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2 yr. ago
  • @superkret I filled in some missing values based on correct values found in city code.

  • @pleaseclap @DemonHusky @bloomingtonin Yes. Many routing services, including Google Maps, use OpenStreetMap data to some degree. The more accurate the data is, in general the better the algorithms can work.

    If you know of times where you think you haven’t been given the best bike directions, the issue might be solved by updating something in OpenStreetMap. Which like Wikipedia, anyone can edit and it’s not to hard to get started.

  • @benfulton @bloomingtonin The algorithms don’t know about the debris in the bike lane nor have I heard of carbon monoxide being factored in, BUT the Pointz app allows reporting road hazards and road stress/comfort. But they have few users.

    Both Strava and Ride With GPS factor in the routes actually take, so there are options for algorithms that look beyond what’s in OSM data.

  • @pleaseclap @DemonHusky @bloomingtonin In context, the rest of the post says that exceptions are published in city code and provides an example link to the table in our code.

    I’m suggesting to use real speed limits from city code. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.

  • @pleaseclap @DemonHusky @bloomingtonin Misrepresentating? I found streets where the maxspeed value was missing and added the correct values based on city code.

  • @pleaseclap @DemonHusky @bloomingtonin I’ve looked at the code. My servers have bike routing coverage for most of the US and EU with the OpenTripPlanner and Valhalla engines. Occasionally we find edge cases that don’t route optimally and look into patches.

    Lots of roads don’t have max speeds in OpenStreetMap which they both use, so other signals are essential.

  • @pleaseclap @DemonHusky @bloomingtonin That’s right. Many signals are involved. Some factor in cyclist aversion to hills for example.

  • @pleaseclap @DemonHusky @bloomingtonin In the absence of a speed limit signal, the algorithms look for other signals, like the type of road. Cars are routed to arterials over residential streets even they are a bit longer, while bike routing would prefer residential streets.

    The Pointz bike routing app is nice because it puts you in control with more options.

  • @pleaseclap @DemonHusky @bloomingtonin I can’t see how any routes will become more direct for anyone, because no new more direct paths are being added.

    Tagging a slow speed limit is a signal that cars may want to take a less direct route on streets with faster speed limits, while tagging a high speed limit is a signal for bike routing that cyclists may be less safe and may themselves prefer a less direct but safer route.

  • Bloomington Indiana

    I just added some max_speed= tags for #OpenStreetMap in Bloomington, Indiana.

    I just added some maxspeed= tags for #OpenStreetMap in Bloomington, Indiana.

    Our city code has a default speed limit 25 mph. Exceptions are published in a table in the city code.

    It seems possible that adding the correct lower-than-default speed limits from city code to OpenStreetMap could reduce the likelihood that routing algorithms would route car traffic there, which could in turn keep the street safer for other road users.



    Bloomington Indiana

    This are the designed, protected routes in Bloomington currently mapped in #OpenStreetMap

    This are the designed, protected routes in Bloomington currently mapped in #OpenStreetMap

    The newer 7-Line is notably absent. And that disconnect bit up north? Those are the trails in Cascades Park.


  • @benfulton @bloomingtonin I’m glad it will create a new connection into the Griffy trail system, but Blue Ridge is high car ownership and car dependency— not many places close by to walk to. I wonder how much it will get used and why it was selected over other locations.

  • @FartsWithAnAccent I saw a split bike seat a decade ago. Rider said it was very comfortable. Maybe this variant is different because it tilts too. 🤷

  • Bloomington Indiana

    The water wars are coming to The Indiana

    The water wars are coming to The Indiana

    Besides big data centers planned by Facebook, Google and Amazon, there’s a fourth site planned by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation estimated to pull 100 million gallons per day from an aquifer.


    Indiana #Climate

  • @vegetaaaaaaa

    After testing ssmtp, nullmailer, and msmtp for relay-only outgoing mail on Fedora #Linux. Here's my final report:

    ssmtp is packaged for Fedora and I got it working, but the Ansible role I found for it had been abandoned by the author because ssmtp itself is unmaintained.
    nullmailer might have worked, but is not packaged for Fedora.
    msmtp worked. I used this Ansible role, after patching it to work on Fedora:

  • @atzanteol

    ssmtp is unmaintained.

    msmtp is the recommended successor. The Arch wiki recommends also considering OpenSMTPD, which I haven't looked at yet.

  • @intenselyhuman It was a weird option to include in the survey anyway, along with giant sports arena.

  • @ajsadauskas @fuckcars I built free software to quantify amenity categories within a 10-min walk:

    My default categories:

    Arts / cultural space
    Bank / ATM
    Bar / pub
    Bike shop
    Bus stop / Rail Station
    Café / Tea Shop
    Car share station
    Community center / place of worship
    Fitness or Sports Center
    Grocery store
    Hardware store
    Liquor / cannabis store
    Retail / boutique

  • networking

    How I fixed not having an IPv6 address at home

    How I fixed not having an IPv6 address at home

    On a "What is my IP" site I found it was no longer reporting an IPv6 address when I knew my ISP had assigned one.

    I realized the problem what I had added an additional router was now double NAT'ed, breaking IPv6.

    The solution was to go into my nested router's settings and enable "bridge mode" AKA "Wireless AP" mode, which put it in the same IP range as the ISP router and resolved the issue.


    ( Num row feels different today but cat tail why.


    ( Num row feels different today but cat tail why.

    @ergomechkeyboards Num row feels different today but cat tail why.