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Here are the results of my "What is your favorite browser?" survey, here on Mastodon. These are some very interesting results.
    Thank you for your interesting survey.

    Of course, such surveys cannot be representative, but they do show trends.

    5027 participants are not exactly a small number.

    Perhaps we will be able to recruit even more people from the 'Fediverse' for further surveys. ;-)

    At least 'Vivaldi' has caught up with Apple's Safari.
    But I would have liked to see a lot more in favour of Vivaldi.

    Even if this can only ever be a snapshot.

    I confess that I have "mobilised" something for Vivaldi. :tony_laughing:
    Maybe it has made a difference.

    I would have found it rather stupid if Vivaldi had been left behind Apple's Safari, especially on 'Mastodon'. :tony_smiling:

    Further surveys will remain exciting.

  • What is your favorite browser? Feel free to share why.
  • @jon
    Many, many comments here. :tony_laughing:

    So a lot of interest in this question.
    No wonder really, here on 'Mastodon'.

    Veery good. :tony_wee:

    Maybe someone else is interested in digging through here. ;-) ;-)

    I'm sure several people will take a closer look at the 'Vivaldiserve' afterwards.

    :tony_smiling: :tony_happy:

  • ingolftopf ingolftopf :vivaldi_gray:

    :vivaldi\_red: :vivaldi\_blue: :tony\_wee:

    🇪🇺 🇩🇪 :tony\_happy: :tony 🍀 Ambassador 🍀 Translater for :tony\_laughing:

    Vivaldi von Beginn an. Vorher Opera Presto.

    Ganz angetan von dieser neuen Vivaldi - Mastodon Instanz.

    Es gibt auch einen Vivaldi Raum auf 'Jabber/XMMP'. Ein moderner, Open Source Messenger: "Der Vivaldi Browser"

    und auf [Matrix], Open Source Messenger: \

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