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Where to after Solipsism?
  • It doesn't matter if everyone else is a p-zombie. If you're a dick to them, they might still cut you, and pain is real. So it's worth considering their POV.

  • NSFW
  • Minneapolis opens new Graco Park along Mississippi River in northeast
  • Nice! I hadn't heard of RiverFirst (which handled Hall's Island) before, but I like it:

    Before Minneapolis was the “city of lakes,” we were a river city.

    Now open in 2021, two new RiverFirst projects – Water Works at Mill Ruins Park and the Overlook at 26th Ave N. RiverFirst is a vision for transforming 11 miles of once-industrial Mississippi Riverfront as it flows through the heart of Minneapolis into a welcoming place for all people through improved habitat and miles of new interconnected parks and trails.

  • Observances & Holidays 🎉 m_f
    Happy National Punctuation Day‽

    The interrobang in the title is in honor of the day and also shows both my surprise and approval that the day exists.

    The guy that created it had a whole website set up for it, but the domain lapsed this year. Here's an archived version:

    If this day appeals to you, I'd recommend reading Shady Characters: The Secret Life of Punctuation, Symbols & Other Typographical Marks. Also a reminder that exists as a federated alternative to GoodReads, and is good way to link to books instead of Amazon or what-have-you.

    Minnesota among states with highest concentration of large livestock operations
  • In some southern Minnesota counties, hogs outnumber humans by a factor of 40 to 1.

    Let's give them voting rights

  • Will I-94 Get 86'd?
  • Here's some more info on I-94:

    I like the complete reworking as surface-level boulevard option the most. There's nice things about other options like widening bridges into land bridges, but I think that's kind of papering over the problem.

  • Will I-94 Get 86'd?
  • The payroll fraud bit reminds me of this chart:

    Which looks like it comes from here:

  • Will I-94 Get 86'd? Will I-94 Get 86'd? - Racket

    Plus wage theft abounds, MOA pays for gunshot detection, and the Strib's paid influencer gambit in today's Flyover news roundup.

