khortits @ khortits Posts 8Comments 33Joined 2 wk. ago
feels like we'd be spineless to do even that
it all looks like schlock to me...
I find the game to not be in my style save for the pico 8 one. idk if it's just me but I find that a lot of indie games that go for the 8 bit aesthetic are far too off-putting. like ooooh!! it's another indie game going for the retro look without actually imitating that hardware. so what...
honestly if you're going to go for that look either fully commit to it or don't do it at all. And if I'm going to be real here, this nes game is more to my liking
now this... is an 8 bit game
asteroids, arcade
missile command, arcade
Super Mario Bros 2, NES
sonic 3 and knuckles, Sega Genesis
Shinobi 3, Sega Genesis
I'm going to be hating it tomorrow 😓
you have truly become a monster 😈
yeah this is crazy. I've been expecting that something like has been happening for awhile. The specials are such a lie
love me games love me Bickie tin God bless 🥲
I am yet to play the game proper so I would have to hold this off 😭
kino is so good
for sure. if you've watched anything else seperate from their main stuff it can be off putting. especially their self improvement channel, it's so weird how they have a thing for Tony Robbins and Jordan Peterson 😑 that and they come off like one of those passport Bros.
hell yeah, my guy. I do that too on occasion