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Sometimes, it's backwards
  • That's the conversation I was having with my therapist this week. I don't know. I've always massively struggled with this. Thinking about it sends me into a spiral.

    As of now the plan is to look for other opportunities in industry. Some training is fine but I would like to avoid loans. I don't have anything specific yet, but public sector is likely part of it. I'm less motivated to help people as I am to make certain people miserable. Countries have started to track job quality ("job quality"), it's data worth looking at.

    Depending on how that goes I have other thoughts but nothing that is sucking me in. Maybe I'll give up entirely and become a vagrant. I also have a viable non-expiring business idea that would de-employ a certain group of people I don't like. I'm not ready for either of those yet.

    In the meantime I have a bucket list of things that I'm working through. It helps me feel like my life has forward momentum despite what's happening with my career (it's also opening up new doors I didn't see before, eg acting). Between that and therapy my job feels often feels like something I'll deal with later.

  • Send Nudes
  • I appreciate my form (sometimes) and I'm a guy. The roman's did a lot of sexy guy bodies, I'd say the roman dudes bodies are sexier on average than the woman's bodies.

    I think any gender stuff like this naturally creates a lot of discomfort for people since attraction/sexuality is so base. If you really believe that a woman's body is objectively more beautiful then I think that'd represent a gap in your logic. We're just shapes.

  • Are we underestimating global warming?
  • Shouldn't we put more weight into your friends opinion?

    Another person replied to me with a list of things that are a constant in our world. Except 'collapse of civ' which is exactly the kind of conclusion I'm raising doubts on as there isn't as much to support it. Again, focused on regional impacts and not places that are going to be obliterated.

    Another person said 'wait till permafrost melts'. This is already baked into models, it's not expected that all permafrost is going to melt everywhere.

    Idk. I'm eagerly waiting for AR7 and I'm regularly checking in on a few places. I'm aware of the narrative that IPCC leans towards conservative estimates or is overly optimistic. Internet forums don't seem to offer much to this conversation and it's mostly people echoing what they already believe. I'm not seeing any exceptions to that norm here in this thread.

    The few places:

    An article/search topic that swayed me a while ago:

    I expect that geoengineering is going to happen on a larger scale, it would be counter to how people operate to not pursue that option.

  • Sometimes, it's backwards
  • It just makes me realize how much I hate what I do for a living.

  • Disney+ Now Wants You to Pay to Share Your Account
  • Thanks for the jellyfin link

  • Meta pays the price for storing hundreds of millions of passwords in plaintext
  • My boss isn't responsible for me being shit at my job

  • Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it
  • That's not the question. Do you think music nowadays puts more emphasis on the appearance of the artist than before? Idk what it is but I find reactions like this annoying. Like OP makes a good point and then we have to hear a lot of 'well, actually' bs.

  • Contemplating, dissociating...
  • Yes nobody is normal

  • Dormice
  • either as a savoury appetizer or as a dessert (dipped in honey and poppy seeds).

  • Dormice
  • Now I want to try one but only in that context.

  • Opinions on Stephen King
  • I'd start with a smaller one. His writing is very steady and consistent. Sometimes there are weird sexual undertones (weird in a bad way).

    I'd recommend Terry Pratchett Discworld. I can't get into King but Pratchett is good for my English soul.

  • A Thank You to this Community (and another question!)
  • I found that our cat seemed more calm or at ease after she was spayed. I'm not a cat psychologist. From what I observed it seemed better for the cat to be spayed. She had also shown signs of the frisky behaviour. I'd be curious to know from people who didn't spay their cats if that behaviour mellowed out, and how quickly.

  • Warranty runs out at 30
  • I'm big into woodworking and routinely stress my joints (it's all handtools). How bad is this?

  • Warranty runs out at 30
  • I get sharp knee pain from time to time and it's from a tight IT band. Stretching with a roller (the pain) makes it go away immediately. I've had it since I was a young person.

  • Warranty runs out at 30
  • I haven't noticed any of this yet. The only thing I notice so far about getting older is that there is no chance in hell I'm jumping down a flight of stairs.

  • Disney+ Now Wants You to Pay to Share Your Account
  • Does anyone have a dead simple tutorial/webpage to setup jellyfin? I always assume it needs a dedicated NAS and I'm not going to do that. I have spare laptops.

  • Meta pays the price for storing hundreds of millions of passwords in plaintext
  • This isn't on meta this is on the garbage engineers who did nothing to fix it.

  • Ontario can end gridlock. But not with more highways
  • I'm guessing that's the 401? I know someone who used to commute on that and it sounded like fucking hell. Hours every day, in the car, driving, snacking, listening to the radio. You leave work and just get on a road in your car for hours.

