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Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • Please explain how I came off as insulting? Nowhere in my statement was it meant to come off as insulting. If you are referring to the quote "am I the bad guy" I was talking about mozilla and trying to use the principle skinner meme in text format. It was a joke. It wasn't directed at you. My entire point is to not trust companies. There is no good company. Mozilla was doing good things but the fact of the matter is they put in an unnessescary feature and enabled it by default. Giving users control of settings they want right out of the gate is pro privacy, when you start choosing what you think is best for the user. That is anti-privacy.

    To you that is "kinda lame" but you then explain it away by saying "at least it isn't as bad as other browsers that make you jump through hoops!" That is where we fundamentally disagree. Bad is still bad for me, and my line is unmovable. Whereas for you there is a line you are willing to move. You asked me why it was inherently anti-privacy and I explained that any company willing to enable a slimy feature by default like this is on the path to become anti-privacy/already is. what you confuse for hostility was me informing you on my posiition.

    This isn't some conspiracy theory, way to be reductive. Companies always require growth and profit. If you think this is a conspiracy theory I have no idea how we even continue this conversation. Mozilla doesn't give two shits about you or I. Google started off as a company with the slogan "do no evil" look at how that is going. Do you trust that Google still is doing no evil because they had a slogan? No, you don't trust Google because they have built up this anti-privacy reputation. That started with a simple search engine.

    Mozilla is testing the waters in what they can get away with. I was trying to provide alternatives for people who like Firefox but don't know where to go. I am actually trying to provide solutions rather than explain away a companies behavior as you seem to be doing (And you called us the shills which is ironic). If you don't like this and are worried about the implications there are other options.

    Jesus Christ and you called me assumptive. Did I say anywhere to burn the creators of the Mozilla CORPORATION at the stake? No. Did I say anywhere that I hate mozilla? No. Did I say anywhere that the creators of the Mozilla Foundation are "nefarious villains" ? No. Did I say anywhere about mozilla being ignorant and clueless? No. They know exactly what they are doing and that is the problem. I think that companies are emotionless entities that seek profit over well being.

    Also where was this "wild rage" you talk about. TBH your reply is more insulting than my response. Talk about pot calling the kettle black.

    Please tell me why this feature needed to be on by default? The absolute necessary reason this feature had to be turned on for every user. Why the user couldn't turn it on themselves? Do you think the user is too stupid to know what is best for themselves? If they came up with a pop up for you that says "this feature tracks you, do you want to enable it?" would you turn it on?

    "not the far reaching ramifications it might lead to." Oh I get it, you only care if it is harming you now (which it is). Not what these actions could lead to in the future. You are like a frog in a boiling pot of water. The thing is this shit is gradual. My argument is simply stating that this is the start of something you may not want to be a part of in the future.

    In the blogpost you link they specifically say that this feature tracks you but not in the normal cookie way you are used to. Tracking is still tracking and it's gross. Tracking is anti-privacy do you agree? Tracking should not be enabled by default. Period. Tracking as an out of the box feature and not something a user chooses to opt into is anti-privacy.

    If you wanted a specific type of answer for your "invitation" then be more specific when you ask. You replied to me with that question, I gave you my answer and you didn't like it.

  • Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • Any company that is willing to enable options (such as advertising) without users permission/consent is anti privacy. While it may not be a big deal for you now, wait to see what else they try to explain away. You act as if ublock is just automatically installed for users, thus making this not a big deal. what about the thousands if not millions of users on default firefox? The fact that Mozilla did this without letting the user know it is on by default, is inherently anti privacy. Hell I would argue turning it on by default is inherently anti privacy. Especially when they try to explain it away on reddit when they faced backlash. "There has to be a reason our users are upset? Am I the bad guy? No it's the users who are bad!" It is a reminder that no company is your friend. This is a test to see what they can and cannot get away with. A test to see if the users notice/if enough would really jump ship to create an impact on their product.

    I jumped ship as soon as this feature was found. Fuck that.

    Librewolf is fantastic, it's FOSS Firefox. I have had absolutley no issues getting firefox extensions to work with librewolf.

  • Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • Nah. Turning that feature on by default already set in stone for me their willingness to test the waters. If you don't think auto-enabling anti-privacy features is a problem I don't know what to tell you. It may be "small" right now, but just wait and see what else they will try to sneak in.

    Use Librewolf and Mull instead.

  • The longer I play games on arch the worse the framerate gets.
  • you solved it! so I was doing some testing and The Outlast Trials actually runs great! However Deadlock must have a memory leak with proton or something because that seems to be the only game gradually dropping frames like that. Thank you so much

    I know you refrenced Bigfish but I didn't see a comment from them. Thank you both!

    I can finally use arch btw ;)

  • The longer I play games on arch the worse the framerate gets.
  • I've heard that the Nouveau drivers are not well optimized for gaming and that sticking with proprietary is better (🤮) or the limited open source drivers they officially released. Are you currently gaming on Nouveau drivers?

