mapto @ mapto Posts 13Comments 27Joined 5 mo. ago

Well, plebbit being text-only means exactly that any media content is being stored remotely on CDNs
It is not in the White House that people are dying. In fact, the White House is just going through 2 years of madness that will end at the half-term elections at latest.
Someone else already did here:
Wow, not sure if you did something or it was there all along... But I used to search for it by language. And the language is not there anymore :D
But seriously, thank you.
Can somebody also make notice that our instance exists? Can't get it listed, even though we comply with the requirements for a while now.
Actually in Spain there are a Catalan and a Basque instances. Go represent this on your map :)
You could subscribe to the Lemmy community by following e.g. from mastodon. If you're familiar with , it's exactly the same from mastodon. The difference is that with lemmy you can also access without passing through mastodon.
I've always wondered why active-but-silent didn't count. If you bother to login, you're active to me.
To me it is MAU that is more interesting. And this doesn't stabilise if people stop using it.
On the other hand, the Kickstarter campaign should be an interesting push. It should improve retention.
The Black Sea is their one and only domestic summer holiday destination... Used to be.
Not something that affects many people. By Moscow standards, several tens of thousands is a few apartment buildings.
I think the font for Slavs can't be right. How about using BukyVede?
With Bulgarians it's enough telling them that those ignorant Westerners can't distinguish between Greeks and Thracians. Something similar could work with Romanian about Dacians. With Serbs I don't see this working - it would mean they are Macedonian, and I don't see how they could swallow that.
Holiday street decorations?
Mexican America dating 1607
Well, it seems that the territory in question later became what is known as the Mexican Cession of 1848.
Well, it's pretty young so long way to go, but it's been around for 2 months, and subscriptions have tripled I since the post you saw in ! 5 days ago. Good enough for me :)
Thanks. I thought it's obvious from the link. Anyway, sorry for being sloppy.
News came out that he personally called to stop the construction of a gunpowder facility. We all know that this is a critical resource in the war. Now you see how much the presumption is off and how infuriating all this is.
I've been using path 3 and it was fine for me. I even adapted the docker-pyinstaller to also compile Mac-native binaries.
The thing is that in your case the users would still need to run front-end and back-end. Unless you want to implement some browser-starting logic (which is a pain to do multiplatform), this will be up to them ans that's one click too many to start.
As far as I can tell you have such a problem with path 1 as well.