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Trump isn't even president yet and the NYT is already both sides-ing this shit.
  • 1906

    An issue of the New York Times published on September 10, 1906, chronicled the result:

    “Several thousand persons took the subway, the elevated and the surface cars to the New York Zoological Park in the Bronx yesterday, and there watched Ota Benga, the bushman, who has been put by the management on exhibition there in the monkey cage.

    The bushman didn't seemed (sic) to mind it, and there could be no doubt that to the majority the joint man and monkey exhibition was the most interesting sight in the Bronx park. Over and over again, the crowd laughed at him. If he wonders why he does not show it.”

    In case you think that this is unfairly judging the paper by the standards of today:

    ...a group of black clergymen took obvious and immediate offence to this display.

    Led by James H. Gordon, the group called for an immediate end to Benga’s incarceration.

  • my :hitler-metal-detector: just spiked, not sure why

    > the group got unfairly boycotted by extremist environmentalists who attacked the lead singer for honouring his cultural heritage, exposing themselves as closed-minded radicals.

    Is the frontman of Týr a whaler? They're faroese, this has to be about whaling right? regardless this review set off my !hitler-detector I don't think prog/folk metal is your jam but you might be interested

    It's a shame, the album's really good

    I might have to make :hitler-metal-detector:, where the partical detector's got Varg's face in the background or something

    Rachel Maddow is easily one of the most effective propagandists of the 21st century
  • a significant amount of libs opposed the Iraq war because it was started by Bush Jr. If it was a Democrat they wouldn't have been against it.

    well 99.9% is a significant amount

    Clinton's NATO bombed the Chinese embassy 5 years before and not one peep

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    falgscode [they/them]
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