  • The longer I play games on arch the worse the framerate gets.

    so I recently dualbooted arch and windows. I have noticed the longer I play game the more the fps drops.

    Deadlock for example, I will be getting 110-120 fps then as the match goes on (usually at the 20-40 min mark) it gradually drops to 50fps (I don't know if it will keep going, that is just the lowest I have been able to see it drop)

    the outlast trials also gets pretty bad micro stutters.

    I have tried reinstalling drivers removing two sticks of ram that seem to be faulty, and reinstalling arch completely with archinstall just to see if I flubbed something up around manual install, I tried the nvidia-open drivers (the ones released by nvidia) and the proprietary drivers. Nothing seems to be working.

    When I launch into windows games stay at pretty consistant framerates.


    rtx 3070 ryzen 7 3700x 16gb ram 1tb ssd 2tb ssd 1440p 144hz monitor

    Any help is very much appreciated!!

    (off topic question but I figured I would ask here as to not create another post. I cannot for the life of me get wayland kde to work properly. It efuses to let me change the resolution and refresh rate. the solution I seem to be finding is that wayland doesnt play nice with nvidia. So I have just been using x11. is this assesment incorrect?)

    More Republicans Endorsing Kamala Harris Is Great And All, But It Doesn't Erase Past GOP Harms
  • I don't see it as them endorsing her because they see her as a conservative. I see it as them endorsing her and later retreating to the Democratic party because right now it's the only party that seems rational for both sides. Let's be honest the Democrats are more Neoliberal than Democrat. To me, that shift is inching more and more to the right. It feels like setting the stage for a democratic party that is becoming the original 'reasonable' conservative values.

    For the love of god I hope you are right. Guess we will wait and see what avenues they take. I feel like the conservative party and name is and will continue to be an irredeemable trash fire because of what MAGA has done to it.

  • More Republicans Endorsing Kamala Harris Is Great And All, But It Doesn't Erase Past GOP Harms
  • Ah yes, Dick Cheney and the Raegan Administration. The pinnacle of morality. It seems people are really ok with brushing off what Cheney and W did with the supreme court and there election against Al Gore. They just did it in a more formal way than Orange Hitler tried to do.

    These people not too long ago were singing praises to the Trump administration. How can you not furl your brow at the endorsement of Kamala. This is just a strategic game for these ghouls.

    As I have said in other replies the writing is on the wall for their party. When the Democrats win I will not be surprised with the mass exodus for these people to the Democratic party.

    I'm simply throwing out concerns I have had with these endorsements and all I have been told so far is to stop or that I am stupid. No one has given me concrete reasons as to why these fears are invalid.

    Again nowhere have I said "don't vote for Kamala". I understand the sense of urgency people are feeling. However, this is just putting off the problem. Voting for Kamala does not end the right's thirst for facisism.

    Kamala wins. What about the election 4 years after? Or 4 years after that? People are tired of nothing changing for them, do you really think that momentum is going to be quelmed? Do you really think less and less people will be not exhausted? Facisism is an ongoing battle but there is clear messaging on the wall for attacks that could cripple it deep.

    I mean Jesus Christ Medicaid for all would surely make people think twice about voting for the party that didn't give it to them. That's one of the most popular issues that could give Democrats a slam dunk for years to come. Are they interested in that? Absolutely not.

    I have yet to here any slam dunk policies from the Harris campaign besides " project 2025 bad mmmmkay" which is a given at this point.

    It seems also people forget Kamala's original campaign promises and how swiftly she has tried to distance herself from them. Which is fucking disappointing.

    These are the same people that fear mongered us into Afghanistan and Iraq for their own personal gain. What makes you think they aren't doing it here?

  • More Republicans Endorsing Kamala Harris Is Great And All, But It Doesn't Erase Past GOP Harms
  • Wow what's with the hostility?

    No I am not a troll. These are geniune concerns, have you asked yourself these questions? Not too long ago these people were for Trump and his policies. As late as the 2020 election, They've endorsed him before. ( Don't say that the Insurrection changed their minds. Cheney and W would like to have a word)

    Right now the image of the Republican party is MAGA. There is no changing or escaping that. These evil fucking people see that. If they go down with that ship there is no possibility for them to have a large base behind them and their opinions in the future.

    The Democrats have been Neoliberal for forever. You really see it not as a possibility for them to shift to the right even further? It's been gradual but it's happening.

    There is no need for the Democrats to bend to the whim of the people, they are in a really good spot right now compared to the Trump campaign. They placate us with issues like abortion. Then become bloodthirsty on issues like Israel. Even straight up ignoring us on home issues like healthcare and wage growth.

