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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

Non devi mai andare in Germania, Paolo.

2 yr. ago

Install deb packages with its dependencies manually on mac mini - Broadcom firmware

Hi, I installed ubuntu server on a mac mini late 2012, and I have now (as expected) a problem with the firmware for the Broadcom network adapter / wifi card.

I could install those firmware quite easily with the package firmware-b43-installer but I obviously cannot use apt to download and install this package.

Then I thought to manually download the package from another computer and install it manually in Ubuntu. I saved the .deb into a USB stick and tried to install it, but this package depends on other packages that are not installed on the machine.

Then I thought "ok, I'll do the same for the dependencies and I will install the manually before install the firmware-b43-installer".

The problem is, of course, that also those packages depends on something else.

I don't think is a good idea to go down into the dependency hole and look manually for all the depndendencies of the dependencies... there is a more efficient way to do this? There is a way to download a package with

  • Yes, I didn't research this extensively... it was more of a hunch. :D Yes, certainly, I simply thought that if you minimize phone usage, it would result in a longer battery life and fewer charging cycles, which in turn would reduce CO2 emissions... but I admit it's a bit of a stretch. :D

  • Programming

    I developed a platform to navigate with slow or unstable connections Blaze

    Blaze: The search engine for seamless browsing in challenging connections. Discover fast results and access online content efficiently.

    Recently, I ran out of mobile data on my phone, and I was forced to browse at a significantly reduced speed. It was so slow that it was practically unusable, except for messaging apps. So, I developed a platform in the form of a search engine that allows browsing and accessing information while exchanging a negligible amount of data. This way, even with very slow or unstable connections, it became possible to search something on Google and read content. It can be useful as an emergency search engine. However, I must mention that the project is still in the proof-of-concept stage and has many bugs. Nonetheless, it has already enabled me to browse and search for information several times. I would be curious to hear your feedback, and I would be glad if it proves useful to someone other than myself! Additionally, it's worth mentioning that the visited pages are also accessible offline.


    A rose from a rose plant that's over thirty years old in my garden.

  • personally I would give more focus to the core like sustainability, anti-capitalism, use of technology, in the future but also in the present. But I don't have actually anything concrete to propose. It was just an Idea to generate more discussions about what solarpunk is and to democratise the manifesto. You're right. The Wiki looks actually a more accessible place.

  • Why don't we try to put the manifesto on a git platform and let the people propose changes, reviewed by the people themselves? It could be a amazing way to create debates an to let the people decide what solarpunk is.