Havald @ Havald @lemmy.world Posts 2Comments 109Joined 2 yr. ago
Not everyone can buy a gun, to get the paperwork you need to meet a somewhat arbitrary age requirement and you have to be "mentally stable". So we are discriminating against mentally handicapped people. It makes sense, I don't even disagree with it, just saying that it's the same logic as op's.
Okay, maybe a better example: if you're interested in becoming president you have to be at least 40. Sounds like age discrimination to me :P
I don't smoke so I'm not super invested in this either. However, I travel a lot by train and besides the trains always being late what annoys me most are smokers. Smoking is already banned at all train stations and bus stops but the first thing some people do when exiting a train is lighting a cigarette. In the middle of a crowd. Imo the only way to stop them from doing that in crowds is by banning smoking completely & this law is a good way to do that, but it would have to be an EU-wide measure imo. Otherwise it's too easy to just drive to a neighbouring country and buy a pack of cigarettes.
Calling it discrimination is quite a stretch. By that logic our gun laws are discrimination, too and why can't I buy enriched uranium in stores? I'm being discriminated against!!! Muh pearls! Some laws exist to protect people from themselves and I would welcome a law like this in Germany. Cigarettes and vapes don't do anything that you can't do in other ways, without harming others. Except maybe get you more breaks at work :P
The company said that it is working on zero-knowledge architecture so the master password users use to unlock their Cloaked profile never hits the startup’s servers.!
Lol. That should be there on launch. Thanks but no thanks. I'm not trusting a company with all my passwords and other secrets. Especially when it's based in the us where companies generally don't give a shit about privacy.
- Star Trek Strange new worlds
- Oblivion
- Hunger games
- upside down
- the adjustment bureau
- Contact
- A quiet place (horror but not that bad, rated pg12)
- Ready player one
- Love and monsters
- pitch black (might be rated 16 or r)
- Cloverfield (horror but fairly tame, rated pg12)
- Looper(2012)
Not sure about the horror movie ratings, I think they're rated 12 but I think they should be fine. Maybe watch them by yourself first and judge. Star Trek is a TV show but really amazing and peak sci-fi. The new movies are watchable, too. Doctor who is a great sci-fi show too but it's a bit weird on where you should start watching, the first doctor's (of nuwho, so 9, I believe) series are a bit tough to watch at times so I'd recommend skipping them at first and coming back to them later.
Yeah, for me it always helped to think about what I was actually doing with my phone and I quickly realized that I really have not mich use for the most expensive phones. A camera like I'd get on the new iPhone for example would be nice but that alone isn't worth paying almost 1k more. And aside from camera I don't think there's much difference for the average user when you compare a high end and a low to mid-range phone.
Bringing a spare is a good point. Less of a hassle than a power bank (although still not ideal). Battery life is pretty much the only thing I care about aside from longevity. Fairphone has longevity covered, maybe the review I read just made the battery life seem mich worse than it actually is. I'll have to look into it some more, thanks
I need a new phone soon, can't really wait until the EU regulations force companies to build them with removable batteries. I need to look more into Fairphone, hope that's decent. Last review I read made me concerned about battery life, I really don't like charging my phone every day either. Or having to carry a power bank with me.
I don't think there's anything on the market that comes even close to the modularity aria had promised. Moto z had some mods but they dropped that very quickly unfortunately.
I just want to change my battery and get a phone for that no people had to die In some poor country.
Like seriously, what's the percentage of people that run machine learning algorithms on their phone? 0.0000000001%?
Building and maintaining one isn't really the concern I have with this one, nuclear reactors are incredibly safe these days. What are they going to do with the nuclear waste? That's the real issue here. Governments can barely figure that out, how's a megacorp going to do that in an ethical way? I already see them dumping it in a cave in some poor country in africa.
If they do I hope someone finds out about it. Should at least be quite a hefty fine.
You're working on the assumption that they collect that data anyways and if they do then I kind of agree. But in the EU for example it would be illegal for them to collect that data so I sincerely hope theyre not doing that. Well, actually I kind of hope they are doing that and someone finds out about it.
Assuming that no one is breaking any laws here I'd rather get generic ads than targeted since I'm perfectly capable of making my own purchase decisions and don't want to be manipulated into buying some garbage I don't need. But more importantly, I don't want some random companies out there having a detailed profile of me, that's super dystopian to me. What if that falls into the wrong hands? Oh wait, it would already be in the wrong hands.
According to the article it doesn't apply to all users, presumably the EU is exempt from this change in policy (because it's illegal)
Is it coated with anything? If it's just bare metal then scrub it with steel wool and some water, any burns & stains should come off without much effort.
If it's coated then I'd try to soak it in soapy water over night and then gently scrub. Keep in mind that anything you put on there you're probably going to eat with your next few meals so before you use any aggressive chemicals just buy a new tray.
Should put that on a t-shirt and wear it next time I have to pee in a cup
For me for a game like Sims I need a big variety of cosmetics to keep me playing, new game mechanics are kind of secondary.(Although, if I trust any company to recognize that and adjust accordingly it'd be paradox) But still, you are completely right, paradox doesn't abandon players that don't buy the dlc but release content patches at the same time. Plus if you happen to play with other people only one person needs to own the dlc, which is one of my favourite things paradox does and more companies should do.
Also, I completely forgot about mod support. That makes a huge difference, too.
Thankfully paradox are making a contender. Although paradox overdoes kt with dlc, too, but they're not a scummy company like ea so it should be better. Plus they're trying to take marketsharr from es so doing the exact same thing would be counterproductive.
Also paraloves might not be too far out either.
Inb4 local Discounter süd because customer accidentally ate microchip
Coincidentally the Yogscast is currently collaborating with the longest johns to record doggy doggy hole with their community choir. I.e. anyone can record themselves singing the song and they stitch it together in the end to make the full song. Really cool project, they've already done this a couple of times and the results are great. https://youtu.be/RQ2HbYnlc3s?si=DQ3PJVfgJ34pwdFE
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