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Surprisingly Weak Ukrainian Defenses Help Russian Advance
  • I was about to ask the same. Surprising to whom? The nafo bots?

  • A McKinsey-led think-tank advised China to deepen co-operation between business and the military and push foreign companies out of sensitive industries as part of a project for the central government
  • Those people are mostly just butthurt they aren't the beneficiaries of such "cronyism" and think themselves smarter than everyone else, just less well connected. It's the reason all the ancaps in that hbo documentary with an alias go by John Galt.

  • A Marxist Analysis of "Chinesium"
  • The thing I think people don't think about is it's really expensive to change your manufacturing process. The transition overseas isn't just about labor costs, but because you are rebuilding the factory anyways it's a chance to switch over to a cheaper manufacturing method. You get what you pay for and cheaper methods tend to have cut corners. You can buy high end stuff from China, it's not like iphones are made there or anything..

    There's a reactionary QBC youtuber, AvE who mostly disassembles power tools and examines the quality of construction, components, and manufacturing methods. He has a teardown of a "Juciero" the $1000 juicer with DRM which is how I found him. He whines about "Chinesium" in the Chinese manufactured tool brands but there's other "American made" tools on his channel using similar lower-end manufacturing techniques or cutting similar corners.

  • Marxist analysis of the isekai anime genre and why it is so common nowadays?
  • There's an interview with Vijay Prashad that comes to largely the same conclusion about superhero movies.

  • Gofundme, but with more javascript

    Someone really saw all the medical gofundmes and thought that would be a great standalone business...

    US intelligence casts doubt on Israeli claims of UNRWA-Hamas links, report says
  • UNRWA is Hamas is a credible but unverifiable accusation? What's next? Bibi is Hamas?

  • How liberals dehumanize their adversaries
  • Don't forget how ableist they get if you disagree with them.

  • Halo's SBMM is rigged
  • This is just a gamer (who btw farms montages in low rated btb games) ranting about Trueskill2 based on an out of context paragraph that in context with the rest of the model of skill they are trying to approximate, your teammates' skill doesn't really affect your change to win/predicted stats in a given match.

    If you want, they have talked about the actual algorithm that then attempts to match players based on their rating.

    It biases towards matches it thinks will be a fair fight between both teams with bounds on the max skill diff between the best and worst players between both teams. And they adjust these bounds with player population throughout the day so you can get into matches quickly.

  • Healthcare Options
  • I know someone whose kid became really irritable and started having aggressive episodes after a head injury. Insurance doesn't think an MRI is medically relevant.

    It makes me so mad when anglos try to gaslight the success of obamacare and how many millions of additional people are "covered" by it.

  • Easily the stupidest article I've read in the past year
  • People who don't look at or fret the prices at the grocery store.

  • A good talk on embodiment of LLMs, and autonomous learning in a virtual environment
  • My thoughts exactly. Society will have radically changed before these AIs radically change society.

  • Final Epstein List Revealed, Netanyahu Faces Calls For Resignation
  • Dershowitz has been a known associate of Epstein for years though.

  • Excellent read on China's continued efforts to ensure that wealth couldn’t “game” the education system.
  • I was talking with a friend the other day how the SAT/ACT is just a stat check on your parents's income. Kids who were just grinding flashcards for hours to just barely pass a class were getting 1500s.

  • who the hell is timothy snyder, and why do people listen to his bullshit
  • He has an abcs of authoritarianism children's book he coauthored too. Had to do a double take when I saw that one at the library.

  • Now the Ukraine thing is complete.
  • We've come 4/5 of the circle jajajajajaja

  • Next year will be good
  • Chinese interference is when you have unaddressed domestic issues you'd rather ignore and the more you have the more interference they are doing.

  • THIS WAS FAKE NEWS! ~~Chinese Warships in Red Sea Decline Aid to Israeli Cargo Ships, Reports AP~~ THIS WAS FAKE NEWS!
  • Unilateral sanctions hit different when someone is enforcing them on you.

  • So here's a question, what happens when a bunch of democrat states take Trump off the ballot, and a bunch of republican states take Biden off. Can an election even go forward at that point?
  • The ballots still have blanks even the digital ones. You can vote for yourself. Or Trump or whichever of the duopoly candidates was removed from the ballot in your state.

    But it does hurt the perceived legitimacy of the election. I had thought the reason so many stop the steal legislators did a 180 after the capital riots was that owning the libs wasn't worth endangering bourgeois rule.

    This is shortsighted of the duopoly to say the least.

  • I think the digital age is triggering the collapse of capitalism
  • The contradictions are sharpening but I think AI and generative AI in particular is this decade's vaporware. The vaporware of the previous decade was self driving cars.

    As it stands, generative AIs are just expensive parakeets. Getting them to do anything other than spit up probabilistically correct information and sentences would require them to have comprehension, not just associations between strings of words. The path to comprehension, much like autonomous driving, is long, expensive, and unclear.

    Both nascent technologies offer the ability to squeeze, displace, and replace labor and so they naturally attract investment from excited but stupid investors.

    These investors are so dumb they gave Adam Neumann, disgraced former WeWork CEO, money for another real estate startup.

    The prospective bourgeois buyers of AI are not any smarter. I've seen high level execs complain the chatgpt they bought doesn't know when some internal deadline for quarterly planning budget is due. How the fuck would it know? The damn thing read all of Wikipedia and a half dozen SharePoint pages, of course it doesn't know.

  • Volkswagen's Xinjiang Audit Reveals No Forced Labor, Amid Global Scrutiny
  • Loening, with his background as a human rights commissioner and a federal parliament member for Germany's Free Democrat party, brought significant credibility to the investigation. His comparison of the living situation of the Uyghur population in Xinjiang to the apartheid regime in South Africa, made in a 2021 Deutschlandfunk interview, highlights his awareness of the gravity of human rights issues.

    The anglo leading the investigation found nothing and still believes this wowza.

  • The parrot makes shit up! These lawyers used ChatGPT to save time. They got fired and fined.

    Lawyers are turning to artificial intelligence to write briefs, analyze contracts and automate mundane tasks. But it comes with risks.

    To the surprise of no one, these things that probabilistically generate strings of text make shit up. Sure it's biased towards previously written strings of words which are hopefully true but no reason something "correctish" can't be shit out.

    Stop gaslighting the settlers 💅

    cross-posted from:

    > Beyond parody at this point.

    Oh no market forces

    It's the Chinese who are cheating, stealing, and whatever else tho.

    The Anglos are not Russophobic, I assure you

    cross-posted from:

    > Meanwhile: > > !

    Dronie tiktoks are so carcinogenic Biden, Zelensky: Ukraine will join NATO after war

    After the NATO summit in Lithuania, President Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appeared to agree: Ukraine’s accession to NATO will come only ...

    Biden, Zelensky: Ukraine will join NATO after war

    This is so cringe. Idk how the dronies who support this even watch.

    ZIRP’s only Exit path is a Crash | Michael Hudson

    Another banger from Hudson about the largely fictitious FIRE (finance, insurance, and real estate) economy the the imperial core bourgeoisie have nurtured over the last several decades.

    luchuan 陆船。
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