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A New Eastern Mediterranean Strategic Matrix Is Evolving

A New Eastern Mediterranean Strategic Matrix Is Evolving

Meanwhile, the political-economic collapse of Turkey can no longer be ignored by its former allies, who face a dilemma because they can’t make the case for a viable NATO—if NATO’s mission (a relic of the first Cold War) remains the containment of Russia—if Ankara is closer to Moscow than it is to Washington.\_5383089.html


‘Kissinger’s Betrayal’: New Book Explains Why South Vietnam Fell

‘Kissinger’s Betrayal’: New Book Explains Why South Vietnam Fell

While Kissinger rightfully has been faulted before, Young provided detailed historical documents as “smoking guns” for his argument that Kissinger betrayed Nixon, U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam Ellsworth Bunker, and South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu. This perfidy set the stage for the success of the North Vietnamese conquest of South Vietnam in April 1975. It occurred on May 31, 1971, during his secret negotiations with North Vietnamese leadership when Kissinger made a major military concession that, while the United States would withdraw from South Vietnam, it wouldn’t require North Vietnam to withdraw its forces.\_5363831.html


Remember where your rights come from. We've been endowed by our **Creator** with unalienable rights. Men cannot take them away.

Remember where your rights come from. We've been endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights. Men cannot take them away.


Biden vs. Trump: The 2024 race a historic number of Americans don't want | CNN Politics

Biden vs. Trump: The 2024 race a historic number of Americans don't want | CNN Politics

Neither Trump nor Biden are anywhere near positive territory this cycle, and we’re not talking about one outlier poll.

The average of all polling so far indicates that both men have favorable ratings below 40% with unfavorable ratings into the mid-50s.


Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss was an inside job
  • Your logic lesson for today:
    The genetic fallacy is the act of rejecting or accepting an argument on the basis of its origin rather than its content. Under the genetic fallacy, we judge a claim by paying too much attention to its source or history, even though this criticism is irrelevant to the truth of the claim.
    If you understand the genetic fallacy you should realize that calling the originator of the argument a name is insufficient to refute the argument.

  • Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss was an inside job

    Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss was an inside job

    There are numerous bombshells in the congressional testimony of two IRS whistleblowers, but the most significant is that members of Trump’s Department of Justice helped to tip the 2020 election to his opponent by slow-walking the investigation into Hunter Biden.


    Audio Of Trump Conversation About Secret Iran Attack Plan Contradicts His Denial

    Audio Of Trump Conversation About Secret Iran Attack Plan Contradicts His Denial The audio makes clear that Trump had a specific document in his hand prepared by the Defense Department that was still secret and had not been declassified by him, contrary to his denial in an Bret Baier interview that he just had a stack of news clippings.


    "None of this matters if we don’t win."

    “"None of this matters if we don’t win. There is no substitute for victory. We cannot continue with the culture of losing where we lose winnable races." —@RonDeSantis #RD24 🇺🇸”

  • Third party apps can change the interface/appearance of Mastodon, so what advantages do Misskey/Clackey have over Mastodon?

  • melmc melmc

    I am a Christian and a semi-retired attorney, former IRS revenue officer, and former naval intelligence officer.

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