    I mean fuck, Kamala ran on Medicaid for everyone. How quickly she turned on that when the writing was on the wall for her to become the nominee. Now she's advocating for similar policies as Trump "no tax on tips" for example. It's fucking exhausting. I am tired of this reach across the aisle bullshit when there is a large untapped left wing base the Democrats refuse to reach to.

    Am I saying she's worse than Trump? No. However, my brow gets raised when these sorts of people are advocating for her. When Republicans are invited to the DNC to speak. These people were celebrating taking women's rights away. However it's an issue so unpopular it has completely screwed the party over in the long run. Yet the Democrats welcome them with open arms.

    Friend these people endorsing her are the very same people that caused us to be where we are and get us a radical president like Trump. Do you really think they are remorsful?

  • More Republicans Endorsing Kamala Harris Is Great And All, But It Doesn't Erase Past GOP Harms
  • This should signal to everyone a shift in the democratic party. it is now the new conservative party, it will continue this way for years to come.

    I mean for fuck sake! Monsters from the Raegan adminsitration are endorsing her. Dick Cheney is endorsing her. This election is an escape pod for these 'rational' demons. With each passing day, and each new GOP endorsement to the Harris campaign. Gives me less and less motivations to vote.

    Blue MAGA has become unquestionably supportive of Kamala as red MAGAs are for Trump. No accountability is needed for these folks to cast a vote. What a fucking circus this is.

    I hope you all are ready for climate extinction before we get a presidency with working class people in mind.

    I'm tired boss.

  • Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair, Inc.
  • Nah all that gamer malice will be dropped at the tip of a hat with a Switch 2 announcement sadly. Pocketpair will be bled of money into bankruptcy and Nintendo will win.

    It is morally right to pirate Nintendo games.

  • Spellbreak, Shut Down When Its Developer Was Acquired By Blizzard, Is Still Alive - Aftermath
  • This is a shining example proving that games don't need to die. Especially if you're a company that is completely uninterested in pursuing an IP any further. When I read that they were going to post the server tools and a new client on itch I was over the moon.

    Proletariat took the best approach possible with Spellbreak, whereas iron galaxy... Fuck them. The community was actively trying to reverse engineer Rumbleverse to get it running again and they shut it down. They also seem completely uninterested in bringing Rumbleverse back. (Thankfully there are still ways to self host it, it's just not as clean as it could have been).

    Whenever you hear someone say it would take too much effort to give the community tools, point them to Spellbreak. Hell It would be commendable even if the company didn't give communities tools but didn't actively shut down any revival projects.

    Games are art and I'm sure plenty of devs that worked on these live service games would have loved to keep working on them, but their employer told them to stop. I'm sure there are plenty of devs that would love to see their game continue to live on, but their voice doesn't matter because they aren't the decision makers. So much time and manpower just thrown out the window.

    Proletariat, thank you. You are one of the good ones.

  • EA's Skate Reboot Will Launch In Early Access Next Year
  • A build of this game leaked really early (beginning of last year if I am not mistaken). Highly reccomend downloading that version if you want a completely offline experience. since its going to be another live service bullshittery. It isn't a finished build but hey it's something. you know EA is going to try and squeeze as much money out of you as possible with the finished build. If I remember correctly I think an early version of the level creator was in it as well. Take that as you will.

  • Google has been blocking many tools/IP ranges that try to synchronize with YouTube
  • highly reccomend Grayjay and Freetube. Futo claims to be foss but it is only source viewable (my apologies having a brain fart and cannot remember the actual term.) which to my knowledge means you can see the source code but not redistribute it. They ask for a one time $10 payment but the app functions the exact same with or without payment. Grayjay does not have a desktop application but they are looking for someone with experience to develop one. Freetube is open source and contains extra addons like de arrow and watching from invidious instances along with a desktop and mobile application. It's UI is less appealing than Grayjay ( at least personally) but it's the only way I watch youtube on PC now and I use Grayjay on mobile. Both of these contain sponsorblock too! ;)

    If you watch YouTube on an android TV you can sideload smart tube TV, which is ad free as well. While I personally don't reccomend it you can sign in with your yt account on both grayjay and smart tube to impket subscriptions.

    If you are looking for a solution for YouTube TV... Well... You may need to sail the 7 seas and live with not watching live (unless others have a solution for this.

    Fuck Google.

  • Trying to figure out the best way to set up a self hosted matrix server.

    I have been trying to set this up for the past 2 days and I am losing my mind.

    The issue I seem to be having is that synapse cannot find the necessary postgres information in the the database. I have been trying to setup a docker container for it but to no avail. The container just continues to restart. When I check docker logs it seems like it cannot find the database info it needs but its there. I deleted the sqlite3 info so it most certainly isn't still using that.

    Is there possibly a casaos friendly version of matrix? Is there an easy to follow tutorial for docker matrix and duckdns? Any help would be appreciated.

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