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Just tryin’ new things
  • I promise to stop taking risks once everyone settles down. I want to be clear about something. I'm not taking over the world, I'm un-taking it over. And you're right I often don't know what to do and that can get plenty wild, but its only because I keep being presented with impossible false dichotomies.

  • FOIA(s) - For discovery advocates

    I wanted to let you all know about a program I wrote in Python which can be used to request large information sets as individual letters. Basically you list the documents you're interested in and then you create a list of requests that apply to all of the documents. So for instance if you have 10 documents and 6 requests, when you hit the generate button 60 letters will pop up as a pdf which you can then print, sign, and send. I recommend priority mail envelopes. Repos:

    FOIA(s): An open source gift to the community. Also looking for feedback GitHub - josephmbasile/FOIAs: An advanced mail merge for generating paper FOIA requests.

    An advanced mail merge for generating paper FOIA requests. - josephmbasile/FOIAs

    GitHub - josephmbasile/FOIAs: An advanced mail merge for generating paper FOIA requests.

    Hi folks, I just finished my first complete desktop application today and so I'm doing a bit sharing this morning. This program is called FOIA(s), and its an advanced mail-merge designed to help advocates and professionals in the United States generate FOIA requests for discovery in ongoing court cases. I made this program with folks like you in mind, because I think you're folks who care about truth and justice. Let go find some. Thanks

    FOIA(s) - An open source gift to the community GitHub - josephmbasile/FOIAs: An advanced mail merge for generating paper FOIA requests.

    An advanced mail merge for generating paper FOIA requests. - josephmbasile/FOIAs

    GitHub - josephmbasile/FOIAs: An advanced mail merge for generating paper FOIA requests.

    Hi folks. I know a lot of you are worried about what's happening to our country right now, and although it's okay to be worried, it's a lot more productive to do something about it. On that note, I wanted to share an open source program I just finished called FOIA(s) and I wanted to get feedback from the community on any suggestions or bugs that you find. Keep your heads up! Thanks everyone

    Irrational numbers are an infinite source of information.
  • Nah I replied to someone else with a similar thought. The Notorious Fibs sure I agree with you they are new information, similar to the primes but just adding +1 over an over again or even some repeating pattern doesn't add new information beyond the initial pattern.

  • Irrational numbers are an infinite source of information.

    They're probably the only things that "create" information in the sense that you can always grab another slice. Thank you delicious pi!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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