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LargePenis [he/him]
LargePenis [he/him] @ LargePenis
4 yr. ago

  • We were backstabbed by them, can't even describe my rage right now. Our finest young men died in Lebanon and Syria so that Iranian libs can gamble in Dubai

  • Afghanistanization continues, I'm seeing some pretty credible reports about the SAA withdrawing from Hama into Homs. It's a total collapse of the Syrian government. The Axis of Resistance is over, Iran has failed its allies since the death of Soleimani.

  • Khan Sheikhoun has fallen, we're officially in the Afghanistan stage now. This is total collapse. Rebels are two empty villages from entering Hama

  • Maarat Al Numan has fallen, the road to the Hama-Homs urban area is fully open if the rebels reach Khan Sheikhoun. My brain can't comprehend this, we're 2-3 days away from an Afghanistan level collapse. It's just unreal, how the hell is this even happening.

  • I have totally lost faith in Iran, a useless ally since Soleimani's martyrdom. The blood of Haniyeh and Nasrallah is on their hands. One was killed in Tehran, and the other was killed because of their inaction after the murder of the first one. The Axis was built as an equal relationship where coordinated pan-Shia forces fought in the same trench, but has now turned into a sponge that is designed to let Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians to absorb hits while Iran sells yogurt to Bahrain and puts their money in Dubai banks

  • Maarat Al Numan will probably fall soon, which opens a straight line to Hama and Homs through Khan Sheikhoun. With the unimaginable scale of military disorganisation, Russia distracted in Ukraine, Iran being fucking useless and Hezbollah half-dead from the war in Lebanon, then yeah, we're facing a small scenario of total government collapse.

  • Yeah it's totally fucking over. I genuinely feel sick, how the fuck is there not a crumb of resistance or anything anywhere. These last few months of L after L everywhere are sickening, can't believe that this is happening. If they continue driving unopposed to Sheikh Najjar, then the entirety of the North Aleppo area will fall, absolutely sickening. Feels like a nightmare

  • It's over in Aleppo, local facebook groups are full of reports of SAA units withdrawing beyond the airport and rebel gains are fully consolidated in the western parts. What an unimaginable disaster, I literally can't even process that this happened. We're now at Mosul level disaster, a few more days of this and we're looking at an Afghanistan level disaster. Just pure insanity, this scenario couldn't be imagined by the biggest jihadi optimist in the world.

  • The situation in Aleppo is an absolute disaster, there's no other away to describe it. I visited Aleppo last year, my aunt lives in Hayy Salah Al Deen near the big football stadium. I don't know if it's out on Twitter yet, but militants have entered her neighbourhood according to her messages in the family group chat and the local facebook groups. Corruption will fucking end the regime at this point, Assad honestly deserves this for not managing to control the corruption in the Army, and also for being an absolute incompetent shithead. Fucking hell man, life fucking sucks with all these disasters every single day. Disastrous situation on all levels, Aleppo was just starting to recover. I want to hit my head and sleep for an entire year to avoid reading this shit every single day.

  • On the other hand, people are exhausted, and Lebanon can't take any more destruction. If this ceasefire makes us avoid total Gaza-style destruction of the South, then it would be stupid to not take it. The internal situation politically is close to exploding, the Nazi class of Maronites are ready to collaborate with the Israelis and they are fully backed by the Americans and the Saudis. Iran is losing grip over Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. That's the big result of this, Israeli/American hegemony is stronger than Iranian hegemony, and it has achieved a major victory by crippling Gaza and Lebanon. This ceasefire simply gives us a chance to avoid Gaza's fate. Hamas gambled that the world wouldn't let Israel completely destroy life in Gaza, and their gamble didn't pay off. We know now that Israel could give us the Gaza treatment without any consequences, Hezbollah might have prevented this scenario by defeating Israel militarily and giving us an opportunity to come out without complete destruction.

  • It won't hold, I have 0% faith in that. Israel is a rabid dog that can't been be controlled at this point, but at the same time I think that we won't see any ground invasion anymore due to how catastrophic it has been for Israel. I also don't believe in that point about Gaza, the Israelis won't be satisfied until every single civilian is dead and they can do their settlement dreams there.

