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You heard #Adobe. Deep down you knew this was coming. Now all your art are belong to them. Time to move on to better things...
  • @Bro666 @DeltaWye
    FreeCAD can cope with low end, sketch-and-pad work. New users seem quite happy. It really needs a usability upgrade to help on-boarding though. More visual interaction feedback would help a lot. A verb-noun UI too. Start a command, which then guides what selections are needed.

    For high end and surfacing work it's a non starter.

    We need more people with programming, CAD and usability skills. A rare combination, it seems.

  • Klevernotes: UI changes, performance improvements and more!
  • @Pantherina @diazona @louis_sch
    Having an option to choose should keep twice as many people happy. The markdown apps I use, don't show any formatting marks, and have style icons. Lots of us outside the IT world are used to this wysiwyg way.

  • Gushing about KDE applications
  • @orbitz @m4
    I just install stuff on Kubuntu without knowing for which environment it was created. It's possible that Kubuntu has the necessary Gnome support files to make it all work. I added other app stores too. It all just seems to work without me needing to know how.

  • Why wait for Microsoft to catch up with what we've been doing for decades?
  • @Bro666 @holycrap
    I install it from a USB stick. It's not hard. Last time that took me less than 10 minutes. I'm not an IT person, never using the command line or any IT things.
    Linux is not perfect, but very usable. The distro I use looks after itself. If anything does mess up, I can simply reinstall.

  • ianp5a Iαη

    \#Munich #Muenchen

    Shape #Design aesthetic #Drawing (see paisley header) \#Photography #3D #cad #parametric modelling, #Linux

    \#Bike #Cycle commute Strategic #usability, fixing the digital mess \#Damaging the planet

    \#Beerfest #Beergarden #Biergarten #Beer

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