john_brown [comrade/them] @ john_brown Posts 0Comments 78Joined 5 yr. ago
I'm sure the police are correct that rats really love cocaine and it's not just that all the bags of cocaine have been replaced with flour
I imagine reactionary libs shifting their position in response to Trump's anti-China rhetoric.
The libs also laughed at Mitt Romney for saying Russia was a huge threat, now all those libs think Russia is going to conquer all of Europe.
Was withdrawing from afghanistan inevitable? Seems like the blob was pretty committed to their foothold on the border of China prior to Trump.
There is a zero percent chance that the Dems will not try to take credit for this
in the next presidential election they'll be talking about how hard they fought for this
Color me skeptical that Trump is playing hardball with Netanyahu. For that to make sense you’d have to buy the line that Trump is a genuine anti-war dove.
I think it can make sense without him being a dove. Trump isn't anti-war, but he probably finds Netanyahu to be very annoying (it seems most people do) and doesn't like him. Netanyahu pissed him off at the end of his last term by congratulating Biden. If the new reports are to be believed then Trump seems to still have a personal dislike or at least disregard for Netanyahu. Trump doesn't want this war to be happening while he's in charge because it can be used to criticize him from both the Zionist side as well as the humanitarian side. It's a lose-lose from his perspective, and also the guy in charge of the war is a tedious annoying "traitor".
With this update, DJI’s Fly and Pilot flight app operators will see prior DJI geofencing datasets replaced to display official Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) data. Areas previously defined as Restricted Zones (also known as No-Fly Zones) will be displayed as Enhanced Warning Zones, aligning with the FAA's designated areas. In these zones, in-app alerts will notify operators flying near FAA designated controlled airspace, placing control back in the hands of the drone operators, in line with regulatory principles of the operator bearing final responsibility.
DJI drones are just free drones traveling the land now
subsonic ice bullets only
Guarantee these catholic white knights have never beaten down a priest accused of actual predatory behavior
Alright I had not considered the buttons. Personally I like using those buttons with the touchpad, but I'm a mouse user when I need to get things done.
US military conducts first major beachhead operation since WW2
Thousands of American troops freeze to death
how in the world does it get in the way?
While a logic can be found in it, this is just Trump's MO of making wild statements which draw more attention than the other shit that's actually being done. The US media will continue to report on these claims once he's in office, while the administration does plenty of wretched shit that will be ignored or footnoted while haircuts on the teevee make faces and play clips of trump talking about the Gulf or Greenland or Panama.
I'm honestly so thankful for his rally to restore sanity, it really did work
i also predict at least three separately organized flashmobs
blue maga has the delusion but they lack the willingness and disrespect for their cherished institutions to do their own january sixth