john_brown [comrade/them] @ john_brown Posts 0Comments 78Joined 5 yr. ago
No shit they're racist. These declarations are about democrats. If you can't pick up the context it's fine, just don't make declarative statements like you're on top of it - you're clueless.
You haven't been too naive you continue to be extremely lib in your takes. Your takes on internal western politics are off, just stop sharing them or maybe start taking the criticisms from the people who are correct seriously. You might as well be an MSNBC contributor if you don't.
Pessimism? They thought Harris would win and the Republicans had been abandoned by the bourgeoisie! As much as I hate the Dems that's got to be some measure of optimism, surely.
No, it's not "someone they don't like" it's specifically the Democrats.
to be honest I get that uneasy feeling about their global economic perspective when I see their confidently wrong takes on internal American politics, the same way I do when I read a journalist I've thought was pretty savvy writing about something I am professionally familiar with and completely fucking it up
never once grappling with all the Americans telling them they were extremely wrong
No, it's the Democrats, come on. Are you really an America watcher? It's Nancy Pelosi, it's AOC, it's Hillary Clinton.
Nobody in this admin knows what a Marxist is lmao your perspective on internal American politics is truly bad
I suspect the ukrainians will have as easy access to the US as Afghan people who helped the US occupation did, which is to say - virtually zero. I think Europe will deal with that particular kind of blowback more than the US.
"It's not antisemitic for these Americans to want all jews to leave America and move to Israel, these are just good zionists who want what's best for American jews!"
Lining up for morning PT and getting handed your daily ration of blue chew
"Every day we train, we stay hard and we plan for anything that you possibly could need us to do. The alliance is strong and we're ready to receive you Mr President,"
It's not mine, taken from a lefty subreddit
Hey would ya look at that, Tik Tok is back and it's tamping down on pro-palestine content like the rest of the American social media companies are.
as long as we're providing dining suggestions, I suggest you eat my ass, liberal
how can China invade China? When the National Guard gets sent to disaster zones in the USA, is the federal government invading them? Fuck I hate western journalists so much
Xiaohongshu literally translates from Mandarin to "little red book," likely a reference to the famed little red book of quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong, the founding father of Communist China.
Social media is the vector through which color revolutions are developed and fed, while it might not have been the original reason for it the great firewall is an extremely effective block preventing the CIA from fueling liberal dissent in China.
edit: I just remembered that Russia has tested their own great firewall for surely the same reasons, although theirs is more of an emergency cutoff rather than an active firewall.