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2 yr. ago
  • @headlesscyborg if I gave any fucks what you or anyone else thought would I be free enough to look how I want? You can always see those with small egos because they think that attacking someone’s appearance is an effective strategy. I would expect absolutely no less from a complete bigot like you. At least now it’s also glaringly obvious how fragile you are on top of it.

  • @HellAwaits that’s skipping over the fact that they stated that they didn’t support the game EXPLICITLY because there was trans representation. Clearly they have an issue if representation gets under their skin so much. I mean I hate Nazis, but I still play Wolfenstein.

  • @headlesscyborg @bric the idea that you’re somehow into Linux and yet anti-trans is fucking mind blowing. Do you know how many Linux developers I’ve met that are trans? Get the fuck out of here.

  • @headlesscyborg @irmoz if you’re so anti-trans maybe you should get off the catgirl’s internet.

  • @hibby @razieltakato I have an Ubuntu server with ZFS I’ve been using for a while. Haven’t seen the need for unraid personally.