    Will I-94 Get 86'd? - Racket

    > Our Streets' I-94 Removal Dream Advances > > "What if we... converted a big chunk of I-94?" a March Flyover headline asked. Well, incredibly, we might actually get to find out. > > Back in March, a coalition of transportation advocacy orgs had just released an 84-page report (which you can read in full here) on the feasibility of conducting a "highway-to-boulevard conversion" on the 7.5-mile stretch of I-94 between downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul. It was the latest in MnDOT's ongoing "Rethinking I-94" project, which kicked off in 2016 and seeks to reconnect the neighborhoods decimated by the highway's construction in the mid-1900s. > > This Thursday, writes Sahan Journal's Andrew Hazzard, Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved a resolution that strongly opposes any expansion of I-94 in Minneapolis. In fact, the resolution reads, City Council "supports a wide variety of highway removal options in the upcoming Rethinking I-94 scoping decision document, including the addition of a 'restored network' alternative with fewer lanes, which would maximize the potential to repurpose highway land for new public housing, affordable commercial space, parks, community gardens, or other uses determined by surrounding communities." > > Don't bust out the shovels and champagne just yet: As Hazzard writes, construction is likely years away, and no funding has been secured for any of this at the moment. Still, pretty cool to see a governing body take such an ambitious proposal seriously rather than dismissing it outright. And for all you pie-in-the-sky naysayers: There's already a successful urban highway removal project in Rochester, New York, and a similar proposal in Oakland, California, appears to be gaining steam. > > Report: Payroll Fraud Rampant in MN > > Nearly 1 in 10 workers are misclassified as independent contractors, according to a report from think tank North Star Policy Action. “Based on that analysis, the group estimates workers lost between $2.9 billion and $6.2 billion in 2019,” writes Max Nesterak in his weekly labor blog for Minnesota Reformer. And they're not just losing regular income either. Victims often miss out on things like healthcare, retirement contributions, overtime, paid time off, and workers’ comp as a result of misclassification. > > The report also found that companies who commit this type of fraud often face little or no consequence. The Minnesota Department of Revenue has gotten involved in at least one high-profile case. In 2020, Minnesota United’s video crew complained that they had been misclassified as independent contractors, and a few years later the team’s scoreboard operators would unionize over similar issues. > > We’ll end our blurb on this mind-boggling stat: “10,073 cars were stolen in Minnesota in 2017, compared to 316,000 people who experienced wage theft,” researcher Aaron Rosenthal told the Attorney General’s task force. So, if you work in the private sector, you’re three times more likely to experience employer theft than car theft. > > Mall Installs Shot-Detecting Tech > > The Mall of America is now using shot detection tech, WCCO reports, with $1 million toward the system kicked in by the city of Bloomington. AmberBox, the tech vendor, says it can notify authorities in less than four seconds after a shot and pinpoint the shots from within 60 feet. > > The city's police chief, Booker Hodges, says the technology will help "apprehend criminals sooner than if it had not been used"—in other words, it's not gonna do a whole lot to keep a gun from getting shot in the first place. Plus, for all their societal faults, guns already do a pretty great job letting know they've been shot via their famously loud gunshots. > > The MOA, you may recall, has already started using facial recognition, a technology that tends to have built-in racist flaws. "We have an incredibly unique property, which is why we're taking an industry leading approach to protecting it," says a mall spokesperson. I’m sure they meant to say “our visitors” rather than “it,” right? > > Extra! Extra! Paid Brand Influencer Piles Praise on Strib Rebrand > > As the Star Tribune Media Co. rushed through a brand refresh this year, we had multiple questions: How much did it cost? Is it a conflict of interest that Colle McVoy, the ad firm headed by current Strib board chair Christine Fruechte, won the job? And does Stribby, the paper’s brand-new grey duck mascot, possess his species’ anatomically correct corkscrew dick? The Strib’s PR man wouldn’t get into specifics about the first two, and we smartly didn’t pose the last one. > > Last week the freshly minted Minnesota Star Tribune received more effusive feedback via The Brand Blueprint, which appears to be a “brand + marketing strategy insight” TikTok influencer account with 39,000+ followers. Its NYC-based founder, Brooke Yoakam, uses an "omnichannel platform" approach boosted by AI to "[help] consumer brands unlock customers to spend." (Typing that sequence of jargon took years off my life.) And she loves what the Minnesota Star Tribune is cookin', no doubt in part because the TikTok post is “in partnership with the Minnesota Star Tribune.” > > "One of the most interesting rebrands just happened,” she begins in peak TikTok-voice. "It might not seem like that big of a rebrand but it's actually huge. So they added Minnesota to the name because the goal of the rebrand is to cover news across the whole state of Minnesota." Wow, huge if true! Yoakam goes on to praise the symbology of the star logo (four points representing covering all four corners of Minnesota, though commenters point out the state has several additional corners) and the indented “i” (apparently a callback to the old logo). The Stribby mascot is “really great for marketing and Gen Z,” we learn. Her video has been viewed almost 1 million times; the top-voted comment (“Can I read the articles for free though?") isn’t exactly a marketing win. > > Add “How much did this shit cost and could it have been spent on reporting?” to our list of armchair Strib executive Qs. (On a much brighter note, the company did just hire one of the state’s very best reporters, the Minnesota Reformer’s Deena Winter.) Oh, and to the anonymous Strib tipster who keeps emailing Racket newsroom dirt without any ability to reply? Let us email you back! These things require two-way streets.

    Looking for new moderators
  • I could help mod/post. modlog doesn't make it look like too hard of a job

  • 20 September 2024
  • Speaking of cow tools, next time it comes up in this community, he wrote a bit about the comic and the public response it got that I'll have to post.

  • 20 September 2024
  • Some background on this comic:

  • 20 September 2024
  • Some background on this comic:

  • Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day 🏴‍☠️
  • Arr, this lad fucks, he does!

  • Chinese solar panel boom threatens Pakistan’s debt-ridden grid | Industry rushes to switch to clean energy as cost of state power network becomes crippling
  • It's pop science, but The Tipping Point explores this sort of thing.

    I think we're also going to see this happen with EVs and gas stations. Gas stations will start closing as EVs become more popular, making it harder to own a gas car, making more gas stations shut down, etc. Gas stations also mostly won't be converted into charging spots, IMO the most common thing is that places like Target or shopping malls will have chargers, and you'll charge either at home, or when you're busy shopping.

  • Sovcit can't figure it out.
  • What do they think "running the passport number" will do? I've seen that in several of these posts. I can't imagine whoever they got their paper from will have been able to create a number that exists in any system that a cop uses during a traffic stop.

  • Minneapolis police sergeant accused of stalking and harassing co-worker Minneapolis police sergeant accused of stalking and harassing co-worker

    Sgt. Gordon Blackey, once a security guard to Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, allegedly admitted to tracking the woman’s movements in her vehicle, according to a criminal complaint.

