I think that you have been working to make the paper clearer. So i am using your definition draft and adding a section after the "Abstract". It goes like so:
Unit of measure
Exposed data are annual throughput of carbon-dioxide equivalent emissions. The unit is giga-tonnes of CO2-equivalent/year, or Gt/year for short. For any greenhouse gas, the number represents the mass of carbon dioxide that would warm the earth over a hundred years as much as the mass of the gas newly-sent.
Thank you for your feedback. Let's suppose that we do not wish to indicate tonnage (of CO2-equivalent over 100 years) but flux (tonnage of CO2-equivalent over 100 years per year).
I wonder if we would use the unit often found in the literature: "GtCOe.y-1".
I do not contest that it is scientific but i propose that it cannot be understood without a degree in math.
I do not worry about trolls: my purpose is to be understood by non-trolls. What do you think?