talk to them like they are a three year old.
A criminal who lies and is greedily destroying his nations economy while demanding fealty and respect. That percentage should be lower and it makes me wonder whether the tinkering they are doing with their schools is finally working.
I recently left reddit for lemmy. More so because of the 51st state bullshit and calling our Prime Minister a governor, rather than the tariff's and buy Canadian. Most of what I posted on reddit had no value and I hope to continue that honourable tradition here.
It's almost like perpetual motion with both sides being complicit in keeping the circular motion going. Capitalism...what can you do?
Can the US shut down the planes from afar? Why would Canada submit to this purchase if that is a factor?
Can't blame Elon really. Everyone wants to protect their heroes and saviours.
That's a good quote! Thanks.
I'm starting to see that most Canadians are more interested in american politics than in their own countries politics. When a gigantic behemoth is wounded, and about to fall, you get a lot of rubberneckers. Sadly, I include myself in this list.
Trump better not find out that some americans are unwilling to suffer for him.
Hitler didn't murder Tesla. Elon did.
Lots of groupings here. Applying current generational words as well. Good work!
Change my mind.
We are almost at the guillotine stage so I don't buy into this left/right controlled by the elite idea, otherwise we would have been socially engineered better. Look more closely at greed and capitalism and you'll get closer to the truth. I could be wrong.
Zuckerberg, go play with your BBS and let us worry about what needs to be discussed in this myopic, dystopic world.
Just leave and be forgotten. Why bring good or bad attention to reddit? Most humans in pre-tech history have been born, then died, then were forgotten.
A businessman lying to possibly sell more product? If this continues to happen then the whole system will be broken after a while! /s
"Donald. I will pay to make you President but you have to give me access to all admin information and buy a car from me." E-Lawn.
We now scour the aisles of the grocery store for anything not made in america. I just quit Netflix and yesterday said goodbye to reddit. Collectively this will hurt their economy quite badly. Individually, not so much.
Shop local. It's just coffee. Don't let the marketers tell you any different. For sweet creamy syrupy treats go to the ice cream store. Let's not support the current system of the bigwig at the top who does very little and reaps most of the rewards.
Air Canada working on adding "steerage" section in plane underbelly to their flights. /s