    People talk shit about paying a lot of money for tiny places in the city but I'd rather live in a box than commute 3-4 hours a day for 30 years.

  • Are we underestimating global warming?
  • I don't know anymore.. I'm more confused about the severity of climate change as time goes on.

    Climate change is not a big deal if the life a person is expecting to live is only a slightly more stressful version of a life without climate change (I think this is where we are currently). It is a big deal if it has the same degree of impact of that a mental health disorder might have - work, relationships, and overall lifestyle are significantly impacted and that person needs to make major adjustments to learn to live with it. I don't see a middle ground here, but I'm also not thinking that hard about it.

    I don't know where we are going. And yes... I know the world is a big place and some people are going to feel the worst aspects, but to keep things simple (and relevant) I'm only thinking of other "middle" class Canadians living in large urban centers. If this argument takes into account every person on earth then the answer is just going to be a meaningless 'yes'.

  • Trump Forced To Cancel Rally After Biden Admin Denies Protection
  • Protection from... other republicans? Also, why tf is it White House's job to help this shitstain rally?

  • Double feature: Wishmaster and The Ninth Gate

    Here are some things I found in common between these two movies:

    Alexandra and Corso

    The jewel and the book

    Lots of dialogue

    Machiavellian horror



    The Ninth Gate

    • Must watch


    • Average 90s movie
    Union fees and dues

    Another union question..

    One major obstacle to forming a union are union dues/fees. I understand these are required to pay for legal, administrative, and compliance needs. I wonder how simple this could get to keep fees down. I know that if the agreement is missing sections the relevant Employment Standard statement takes over. How much of union admin can be automated? Anyone here work inside a union?

    Why don't unions ask for more?

    I'm hoping someone with knowledge of collective agreements and unions can help me understand why union members would agree to 2 weeks vacation. Doesn't a union hold more power for negotiation?

    This is what I'm reading:

    More than 1 year of continuous employment -> 2 weeks

    From what I can tell this is less than most regular employers (maybe food industry is like that though).

    I'm looking at forming a collective agreement at my workplace but seeing this result is discouraging.

    Mood matrix and work

    The mood matrix (ie the Microsoft logo). A four quadrant grid to plot energy and pleasantness. Some charts have 100 emotions, others have 4. You can find one online, here are some example (,

    Description Blue: Low energy, low pleasantness. This is where depression sits.

    Red: High energy, low pleasantness. This is where anger goes.

    Yellow: High energy, high pleasant. Festive.

    Green: Low energy, high pleasant. Serene, content, calm.

    Maybe you know this already. Maybe you also know that you can try to pair your activities with your mood. So why am I sharing? It's a prompt. I've heard of this before, never bothered to try it or never did it successfully. It's worth trying if you're struggling right now and have to work.

    My week has been rough, mental health dropped of a cliff after being solid for several weeks. Monday, the usual, 'I can't do this right now' feelings. I'd usually grind through the day, nap with my phone on alert, take a long lunch, stop early and tell myself I'd catch up later when I'm feeling better. Mental health days right? Meanwhile I'm falling behind, having less than positive interactions with coworkers, making mistakes, and just generally making my life worse.

    I'll try the mood chart thing, this time I have an LLM to help me think because I'm an idiot.

    I only sort of want the day off, but I realize I might be on this roller coaster for a while. What can I actually do today?

    1. Red Zone (Angry, Frustrated, Overwhelmed)

    • Urgent, high-energy tasks: clearing backlogs, problem-solving, making quick decisions
    • Use the frustration energy to push through stuck problems
    • Physical tasks: organizing, rearranging, building things.
    • Brainstorming: Pull out some paper, a web tool, or whiteboard and come up with ideas and plans. Explore solutions later if that's better.
    • Avoid talking to people, mute notifications

    2. Yellow Zone (Anxious, Excited)

    • Creative work: Channel that restless energy into being creative
    • Wrap up projects, put a bow on it and then start something else that sounds fun
    • Planning: Outline projects, create to-do lists, or schedule future work.
    • Bring donuts

    3. Green Zone (Calm, Focused, Happy)

    • Deep-focus work: Tackle complex projects, research, writing, meticulous and challenging activities, analysis
    • Collaborative tasks: Team meetings, discussions, problem-solving with others.
    • Socializing with colleagues, go out for lunch, call someone, bring donuts for people
    • Planning. I think planning goes everywhere except blue.

    4. Blue Zone (Tired, Sad, Low Energy)

    • Low-energy tasks: Organizing files, deleting things, sorting documents, or simple administrative work, simple things, dull tasks that you've been putting off
    • Research: Tasks that require reading, learning, or reviewing information at a comfortable pace. Get cozy.
    • Planning: review work you've done recently

    It's helping me get through this wave. Monday and Tuesday have been better than I expected, I've been productive and I don't feel worse.

