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What are your favorite Lemmy instances?
  • Heya! It's gabe here. The database is 100% restorable, so we will be back sometime. Hopefully sooner rather than later. It's just been a hell of a time trying to wrangle the instance back online for so many reasons. Each reason just getting more annoying than that last. Doesn't help I've likely been getting sick off and on all week and had a headache and a fever today. I don't know if the VM was actually hacked or if it was the VPS provider being fucky (probably the VPS hosting provider, they were going up and down like a bouncy ball all week) but I will make a more explaining post as to what exactly happened with the limited info I have. I basically logged in and UFW and fail2ban were simply uninstalled and logs were basically showing nonstop VPS up and down time and I completely panicked. I'm treating it as it if was a hack just to be safe and locking as much as I can down further, but it's been extra frustrating due to catching what is likely some sort of illness this past week long. At this point the only thing that's needed from people is just do the usual and change passwords if you used the same password on there as other sites and to be extra safe changing your password when we go back online. I am setting up with a different hosting provider this time and trying my best to fix things back up. I have others I am troubleshooting it with at least.

    I honestly feel really shitty about all of it. Not as awful and personally hurt as before, but it still sucks so much and I'm hoping to bring it back up this weekend at the very latest. I'm really sorry :(

    If you wanna follow updates I am posting them here:

  • Welcome Home! Palia Is Available Now In Closed Beta Welcome Home! Palia Is Available Now In Closed Beta

    Welcome Home, Palians! Palia is available now in Closed Beta on PC

    Welcome Home! Palia Is Available Now In Closed Beta

    Closed beta information, open beta is on August 10th

    Mental Outlaw just made a video about Lemmy
  • Cautiously optimistic. His community and comments tends to be a mixed bag.

  • gabowo gabowo

    hey i am a 22 year old gay jewish dude! i usually am on or feel free to send a message! I don't bite!

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