    Regarding that last point, yeah when looking at it without cope from my side, yeah we lost. We lost our leadership, we lost our homes and in the end Israel will come out with a win. Iran didn't do enough, Hamas didn't have a coherent plan for the day after Oct 7, and Hezbollah let the entire leadership get killed through dumb lack of security preparation. That's the truth, even if it's painful. I'm especially disappointed about Iran, they've been waiting for this for 40 years and in the end they barely did anything.

  • It's happening, I have a very strong source in Lebanon that has confirmed this

  • Here's what will happen in Lebanon in the next 24 hours or so according to what I'm hearing from resistance sources and family on the ground in Beirut:

    • Israel have bombed Beirut for possibly the final time
    • Hezbollah will bomb Tel Aviv and Haifa in the next hour or so, as a final middle finger and reminder to the Israeli public
    • Israeli forces are already retreating from their furthest advance.
    • A ceasefire will be announced tonight or tomorrow
    • Hezbollah will not withdraw from the South, this is just on paper so that the Israelis can save face
    • Gaza will be addressed very soon as well, the agreement is that the PA takes symbolic control of Gaza, but Hamas remains inofficially

    This is a major Israeli defeat, there's no other way to look at this. They failed in disarming Hezbollah, failed in establishing a security zone along the border, failed in crippling Hezbollah's capabilities, failed in reaching the Litani River and the act of war failed to return the settlers to the north, only this ceasefire will make it happen. May Allah have mercy on Sayyid Nasrallah and all the martyrs. One thing hurts though despite my happiness about the fact that we have defeated Israel for the 3rd time after 2000 and 2006, it feels like a small betrayal of Sayyid Nasrallah's words about the complete rejection of any separation between the fronts in Gaza and Lebanon. The genocide in Gaza should've been stopped before we sign anything.

    Edit: Israel are bombing Dahiya south of Beirut now, expect a final retribution from Hezbollah soon

  • I only post outside of the news mega when I get tagged somewhere lmao

  • Nah let us have at least one good space without all the drama. At this point, this website for me is just the body that carries this thread. I'm sorry but the rest of this website is just unserious and a place for the most online people in the world to bicker. One can seriously discuss Chinese monetary policy and Moldovan elections here with a serious-ish tone and a leftist spin, which doesn't happen anywhere else on the internet. We can't endanger that in any possible way. I personally have no intention at all to interact with the rest of the site, where people have full on breakdowns every single day because of a stupid debate about having a rabbit as a pet or something. I clicked on that site-wide changes thread and understood literally nothing, let's keep it that way and never change it.

  • I'll cook up something quickly today and DM it to you honorable chairman

  • I've been reading about Morocco recently, mostly inspired by Rania's anti-Morocco posting here. I have a massive blindspot when it comes to the history of the Maghreb countries, I literally know nothing about these countries outside of the Sahara issue and the Algerian Liberation War. Very interesting history, but it's hard to come out with any conclusion other than wanting to Minecraft the entire royal family. The amount of collusion and treachery is ridiculous, disgusting state on all possible levels. I'll give them points for building nice infrastructure and making Morocco a generally nice place to live in, but all that progress doesn't happen without complete submission and humiliation to Western capital. We need a Morocco COTW theme in the near future so that I can shit on Morocco even more.

  • 4000? That's crazy, I haven't heard about this anywhere. Corporate media and institutions financed by the Western right-wing have introduced this weirdo right-wing rhetoric in our countries, it didn't exist here before this. People naturally moved between these fake ass countries until the 90s and became citizens and literally no one cared. This was super normal especially in the Arab World, but now you have people talking about the fucking Lebanese identity and the Syrian identity, when these countries were one province of numerous empires for thousands of years. Tragic developments honestly, a family like the famous Al Atrash family could just move from Syria to Egypt and become Egyptians not that long ago, now people seethe because an Iraqi family moved to Qatar and their sons play for the Qatari football team.

  • Xenophobia is sadly horrible in Lebanon, it has even reached my family despite my dad marrying my Syrian mom. The shit that especially far-right maronites say about Syrians and Palestinians is just disgusting. Most of it is just imported from American right-wing culture war bullshit, you have Lebanese boomers talking about building a wall on the Syrian border to stop Syrians from coming.