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2 yr. ago

  • @ian
    Ah, I think it spawns xterm by default, which looks bad. And it has smb, does not have it for you?
    (It's option 44 for me)

  • @ian
    There is a button in the gui to add a remote which opens a terminal which asks you for stuff

  • @ian
    I still don't get how this is a plasma issue. It's more of a "linux mindset" issue.

  • @ian
    Yes, but doing it in terminal doesn't require any obscure commands, it will guide you through and ask questions for everything

  • @ian
    For rclone I use this:

    As for freefilesync, I mixed it up with something, sorry. You are right, it doesn't support smb sadly

  • @ian
    Also I suspect running an app just to mount the share seems like an iffy workaround.

    There is always some process mounting the shares, be it graphical or not, even on windows

    And no I don’t really want to mount the share at all.

    Ah, yes, then you can try freefilesync, it supports a bunch of clouds and ftp, smb, etc
    There is also rclone

  • @ian
    You only do it 1 time, then you can access it via dolphin.
    Also, do you really need it mounted? You can always access your share in dolphin directly via network - smb shares.
    Another option is to add smb4k to autostart.
    And to conclude, I don't think any de specifically allows you to to that, so that's not a kdes' fault

  • @ian @leopold
    I believe you can add a mount in fstab with the nofail flag, so the pc still boots even if the share is not accessible

    // /mnt/data cifs guest,uid=myuser,iocharset=utf8,filemode=0777,dirmode=0777,noperm,nofail 0 0

  • @NobreHD
    If it helps, I made a similar thing, but for my rgb keyboard :ablobowo: