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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • Your build is absolutely fine and won't hinder you from winning games in silver elo.
    After taking a look at your opgg, I would suggest focusing on improving your cs/m and minimizing deaths.

    That being said, target dummy dps does not really tell the whole story.
    In some games where you are against an armor-heavy enemy team, buying collector will delay the point where you can actually deal significant damage to the enemy frontline.
    As for Infinity Edge, it certainly has its value, but in some games you might find that you need the extra mobility that galeforce provides since you will be dealing 0 dmg when dead or zoned.
    Obviously, if you are not yet comfortable using galeforce then IE will be better in every game.