@louisvgn @ploum @thumbkey @dessalines aucune idée ! Comme je débute, pour moi ils sont tous équivalents. j'ai pris français 1.
@TomViolence j'aurais dû explorer les layouts avant. Maintenant je m'habitue bien au fr 1 et j'ai pas trop envie de changer :)
@TomViolence I selected french 1 as I said to myself that any single one would be as good as the others since it's a complete relearning. I also decided to use the same layout for all languages, fr or en.
@cornshark same. install fdroid from the apk on their website, of course you wont find it in the playstore.
i love this idea of a playstore tax, tbh ^^
@cornshark it's completely free in fdroid. Where are you looking ? ?
@ryokimball @ploum @thumbkey @dessalines it is surprisingly easy to use !
@ryokimball @ploum @thumbkey @dessalines beware the learning curve 😆
At the suggestion of @ploum , I have started to use by @dessalines and I love it. It's a bit of a struggle after having used qwerty and azerty screen keyboards for so long, but I'm already
@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org t'es génial.