kirishoru @ kirishoru Posts 2Comments 3Joined 2 yr. ago
I will never not upvote this pic
I don't have anything specific in mind, I just really like them lol. But because I don't have anything specific, I keep looking for "swiss army knife" pedals.
For some reason I don't have a Big Muff. OP mentioned the green Russian and I do like the sounds of that one, but I'm also a fan of the op-amp version. Maybe I should get a JHS Muffaletta.
This is my layout today. I'll probably use it for a gig next week, but I might remove the MXR Layers. I don't need that for anything in our setlist, it's just fun to play around with. The bottom row is all in the NS-1X loop.
I am currently hunting for a Fuzz. That Waza Fuzz is a great pedal, but it's missing something I can't quite poor my finger on. So far I've tried;
- Earthquaker Hizumitas
- Behringer Super Fuzz
- Earthquaker Gary (not really afuzz, but sooo fun)