    Minneapolis police sergeant accused of stalking and harassing co-worker

    Land o' Lusts: The Kinky Weirdos Are Saving Our City Land o' Lusts: The Kinky Weirdos Are Saving Our City - Racket

    Introducing Land o' Lusts, a new bimonthly(ish) column about sex and sex work in the Twin Cities.

    Land o' Lusts: The Kinky Weirdos Are Saving Our City - Racket

    Emails reveal how Walz struggled to deal with unrest, reach consensus with critics after police killings Emails reveal how Walz struggled to deal with unrest, reach consensus with critics after police killings

    Spring 2021 saw escalating tensions in Minnesota: Police had killed Daunte Wright less than a year after George Floyd. Caught between the demands of Black organizers and Republican lawmakers, Tim Walz struggled to chart a course for police reform.

    Emails reveal how Walz struggled to deal with unrest, reach consensus with critics after police killings

    IMO a pretty fair look

    Also published in Minnesota Reformer

    Observances & Holidays 🎉 m_f
    Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day 🏴‍☠️

    Guess I'll learn Swedish

    Eyesores or necessary clean energy? Solar garden growth sparks debate in Hugo
  • Totally agree. In this case, it's plain NIMBYism, but we should make sure to avoid the classic mistake of ignoring any downsides of the new and shiny thing.

  • Sovcit will get very far on getting a car loan this way.
  • The two UCC references they list:

    "Signed" includes using any symbol executed or adopted with present intention to adopt or accept a writing.

    § 1-304. Obligation of Good Faith.

    Every contract or duty within the Uniform Commercial Code imposes an obligation of good faith in its performance and enforcement.

    From what I can understand of this mess, they're trying to buy a car, or otherwise enter a contract of some sort with Volkswagen. I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure sections like § 1-304 only mean after you enter a contract, you're obligated to uphold it. If someone doesn't want to enter into a contract with you because they don't like the way you write your signature, it's their right to tell you to get bent.

  • Eyesores or necessary clean energy? Solar garden growth sparks debate in Hugo Eyesores or necessary clean energy? Solar garden growth sparks debate in Hugo

    Cities with land that appeals to solar farm developers are trying figure out how to balance the push for renewable energy with neighbors’ concerns about the solar panel arrays.

    Eyesores or necessary clean energy? Solar garden growth sparks debate in Hugo

    This confirms all of my stereotypes about Hugo:

    > “I don’t want to not allow solar farms, but you don’t want to ruin a neighborhood’s character,” City Council Member David Strub said in an interview. “We’re all trying to be good neighbors.”

    They also don't like public transit because of reasons that boil down to not liking minorities. That's probably why Bob Kroll lives there, who was the president of the Minneapolis police union during the George Floyd protests.

    Happy National Fox Day 🦊
  • Thanks for posting the original! Hopefully it doesn't feel like I stole your post. I used the cross-post button which should link the posts, but IMO Lemmy could do a better job of making that apparent

  • Observances & Holidays 🎉 m_f
    National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day

    > On September 18, 2008, National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day was launched by The AIDS Institute in an effort to raise awareness due to the alarming increase in the number of HIV diagnoses among older adults and individuals over 50 living and aging with HIV. > > Each year our nation observes National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (NHAAD) on September 18th and the national campaign highlights the complex issues related to HIV prevention, care, and treatment for older adults. NHAAD is further recognized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy, and > > In an effort to continually expand awareness about HIV/AIDS among the aging population, organizations and community members are invited to develop, implement and participate in awareness activities and events on or around September 18th. > > The 2024 NHAAD theme is Protect our aging populations: meeting new challenges to live longer and improve lives of people living and aging with HIV. > > Our goals are to emphasize the need for prevention, research, and data focused on the aging community and increase medical understanding of the impact of HIV on the natural aging process. Through action, we hope to increase the quality of life for people living with HIV (PWH). Through awareness, we hope to reduce stigma surrounding HIV.

    Observances & Holidays 🎉 m_f
    Happy National Fox Day 🦊
    Every time 🤦‍♀️
  • Environmental destruction isn't limited to any particular ideology

  • cops don't cum

    Saw this today in a parking lot. Not sure exactly what it's trying to say, but thought it was funny

    The Temporary Demise of Uptown The Temporary Demise of Uptown - Racket

    The death of Uptown came slowly, then all at once. Its rebirth may be around the corner.

    The Temporary Demise of Uptown - Racket