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Georgia Republican official and outspoken election denier caught voting illegally 9 times
  • She specifically asked if she could vote, they told her yes, then she still cast a provisional ballot just in case, then she was sent to prison for voting illegally.

  • What movie(s) did you see in the theater where the crowd applauded at the end?
  • I saw a free preview screening of Mission to Mars right before it came out. That horrible movie ended and the theater was dead silent, then someone yelled out, "I didn't have to pay to see that pile of crap". Everyone applauded.

  • "Do your own research" they say.
  • Am I blind or is there no letter i?

  • Microsoft is killing WordPad in Windows after 28 years
  • The "my IDE didn't recognize the file type and opened it in here by default" editor.

  • Canadian Taylor Swift
  • She's not your buddy, pal

  • Petition for to close registrations.
  • I mean, you named your account "you are hurting the fediverse" to come and ask them to close registrations then you ignore their questions. Seems kinda rude to me.

  • Removed
    Meta already appears to hold the rights to 'X.' It could make Twitter's rebrand complicated.
  • So instead of tweeting something do they now "X it out"?

  • Evernote Lays Off Most of Staff, Triggering Fears of Closure
  • They got rid of their free offerings, maybe that's what you are thinking of.

  • How should we deal with similarly named communities?
  • I think there are a couple of reasons to not allow mods on one instance to moderate posts on another instance.

    One example I can think of, if I wanted to grief a community I might go to another instance that doesn't have that community, create it, making myself a mod in the process. Then I would request federation with the community I want to grief. Then I'd mod away all their posts, or do anything else I wanted. With some luck and okay timing I bet a person could do a lot of damage before federation was turned off. People in IRC chat rooms used to use a similar technique to steal OP from others in rooms. Making modding of federated content only effect the local instance would contain any of that damage. As a feature creep sort of feature, perhaps modding done on an instance could send a suggested mod response to the originating instance, and they could do what they wanted with the information.

    Also, having it set up like I originally suggested could allow for other non standard federation arrangements. Like one instance that allows nsfw content in a community to be federated with one that auto blocks anything marked nsfw. Maybe even one way federation, where an instance shows posts from another in a community, but it isn't reciprocated. I don't think that would be usually the best idea, but it might work.

  • How should we deal with similarly named communities?
  • It would be neat if communities from different instances could federate with each other like the instances themselves do.

    In my mind it would work like this:
    If two communities have the same topic, and have compatible rules, then they could federate with each other. This would show the posts from both in a combined view in whichever instance you were logged in on.

    For moderators there would be two types of posts.
    Posts originating on their instance they would have full mod control over, and any actions taken on the posts would change the post for all other communities they are federated with.
    Posts originating from federated communities I think mods should be able to hide in the local communities as well as a subset of other mod abilities, like sticky. However these would only affect the local copy, not the original or the other federated communities.

    As far as I know neither Kbin nor Lemmy has anything like that, but I think it would be a great feature if either could make something like that work.

  • As the ol saying goes, “C’s get degrees” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • What do you call a med student that graduated with a C average?


  • If you want to host and manage your own Lemmy instance but are intimidated by the technical requirements, I can help!
  • Amazon has a very generous free tier for outgoing email in SES, and it is pretty easy to set up.

  • elrac elrac
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