    A hurdle towards reducing the environmental impact of automobile manufacturing

    cross-posted from:

    > In an interview with POLITICO, Cleveland-Cliffs CEO Lourenco Goncalves said the Ohio-based company produces the steel with the lowest carbon emissions in the world. But he said his company cannot persuade buyers, mostly in the automobile sector, to pay the price to cover the costs of producing more environmentally friendly steel.

    Cars! Fuck em.

    A hurdle towards reducing the environmental impact of automobile manufacturing

    > In an interview with POLITICO, Cleveland-Cliffs CEO Lourenco Goncalves said the Ohio-based company produces the steel with the lowest carbon emissions in the world. But he said his company cannot persuade buyers, mostly in the automobile sector, to pay the price to cover the costs of producing more environmentally friendly steel.

    Dang. This looks like a problem.

    [Discussion] What is the appropriate response to cars on roads?

    What is the right attitude to have with drivers or cars on the road as someone who bikes, or walks, or uses another mode of transportation.

    I'm looking to adjust my behaviour and want some opinions. How do you treat cars on the road (shared bike/car roads, bike lanes only)

    I think there is a good case for adding 'friction' to the lives of drivers. But I'm less sure today. I'm conflicted. Friction comes in a variety of ways, but basically I think of it as me not contributing to the driving experience in a positive way. Eg. if you're a car rushing up to a stop sign with a light on a bike path... we'll I'm not pushing the pedestrian button. I can wait. Good luck turning left on this 4 lane road during rush hour :) I'm not like this if I'm a pedestrian.

    Do communities like fuckcars encourage people to adopt a more extreme response to cars? Is the internet radicalizing me? Is it worth it?

    The majority of the time biking is great and I'm happy to not be driving around, but sometimes I'm done with cars being cars: dangerous, entitled, and they stink and I lose my patience. Car blocking the entire road? I'm saying something. Car tail gating me? I'm moving to the center of the road until it's safe to pass.

    I'm in a Canadian city. I've never had any incidents with cars and I've been commuting on my bike in bike lanes/roads for like 8 years.

    2024's Persistent Warmth 2024's unusually persistent warmth

    This year is increasingly diverging from past El Nino years.

    2024's unusually persistent warmth

    More from Zeke Hausfather "Warmest April on record ā€“ but a possible return to predictability?"

    "Factcheck: Why the recent ā€˜accelerationā€™ in global warming is what scientists expect"

    cold/flu season depression

    I caught covid a couple weeks ago and it's been draining physically as expected but also mentally. Starting week 3 now of not really being able to do anything except walk around the block. Bad habits creeping in. I feel like crap. Spending way too much time on youtube/social media.

    I remember in the past that when I started to recover from an illness I'd get a boost of motivation, but I hadn't noticed that I was actually feeling depressed.

    I think part of it was feeling weak and not being able to counter intrusive thoughts. All the stress of regular life sort of piled on in and I had no defence against it.

    Frugal trainsaresexy
    Basic, advanced, and optional ways to save money

    Here are my basics:

    • Hydroponics: lettuce, basil, strawberries, microgreens. Cost to implement well ~ $350CDN
    • Yoghurt: Cost to implement well ~ $50
    • Crochet + yarn: mainly for making dishcloths. $5
    • Mayo: I like mayo, obviously, but it doesnā€™t last very long. Has anyone made mayo that lasts as long as store bought?

    More advanced ideas?

    • locally sourced meat and eggs: is this cheaper? Iā€™m in Vancouver BC and there are a lot of farms in the valley. Logistics seems challenging.
    • jarring: is it worth learning how to do this and investing in the equipment? volunteering at a farm: Iā€™m sure this would net some food
    • solar power or bike generator: electricity is cheap here
    • minimalism: Iā€™m realizing this is a lifestyle. It has taken me a while to reduce, and Iā€™m still reducing. Are most of you like this?

    And things that can save money, but I donā€™t want to do:

    • Bread: I donā€™t like making bread. Bread machine vs. buying a mixer?
    • Beer: Iā€™d like to but last time I tried it was messy and space consuming
    • switch to cotton socks and underwear. Quantity over quality.
    • no alcohol or drugs: Whatā€™s your experience?
    • meal prep: savings seem big if combined with jarring. But if I had food prepped Iā€™ll eat it, cheaper to skip meals?

    Any other ideas welcome. Iā€™m looking to save $$$ by spending $$

    Miyazakiā€™s How do you live?

    This is coming out next week and I just heard about it. No trailers, just a [poster]( I've never seen a Ghibli movie in theatres, and haven't been to the theatre in a while but this is tempting.

    mayo trainsaresexy
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