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Childless GOP candidate borrows family for weird photo shoot
  • You must be new here 🤩

    Someone said "people treat childless people as less-than", and I rebutted them. It doesn't matter that I may have made some valid points, I didn't explicitly and breathlessly agree that childless people are treated unfairly, so it's going to be unpopular.

    Seriously though, almost all of my posts get at least 2 downvotes within 5 minutes. I've often wondered if I have a bot following.

  • Childless GOP candidate borrows family for weird photo shoot
  • I should preface this by saying this whole idea of renting a family for a photoshoot is just nuts and wrong and wtf on many levels, I'm not defending that.

    I will say though this isn't necessarily about being "less of a person", I think that's kind of reductive and may not really describe the guy's intention.

    I recently started a family at 42, so I've lived 20 some years as an adult without a partner and children and it's true that I've felt somewhat excluded in some ways not having a partner and children. More-so than anything social, in 2024 it seems like it's very very expensive to be single. Like there's a very very narrow line you have to walk if you want to navigate life and be able to retire above the poverty line, and having a spouse is a requirement.

    Another aspect is simply that my priorities have changed since having children. I mean I always knew logically or understood academically the issues relevant to families, but now I grok them, I really feel them in a way that I just couldn't before. That doesn't make me better or "more of a person", it just makes my experience different.

    Maybe it's a bit like, as a white hetero male I can imagine what it might be like to belong to a minority, or understand the relevant issues logically, but I can never feel how that would feel.

    With all that in mind I can understand how a childless person trying to get elected might think that being perceived as "childful" might make them more electable, but aside from being just weird and wrong it's unethical and manipulative and naive.

  • Alabama executes death-row prisoner with nitrogen gas
  • Nitrogen asphyxiation may not be unpleasant, but being executed certainly causes duress.

    If the method of execution takes 8 minutes, and makes you "loopy" during that time, while contemplating your impending death, then that's cruel in my opinion.

    In my opinion, if you're going to execute someone then brevity and certainty must surely be required to make it humane.

    Imagine them hanging you upside down trying to find a vein for legal injection and being unable to do so for 2 hours. A firing squad would be better in many ways.

  • ~~Most~~ many file types are just a renamed .zip
  • Not really. The "file types" you're talking about are expected to contain whatever things in a very specific format.

    You're really just saying "many file types use an efficient and common compression algorithm". Which is correct, obvious, and to be expected.

  • Trump Sells $100K Gold Watches on Same Day Melania Insists People Can’t Afford Basic Necessities
  • I was listening to some interviews with undecided voters.

    Several saying that Trump is a business genius and has what it takes to balance the budget and run the economy.

    These people are "low information voters" who saw a meme in tiktok once, so you can't really blame them. Still, it's weird that this impression has sick with him despite him being the worst economic manager in the history of forever.

  • 2nd-ever nitrogen gas execution in US set to take place in Alabama
  • The US death penalty is so bizarre.

    "We desperately want to kill these probably-guilty people, we want it to appear humane while simultaneously lacking any humanity, and no one wants to be involved in any way because we acknowledge that it's pretty much murder which is the crime we're punishing these poor bastards for"

    Other countries still doing this, which I don't condone, at least own it. "We think these guys are scum and we're going to end them by chopping their heads off. No you may not watch."

  • 2nd-ever nitrogen gas execution in US set to take place in Alabama
  • The difference is the intent of the person, and the way the nitrogen is applied.

    In the case of the pod, you have someone who has likely been in pain or some kind of suffering for a long time who is keen for death to release them from their suffering.

    In the case of an execution you have someone desperate not to die, by any means possible.

    The guy they executed held his breath for a long time, then thrashed around trying to dislodge the mask, managed to get some free air through the improperly sealed mask, and then maybe had a seizure from the lack of oxygen and desperation. The whole thing is just fucked basically.

    There's some reason why they don't want to use a pod or chamber type set up, although I don't recall what that reason is.

  • Caroline Ellison, who helped convict Sam Bankman-Fried, sentenced to two years for FTX crypto fraud
  • I think you may have misunderstood the headline.

    It's not supposed to be "now convicted". She helped the lawyers make a case against SBF. She helped in the process of convicting him. She helped convict him. It's true that she did also help him do the naughty things but that's not what this headline is saying.

    Your version of the headline does not convey this aspect.

  • How to Promote Phishing and Scam Awareness

    Just wondered how others promote threat awareness for friends, family, co-workers, and clients.

    Every few weeks I email a half dozen employees & family members explaining one or other phishing attempt I've seen, just to keep it in peoples minds.

    I heard someone else talking about a kind of email pen-testing service you can sign up for and they send scammy emails to see if the recipient falls for it. Seems like a great idea but only viable for me if it's very cheap.

    I could link to something on in my email footer but I think that's just virtue signalling more than anything actually useful.

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